George Bush Bumper Stickers


Got these in an email from my brother-in-law.... and I wanted to share them

Bush bumper stickers:

End of an Error

That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway

Let's Fix Democracy in This Country First

If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran

Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.

If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President

Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?

George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight

America: One Nation, Under Surveillance

They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It

Whose God Do You Kill For?

Cheney/Satan '08

Jail to the Chief

No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq?

We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language

We're Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them

Is It Vietnam Yet?

Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either

Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Handbasket?

You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.

Impeach Cheney First

When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46

Pray For Impeachment

The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century

What Part of "Bush Lied" Don't You Understand?

One Nation Under Clod

2004: Embarrassed
2005: Horrified
2006: Terrified

Bush Never Exhaled

At Least Nixon Resigned
Liberal Bumper stickers...

I'm always Professor told me so
I'm not insane...I have a certificate from the asylum releasing me
Religion sucks...morality is too hard...or is that soft?
I never had sex with that woman...I prefer Boys...or girls...anything easy
I'll spend your money anyway I want

I'm always Professor told me so
I'm not insane...I have a certificate from the asylum releasing me
Religion sucks...morality is too hard...or is that soft?
I never had sex with that woman...I prefer Boys...or girls...anything easy
I'll spend your money anyway I want


actually , seems like that one would work for either party/group ;)
I don't have any bumper stickers. Have thought of going into humorous political ones for a sideline though.

Start up 2 LLC's and have one do the anti lib ones and one do the anti con ones. I always come out a winner :)
There's a sort of circular bumper sticker that we see occasionally around here, a takeoff of the "W" with the "04" tucked into the lower right. The "04" has been replaced by "TF".

A friend gave me one I couldn't resist: "It's hard to be humble when you own a border collie".
I won't go into the history, but we're better acquainted with the puppy phase than we'd expected to be. Our beloved BC died unexpectedly in September. I'm taking our 16-mo-old Aussie to Agility training in her place, and the tasks we're doing now are also appropriate for the puppy. He loves it!

Treat him right -- well, he sleeps on the bed, has his own toybox, is the center of attention (along with the Aussie who seems to adore him), and while we're at work has his own confined large area inside with food (lunch: he still gets 3 meals per day), water, music (NPR) and a great variety of toys and balls, as well as a soft place to lie down. He's a great cuddler and has now entered the "imp" stage where he runs off with anything not nailed down. We've puppy-proofed, but he still finds ways. He does everything with unbridled joy, a hallmark of his breed, and brings that joy to us as well. We'll start puppy class in January and he'll go into Agility, and possibly Rally, when he's ready. I'm not keen to compete except perhaps locally, and then it's just to give him something more to do and have fun with my dog. All that title stuff goes right over my head.
When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46

Wow, see what happens when you elect oil men president and Vice President.