Genetics cause Republicans ?


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Ruthlessness gene' discovered

Dictatorial behaviour may be partly genetic, study suggests.

Michael Hopkin
Could a gene be partly responsible for the behaviour of some of the worlds most infamous dictators?Could a gene be partly responsible for the behaviour of some of the worlds most infamous dictators?

Selfish dictators may owe their behaviour partly to their genes, according to a study that claims to have found a genetic link to ruthlessness. The study might help to explain the money-grabbing tendencies of those with a Machiavellian streak — from national dictators down to 'little Hitlers' found in workplaces the world over.

Researchers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem found a link between a gene called AVPR1a and ruthless behaviour in an economic exercise called the 'Dictator Game'. The exercise allows players to behave selflessly, or like money-grabbing dictators such as former Zaire President Mobutu, who plundered the mineral wealth of his country to become one of the world's richest men while its citizens suffered in poverty.

The researchers don't know the mechanism by which the gene influences behaviour. It may mean that for some, the old adage that "it is better to give than to receive" simply isn't true, says team leader Richard Ebstein. The reward centres in those brains may derive less pleasure from altruistic acts, he suggests, perhaps causing them to behave more selfishly.
More socialist drivel about how making money is evil. Luckily I don't have the business or financial touch, so I will never have to worry about making too much money...

Newsflash to liberals: work/invest/pioneer and make you're own damn money!
Very interesting study.

I think this very well may explain some of our politicians but naivity is probably a better explanation of the people who vote republican.