Gen. Petraeus a Traitor?!?

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

Sept. 10, 2007
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Share A newspaper ad from the anti-war group that attacks Gen. David Petraeus has prompted a Republican outcry in Washington, D.C., as supporters of the surge strategy in Iraq change the subject from the progress in Iraq to the rhetoric used by war opponents.

"General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" reads the full-page ad (CLICK HERE), which cost the liberal group approximately $65,000 and ran in section A of today's New York Times.


Even lefty pundits on TV were talking about how tasteless this ad was.

Because the only lefty pundits on TV are pro-war (or at one time were pro-war). When the Republicans do stuff like this they all get on message and defend it. Liberals are a bunch of candy-asses. Pro-war liberals are the biggest candy-asses of all.

Second, I'd like to know how Saint Petraeus of the Blessed Surge can defeat the enemy in Iraq if he can't take a little ribbing from some anti-war hippies. Grow a pair, general.

And for all the righties that were shocked! shocked! at the ad, they can kiss my ass. All they've done for the past six years is impugn the integrity of everyone that didn't go along with them.

Moreover, Saint Petraeus has thrust himself in the spotlight through a month-long PR tour selling snake oil on the success of the surge. He put his integrity on the line in doing so. Now that he is being criticized for it, everyone is crying about it? Please. They're making a big deal about it because they know it's true and the general is a shill.

Sure, the ad is a bit over the top, but hey it rhymes. Can you think of something better that rhymes with Petraeus?
Because the only lefty pundits on TV are pro-war (or at one time were pro-war). When the Republicans do stuff like this they all get on message and defend it. Liberals are a bunch of candy-asses. Pro-war liberals are the biggest candy-asses of all.

Second, I'd like to know how Saint Petraeus of the Blessed Surge can defeat the enemy in Iraq if he can't take a little ribbing from some anti-war hippies. Grow a pair, general.

And for all the righties that were shocked! shocked! at the ad, they can kiss my ass. All they've done for the past six years is impugn the integrity of everyone that didn't go along with them.

Moreover, Saint Petraeus has thrust himself in the spotlight through a month-long PR tour selling snake oil on the success of the surge. He put his integrity on the line in doing so. Now that he is being criticized for it, everyone is crying about it? Please. They're making a big deal about it because they know it's true and the general is a shill.

Sure, the ad is a bit over the top, but hey it rhymes. Can you think of something better that rhymes with Petraeus?

Great points!

Petraues wrote an op-ed just before the 04 Presidential election, making claims about Iraq that were later shown to be false. He is a bush schill. Of course the same people who get hysterical over this ad, and start screaming for their smelling salts, have no problem when the bushies do a hit job on a General who maybe said, Rumsfeld can't find his ass in his own pants, we need more troops.

No problem. Why? Because when a Republican does it, then it's ok.
I don't think Gen. Patraeus is crying. I doubt he has even seen the ad.

Oh, so it's just the Republicans crying about it? Screw 'em. Who cares?

By the way, anyone catch any of the General's exclusive "interview" with Brit Hume last night on FoxNews? What a joke.
Oh, so it's just the Republicans crying about it? Screw 'em. Who cares?

By the way, anyone catch any of the General's exclusive "interview" with Brit Hume last night on FoxNews? What a joke.
I think it is political posturing over an ad. If people are convinced it is over the top then ads like this do the opposite of the intent.


I don't really care, my opinion remains unchanged. Although I don't think this General is a traitor. And the side that previously whined about being called traitors really shouldn't cast that particular stone.
I think it is political posturing over an ad. If people are convinced it is over the top then ads like this do the opposite of the intent.


I don't really care, my opinion remains unchanged. Although I don't think this General is a traitor. And the side that previously whined about being called traitors really shouldn't cast that particular stone.

Who called him a traitor?
Here's the full text of the ad:


Cooking the Books for the White House

General Petraeus is a military man constantly at war with the facts. In 2004, just before the election, he said there was “tangible progress” in Iraq and that “Iraqi leaders are stepping forward.” And last week Petraeus, the architect of the escalation of troops in Iraq, said, “We say we have achieved progress, and we are obviously going to do everything we can to build on that progress.”

Every independent report on the ground situation in Iraq shows that the surge strategy has failed. Yet the General claims a reduction in violence. That’s because, according to the New York Times, the Pentagon has adopted a bizarre formula for keeping tabs on violence. For example, deaths by car bombs don’t count. The Washington Post reported that assassinations only count if you’re shot in the back of the head — not the front. According to the Associated Press, there have been more civilian deaths and more American soldier deaths in the past three months than in any other summer we’ve been there. We’ll hear of neighborhoods where violence has decreased. But we won’t hear that those neighborhoods have been ethnically cleansed.

Most importantly, General Petraeus will not admit what everyone knows: Iraq is mired in an unwinnable religious civil war. We may hear of a plan to withdraw a few thousand American troops. But we won’t hear what Americans are desperate to hear: a timetable for withdrawing all our troops. General Petraeus has actually said American troops will need to stay in Iraq for as long as ten years.

Today, before Congress and before the American people, General Petraeus is likely to become General Betray Us.

I don't really see anything wrong with it.
Umm damo DH used your trick, he did not say Patreaus was a traitor he asked.....
And I spoke of the ad.

Why are you now being deliberately obtuse?

But then he specifically made a statement about how he saw nothing wrong with the ad, and I spoke to that as well.

Sept. 10, 2007
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Share A newspaper ad from the anti-war group that attacks Gen. David Petraeus has prompted a Republican outcry in Washington, D.C., as supporters of the surge strategy in Iraq change the subject from the progress in Iraq to the rhetoric used by war opponents.

"General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" reads the full-page ad (CLICK HERE), which cost the liberal group approximately $65,000 and ran in section A of today's New York Times.



So what? Democrats, liberals, and greens like me have been accussed of being traitors for six years, even when virutally everything we predicted on the strategic front in Iraq turned out to be true. If you had listed to us, you wouldn't have killed tens of thousands of innocent people, and squandered a trillion tax payer dollars.

So let me know if you need a hanky to wipe those tears away.