General Patton & Communism


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Democrats will never allow Communism to be defeated militarily. The Democrat Party’s policy (NEW WORLD ORDER policy) of defending Communism and Communists began in 1945.


Instead of getting out the way because he wanted invade the Soviet Union while the troops were still in Europe the New World Order assassinated Patton.

In fact, Generals Patton and MacArthur, among many others, knew that Communism had to be defeated on the battlefield. It was not done in 1946 because Democrat traitors were too well-entrenched throughout the government by the end of WWII. (Everything Patton and MacArthur said about Communism applies equally to Islam.)

American Communists called Generals Patton and MacArthur crazy. The truth is: Those “crazy generals” understood nuclear weapons better than most. The trouble was that most politicians did not understand the political power of a nuclear arsenal along with the will to use it against an enemy. The Soviet Union would have been defeated in a year; months if Patten took advantage of the German Army. Communism would have been defeated in Europe. America could then have concentrated on defeating Communism in China’s civil war, and, by extension, Communism would have been defeated in all of Asia.

NOTE: The willingness to win a total victory is the exact opposite of Democrat Party war policy —— PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY.

Target: Patton

. . . interviews with Mr Bazata, who died in 1999, and extracts from his diaries, detailing how he staged the car crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton's Cadillac and then shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which broke his neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch.

November 22, 2012
The Mysterious Death of Gen. George S. Patton
By Robert K. Wilcox

I thought of a “low-velocity projectile” as some kind of mechanical karate chop developed by the OSS. The attempt was a botched assassination because Patton did not die instantly.

The subject matter was a mind-blower because I had not heard ‘Patton’s assassination’ talked about in decades; not since the 1970 movie Patton, and very little back then. The only place it was discussed those days was in VFW halls when a few Vets who fought in WW II batted it around.

Naturally, the book Target: Patton was dismissed as another crackpot conspiracy theory. That is not the case.

Target: Patton charged the Soviet Union with finishing Patton off rather than charging the The New World Order crowd. Can you imagine the reaction of the men who fought in Patton’s Third Army had the Soviet Union been outed for the crime not to mention the botched attempt by Mr Bazata on orders from “Wild Bill” Donovan?

My point is that the things Patton was saying would have derailed the New World Order’s plans. Assassinating Patton to keep their plan on track makes more sense to me than dd killing him simply because he might embarrass people in FDR’s inner circle like Alger Hiss. At the very least, the United Nations might never have gotten off the ground if Hiss, who was spying for Stalin, was tarred by Patton. Hiss became the Secretary General presiding over the UN Charter Conference.

Had Americans fought a war against the Soviets in the late 1940's they would have destroyed the world is another myth on par with “It is better to accept Communism than it is to have a nuclear war.” The threat of nuclear war aimed at the Soviets would have meant the end of Communism had it been used when America was infinitely superior militarily.

NOTE: Patton was known for wanting to take on the Soviets while American troops were already trained and in Europe. In addition, General Patton could have enlisted the best of the German Army as allies. There is no doubt they would have jumped at the chance to fight Soviet Communists alongside the well-supplied American army.

Parenthetically, Soviet military invincibility was invented in Hollywood movie plotlines. (Nazi Germany bungling it on the Russian Front did not mean Stalin’s military would have defeated America & Allies.)

Finally, the press was not much different during WWII than it is today. Patton’s media detractors could not wait to jump all over the slapping incident. An incident made famous by none other than columnist Drew Pearson (1897 - 1969). Pearson was a big supporter of the Soviet Union, and was not known for his accuracy. If you think today’s media mouths are bad, read a bit about Pearson:

p.s. The Unknown Patton is for those who might be interested in biographical details:

The Unknown Patton Paperback – May 6, 2009
by Charles M. Province
Instead of getting out the way because he wanted invade the Soviet Union while the troops were still in Europe the New World Order assassinated Patton.

Proof you are a loon. Patton was paralyzed in an automobile accident and died from his injuries with his wife at his side.
Patton was rushed to the 130th Station Hospital in Heidelberg, 12 miles away. There, he was x-rayed, revealing two crushed vertebrae. Simply put: Patton had broken his neck. For the next 12 days, Patton lay in traction, at times with painful fishhooks implanted into his cheeks on either side of his upper jaw, attached to weights to stabilize his neck. His wife, Beatrice, flew in from Boston to be at his side and read him books and letters from well-wishers. Showing a few signs of recovery, his doctors put him in a body cast to prepare him for a flight home to the United States. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his paralysis and breathed his last before the move could be made.

