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I know we are big dogs this week, but we usually do good in Tuscalusa and if we can get Jefferson on track we have a decent shot. A loss won't kill our season, but a win will put us in the drivers seat for our third title of the decade.
I know we are big dogs this week, but we usually do good in Tuscalusa and if we can get Jefferson on track we have a decent shot. A loss won't kill our season, but a win will put us in the drivers seat for our third title of the decade.

Not gonna happen, Top. An extra week of rest and planning? The defense will be better, Ingram will be rested & ready, and this game puts us in the game against FL for the SEC Championship.

Gonna be a battle for the first half, then.......
we'll see, my hope is our secondary is good enough to stack the box and make you 1 dimensional. Our D is good enough to beat you, as we ususally do. Not sure about our much younger QB though.
I know we are big dogs this week, but we usually do good in Tuscalusa and if we can get Jefferson on track we have a decent shot. A loss won't kill our season, but a win will put us in the drivers seat for our third title of the decade.
I'll be rooting for those Tigers! You betcha! LOL
Root all you want. Bama's D will stuff the run and harrass the QB into mistakes.

If we made good use of the two weeks off, we will have an offense that will wear your defense out.
I was hoping Topper would come in and talk about the game.

I was expecting to see him screaming about the ref's mistake in the interception call.

I don't think it would have made any difference, but its a shame it happened.
Fortunately for me I wAs driving to pic up the wife from the future daughter in laws bachlorette party. After Bama knocking out our QB with an illegag cheap shot the refs robbing the int would have been hard to take.
In the end I believe the better team won, Bama Qb proved to br tougher and better than ours. McClain is going to get paid as a top 5 NFL pick. Moving up in the bcs takes out a little of the loss sting. Tide will upset gators.
Fortunately for me I wAs driving to pic up the wife from the future daughter in laws bachlorette party. After Bama knocking out our QB with an illegag cheap shot the refs robbing the int would have been hard to take.
In the end I believe the better team won, Bama Qb proved to br tougher and better than ours. McClain is going to get paid as a top 5 NFL pick. Moving up in the bcs takes out a little of the loss sting. Tide will upset gators.

Illegal cheap shot? I saw him scrambling to tackle LSU's QB, but I didn't see a cheap shot on that play.
He clearly struck him with the dome of his helmet, spear to the chest on his way down.

Thats not what put him out. I saw the multiple replays, and I couldn't say if it was intentional spearing or just going hard for the QB.

But your QB went out with a twisted ankle. If a helmet to the chest causes a twisted ankle, it would have to be one helluva hit to the chest.

There were a lot of calls missed yesterday. I saw our D lineman with his hand pushing up into an LSU O lineman's face. I saw Ingram inside the 5 yard line get his head twisted around by his facemask. I saw more than a few pass interferences that went uncalled.

It was a tough physical game.

The reviewed call should have gone to LSU. But, as I said, I don't think it would have mattered.

But one that was missed that DID matter was the punt that put us on the 1 and ended up with LSU getting 2 points. If you have the game recorded, watch the punt. The ball was clearly touched by an LSU player at the 5 or farther out. That would have meant we were not in our own endzone and would have meant 2 fewer points for the Tigers.
doesn't matter if the CHEAP shot was intentional, he speared him on the way down. Saban teaches that.
Hopefully he will lift a little more and get tougher next year, you have to expect that from Bama.
doesn't matter if the CHEAP shot was intentional, he speared him on the way down. Saban teaches that.
Hopefully he will lift a little more and get tougher next year, you have to expect that from Bama.

Saban teaches that? Funny, if the head coach teaches a move, you would expect to see it more than once in a season.
Saban teaches that? Funny, if the head coach teaches a move, you would expect to see it more than once in a season.

I'm yanking your chain, if you watch the game you saw Jefferson stay down for several minutes after the blatant cheap shot, hope you guys pull that one on Tebow. But expect an ejection after you do that to Urb's boy.
According to at least two articles I have read, there was no “indisputed video evidence” to overturn the ruling on the field. It may have looked like it, but the replay ref didn't see indisputable evidence.
After you stop sucking sanans dick cheese look again. Its100 percent int. Espn wsssaying it all day. Home cooking. The sec wants to make sure they get a team in. Bama and fla have benefitted from bad calls all year.
After you stop sucking sanans dick cheese look again. Its100 percent int. Espn wsssaying it all day. Home cooking. The sec wants to make sure they get a team in. Bama and fla have benefitted from bad calls all year.

If the refs were watching the CBS footage, you might be right. But they don't use the TV footage.

There have been calls against us and for us, just like every other team. The first qtr saw us have a tightend catch a ball inbounds, but we lost it. The punt was touched by an LSU player between the 5 & 10 yardline, but the refs spotted it at the 1 and we ended up with a safety and LSU got two points.
After you stop sucking sanans dick cheese look again. Its100 percent int. Espn wsssaying it all day. Home cooking. The sec wants to make sure they get a team in. Bama and fla have benefitted from bad calls all year.
I seem to remember LSWho benefiting from bad calls during the GA game.
Take faith Topper. LSU losing to bama was no where near as unforgivable as the Phillies losing to the Evil Empire.

Will the sun ever rise again? Sigggghhh.
Take faith Topper. LSU losing to bama was no where near as unforgivable as the Phillies losing to the Evil Empire.

Will the sun ever rise again? Sigggghhh.
Frigging Phillies...

If Colorado is going to lose in the post season, it is somewhat better if the team they lose to is the champions...