Gee I wonder why The Criminal Putin wanted the right to win for his Russia .


Verified User
I think we know why. They had that dictatorship,, screw the poor, corrupt mentality and definitely thought that the right would be way easier to deal with and control. Easier to buy off, leaning in the same hate direction, using hate as a support group and voter group. Way less intelligent as a group. That can be controlled by ugliness , everything from Bigotry to wife beating. You name it Chauvinist, Goofball Christianity, hate of Immigrants, hate or anyone other then pure white , hate of the poor, and easily controlled by lies. They saw this group as easy and the right kind of ugly.
So why do you think they selected the right to support, this should be interesting. If you come in to tell me how you hate me and think I'm dumb and don't contribute anything your gone. I and the rest of the world cares little what you think of me personally.