With the General’s passing, Beatrice had to decide where his remains would reside. She wanted the body returned to the United States and buried near their Massachusetts home. The French government, grateful for Patton’s role in liberating their country, offered to bury him in Napoleon’s tomb, where a number of great marshals were laid to rest. But at the recommendation of Major General Geoffrey Keyes, Patton’s deputy commander in North Africa and Sicily, Beatrice made up her mind. “Of course,” she declared, “he should be buried here. Why didn’t I think of it? I know George would want to lie beside the men of his Army who have fallen.” She decided her husband would be buried at the American Cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg, which was filled with Patton’s Third Army soldiers killed during the Battle of the Bulge.
Is Communism even a thing anymore?
China and Russia are capitalist oligarchies now.
North Korea is essentially one big gulag; maybe they still come close.
Cuba is essentially a fishing village, a salsa band, a few tobacco and sugar cane fields, a rum distillery, a dilapidated 1950s hotel-casino or two, and an American-run concentration camp.

Where's this Communism that trumptards and trumpanzees are so worried about?
Is Communism even a thing anymore?
China and Russia are capitalist oligarchies now.
North Korea is essentially one big gulag; maybe they still come close.
Cuba is essentially a fishing village, a salsa band, a few tobacco and sugar cane fields, a rum distillery, a dilapidated 1950s hotel-casino or two, and an American-run concentration camp.

Where's this Communism that trumptards and trumpanzees are so worried about?

Shhhhh, you are pulling the rug out from beneath eighty years of right wing conspiracies
@post 1

In 1945 the USSR had an enormous, battle-seasoned army which had done the brunt of the fighting in Europe. There is exactly a zero percent chance the American expeditionary force in Europe could have invaded the USSR with even the remotest possibility of success.

Napoleon, King Charles of Sweden, Adolph Hitler all made the catastrophic mistake of assuming Russia could be invaded and defeated.

I think Patton's off the cuff remark about invading Russia was not really 100% serious.

The moral authority of western liberal democracy is what prevailed in the cold war. Masturbatory fantasies of American tanks rolling down Red Square just do not cut the mustard.
@post 1

In 1945 the USSR had an enormous, battle-seasoned army which had done the brunt of the fighting in Europe. There is exactly a zero percent chance the American expeditionary force in Europe could have invaded the USSR with even the remotest possibility of success.

Napoleon, King Charles of Sweden, Adolph Hitler all made the catastrophic mistake of assuming Russia could be invaded and defeated.

I think Patton's off the cuff remark about invading Russia was not really 100% serious.

The moral authority of western liberal democracy is what prevailed in the cold war. Masturbatory fantasies of American tanks rolling down Red Square just do not cut the mustard.

The US had nukes. The US Army would be on occupation duty, not invasion duty. :)
The US had nukes. The US Army would be on occupation duty, not invasion duty. :)

The USA only had enough nukes to finish of Japan. There is exactly a zero percent chance USA was realistically going to drop a nuclear bomb on Moscow, and even if they had, many countries in history had masturbatory fantasies of occupying Russia and turning its people into slaves - those fantasies always turned into nightmares.
The USA only had enough nukes to finish of Japan. There is exactly a zero percent chance USA was realistically going to drop a nuclear bomb on Moscow, and even if they had, many countries in history had masturbatory fantasies of occupying Russia and turning its people into slaves - those fantasies always turned into nightmares.

The Soviets didn't know that fact plus the US had a lot more bombs in the pipeline. Waiting six months to "negotiate" terms with the Soviets would allow the US to consolidate their position.

BTW, no need to occupy the former Soviet Union when a single nuke would have taken out Stalin and the Politburo and let the Soviet states devolve into the same civil war we saw after the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. :)

The goal would be to eliminate the Soviet Union's leadership, not occupy the country. Did the US really intend to occupy Europe and Japan for 50 years? Wasn't the only reason to be there was to counter the Soviet threat? No Soviets, not threat.
Proof you are a loon. Patton was paralyzed in an automobile accident and died from his injuries with his wife at his side.
Patton was rushed to the 130th Station Hospital in Heidelberg, 12 miles away. There, he was x-rayed, revealing two crushed vertebrae. Simply put: Patton had broken his neck. For the next 12 days, Patton lay in traction, at times with painful fishhooks implanted into his cheeks on either side of his upper jaw, attached to weights to stabilize his neck. His wife, Beatrice, flew in from Boston to be at his side and read him books and letters from well-wishers. Showing a few signs of recovery, his doctors put him in a body cast to prepare him for a flight home to the United States. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his paralysis and breathed his last before the move could be made.

With the General’s passing, Beatrice had to decide where his remains would reside. She wanted the body returned to the United States and buried near their Massachusetts home. The French government, grateful for Patton’s role in liberating their country, offered to bury him in Napoleon’s tomb, where a number of great marshals were laid to rest. But at the recommendation of Major General Geoffrey Keyes, Patton’s deputy commander in North Africa and Sicily, Beatrice made up her mind. “Of course,” she declared, “he should be buried here. Why didn’t I think of it? I know George would want to lie beside the men of his Army who have fallen.” She decided her husband would be buried at the American Cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg, which was filled with Patton’s Third Army soldiers killed during the Battle of the Bulge.

Ned Flanders is a John Bircher kook
The Soviets didn't know that fact plus the US had a lot more bombs in the pipeline. Waiting six months to "negotiate" terms with the Soviets would allow the US to consolidate their position.

BTW, no need to occupy the former Soviet Union when a single nuke would have taken out Stalin and the Politburo and let the Soviet states devolve into the same civil war we saw after the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. :)

The goal would be to eliminate the Soviet Union's leadership, not occupy the country. Did the US really intend to occupy Europe and Japan for 50 years? Wasn't the only reason to be there was to counter the Soviet threat? No Soviets, not threat.

A nuke-carrying B-29 would have had to cross 2,000 kilometers of Soviet-occupied territory to reach Moscow, and even assuming it made it, there is no guarantee Stalin would have been anywhere in the vicinity.

Stalin's location and movements were a tenaciously guarded state secret, the Soviets routinely deployed Stalin lookalikes. Moreover, if B-29s had to traverse 2,000 km of Soviet air space, the Soviets would be able to triangulate their heading towards Moscow and had plenty of time to whisk Kremlin leadership to safety.

There is an obvious appeal to speculate about alternative histories, but the powers of reason and logic dictate that this plan would have been foolhardy and with only a tiny chance of success
A nuke-carrying B-29 would have had to cross 2,000 kilometers of Soviet-occupied territory to reach Moscow, and even assuming it made it, there is no guarantee Stalin would have been anywhere in the vicinity.

Stalin's location and movements were a tenaciously guarded state secret, the Soviets routinely deployed Stalin lookalikes. Moreover, if B-29s had to traverse 2,000 km of Soviet air space, the Soviets would be able to triangulate their heading towards Moscow and had plenty of time to whisk Kremlin leadership to safety.

There is an obvious appeal to speculate about alternative histories, but the powers of reason and logic dictate that this plan would have been foolhardy and with only a tiny chance of success

Meh. There are ways.

More interesting to me in such speculations isn't whether the US could have pulled it off but what would the world have looked like had the US disintegrated Stalin and the Politburo in 1946?

Would the US really go down the same road as Napoleon and Hitler? Or, as I believe, they'd have pulled back. Maybe all the way to our own beaches since there'd be no excuse to keep such a large military deployed for decades. Would the Homefront really have put up with the sacrifices of a large, deployed military?
Meh. There are ways.

More interesting to me in such speculations isn't whether the US could have pulled it off but what would the world have looked like had the US disintegrated Stalin and the Politburo in 1946?

Would the US really go down the same road as Napoleon and Hitler? Or, as I believe, they'd have pulled back. Maybe all the way to our own beaches since there'd be no excuse to keep such a large military deployed for decades. Would the Homefront really have put up with the sacrifices of a large, deployed military?
Always fun to consider alternative history.

I believe by the late 1940s, the Communist Party of the USSR had such an Iron grip on Soviet Russia, that even taking Stalin out by assassination or military attack would not have caused communist authority to evaporate.

Then there is the rally around the flag effect. If it was clear USA attacked Russia, killed its leadership, and vaporized millions of innocent civilians in Moscow, the energies of the Soviet nation probably would have been driven towards retribution against USA, not in fighting another large scale civil war on Soviet territory.
Is Communism even a thing anymore?
China and Russia are capitalist oligarchies now.
North Korea is essentially one big gulag; maybe they still come close.
Cuba is essentially a fishing village, a salsa band, a few tobacco and sugar cane fields, a rum distillery, a dilapidated 1950s hotel-casino or two, and an American-run concentration camp.

Where's this Communism that trumptards and trumpanzees are so worried about?

The Cold War had little to do with Communism and was about Soviet expansionism.
Always fun to consider alternative history.

I believe by the late 1940s, the Communist Party of the USSR had such an Iron grip on Soviet Russia, that even taking Stalin out by assassination or military attack would not have caused communist authority to evaporate.

Then there is the rally around the flag effect. If it was clear USA attacked Russia, killed its leadership, and vaporized millions of innocent civilians in Moscow, the energies of the Soviet nation probably would have been driven towards retribution against USA, not in fighting another large scale civil war on Soviet territory.

Tough to say since Stalin was what held the Party together, most of whom would have perished in a nuclear attack along with all the centralized features of a totalitarian socialist government.

Look at what happened when the Soviet Union did collapse. They spent more time fighting each other than anyone else. Look at how multiple states declared independence and were willing to fight for it. The entire region would devolve into something like the Balkans conflicts of the early 90s. Poland, and the other conquered nations would have freed themselves. The US presence would mainly be at the United Nations.

Without the USSR to prop it up, what would have happened in China?
The Cold War had little to do with Communism and was about Soviet expansionism.

No. Many nations around the world tried to choose Communism of their own volition
and the United States either violently stopped them or tried to stop them.
Also the truth.
I was there, forced to be part of it.
Were you?

I'd want to take a look at the specifics of what you are declaring. It's like the lying assholes who say socialism works then point at Sweden, which is not a socialist nation or those who whine about "gun violence" while hiding the fact 2/3s of those deaths are suicides.