George Orwell wanna-be's among us?


Shaken, not stirred!
Recently, I've come across a disturbing (at least to me) trend emerging. Some Human Resource offices for companies, along with some personnel agencies request that an applicant supply their FaceBook page link as part of the application form for a job/position.

Now sad to say I've been around the block with regards to the job hunt situation more than once in the last 30 years. But there is a positive learning experience from any situation....and one thing I learned is that even during a face to face interview, a potential employer DOES NOT ask about your private life (unless you're applying for high finance or security job). It's a job interview, NOT dating service or party invitation.

I see this as part of the trend by people who feel totally "empowered" by the economic caste system that has been growing since Ronal Reagan's "trickle down" policies took root. Back in the day, employer's were looking for capable employee's who are competant, have manner's and an 8th of a brain when dealing with clients/customers. Now, with a lousy economy, it's a buyer's market, and people like me are more like "cattle" than human beings. So now it's what, if an employer doesn't like your taste in music or friends, you're out of the running for the position offered? I think these people have been watching too many episodes of "Downton Abbey".

Apropo to this, some potential employer's are looking at applicant's financial situation? Since the whole point of seeking a job is to IMPROVE your financial situation, what's to know? I mean damn, it's bad enough that these "credit score" companies determine a large portion of our lives by literally spying on your financial employer's are getting in on the scam! So the "logic" is now that the employer has to want to hang out with you and you have to be financially solvent to the point where you don't need a job right away to be considered for hiring?

What a crock! When will these clowns learn? This "we would be kings" attitude has already lead to the worse financial situation since the depression....and if you keep squeezing the public like this, the push-back will make 1968 look like an Occupied Wall St. protest....if they don't kill each other in a greed fest for the world's resources. Just saying.
Recently, I've come across a disturbing (at least to me) trend emerging. Some Human Resource offices for companies, along with some personnel agencies request that an applicant supply their FaceBook page link as part of the application form for a job/position.

Now sad to say I've been around the block with regards to the job hunt situation more than once in the last 30 years. But there is a positive learning experience from any situation....and one thing I learned is that even during a face to face interview, a potential employer DOES NOT ask about your private life (unless you're applying for high finance or security job). It's a job interview, NOT dating service or party invitation.

I see this as part of the trend by people who feel totally "empowered" by the economic caste system that has been growing since Ronal Reagan's "trickle down" policies took root. Back in the day, employer's were looking for capable employee's who are competant, have manner's and an 8th of a brain when dealing with clients/customers. Now, with a lousy economy, it's a buyer's market, and people like me are more like "cattle" than human beings. So now it's what, if an employer doesn't like your taste in music or friends, you're out of the running for the position offered? I think these people have been watching too many episodes of "Downton Abbey".

Apropo to this, some potential employer's are looking at applicant's financial situation? Since the whole point of seeking a job is to IMPROVE your financial situation, what's to know? I mean damn, it's bad enough that these "credit score" companies determine a large portion of our lives by literally spying on your financial employer's are getting in on the scam! So the "logic" is now that the employer has to want to hang out with you and you have to be financially solvent to the point where you don't need a job right away to be considered for hiring?

What a crock! When will these clowns learn? This "we would be kings" attitude has already lead to the worse financial situation since the depression....and if you keep squeezing the public like this, the push-back will make 1968 look like an Occupied Wall St. protest....if they don't kill each other in a greed fest for the world's resources. Just saying.

While not a job application, one of the project managers I recently worked with wanted to be able to see everyone's facebook account so he could make sure no one was discussing the project on a social network. He ranted and raved a few times, but no one (to my knowledge) changed the privacy settings to suit him.
We have IT Bots at work who check into that sit. They are looking for activity that could be damaging to the company. That's really what they care about. To that point. I don't discuss work related issue, I never identify who my employer is nor do I ever make comments about them, their clients or my colleagues. Nor do I discuss things about my private life that could damage my career if an IT Bot was to read it. It sucks that your rights end at your employers door but that's what the wing nuts wanted.
We have IT Bots at work who check into that sit. They are looking for activity that could be damaging to the company. That's really what they care about. To that point. I don't discuss work related issue, I never identify who my employer is nor do I ever make comments about them, their clients or my colleagues. Nor do I discuss things about my private life that could damage my career if an IT Bot was to read it. It sucks that your rights end at your employers door but that's what the wing nuts wanted.

To quote the Isley Bros., "...You got to fight the powers that be!" Unless it's dealing with high finances or gov't/military security...NO employer has the "right" to pry into your private finances or social life.
To quote the Isley Bros., "...You got to fight the powers that be!" Unless it's dealing with high finances or gov't/military security...NO employer has the "right" to pry into your private finances or social life.

We always like to think that this won't happen over here but it usually happens anyway. Google in particular seems to think it has a divine right to use your private info, they have just announced their new privacy policy which means that info gleaned from YouTube, Gmail etc will be shared and stored for commercial use. I am always amazed how lackadaisical people are about their eroding rights. SOPA and PIPA were just the first wave of the assault on human rights, the powers that be are just regrouping for the next attack which will be much smarter.
Big Brother is not just the purview of corporations. Big Sister (Janet Napolitano) version is doing their part as well.

The Feds have been forced to release their social network monitoring manual, which contains the list of words the government watches on social media and news sites.

Earlier the Huffington Post reported on the Feds have been forced to give up their list of words they monitor on Facebook, Twitter, and comments being posted on news articles, so I compiled that list below.

The Official List – Using these words online will put you in the crosshairs Big Brother’s multi-billion dollar spy machine

Domestic Security
Domestic security
Law enforcement
Disaster assistance
Disaster management
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear
Detection Office)
National preparedness
Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management
Emergency response
First responder
Homeland security
Maritime domain awareness
National preparedness
Shots fired
Explosion (explosive)
Disaster medical assistance
team (DMAT)
Organized crime Gangs
National security
State of emergency
Bomb (squad or threat)
Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb
HAZMAT & Nuclear
Chemical spill
Suspicious package/device
National laboratory
Nuclear facility
Nuclear threat
Radioactive Leak
Biological infection (or
Chemical burn
Hazardous material incident
Industrial spill
Powder (white) Gas
Blister agent
Chemical agent
Nerve agent
North Korea
Health Concern + H1N1
Food Poisoning
Foot and Mouth (FMD)
Vaccine Salmonella
Small Pox
Human to human
Human to Animal
Center for Disease Control
Drug Administration (FDA)
Public Health
Agro Terror
Tuberculosis (TB)
Norvo Virus
Epidemic Agriculture
Water/air borne
Pork World Health Organization
(WHO) (and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
E. Coli
and there's 5 more specific categories that DHS monitors social networking sites for.

Damo, you're welcome for all the hits this forum is now going to receive in the near future from homeland security.
We always like to think that this won't happen over here but it usually happens anyway. Google in particular seems to think it has a divine right to use your private info, they have just announced their new privacy policy which means that info gleaned from YouTube, Gmail etc will be shared and stored for commercial use. I am always amazed how lackadaisical people are about their eroding rights. SOPA and PIPA were just the first wave of the assault on human rights, the powers that be are just regrouping for the next attack which will be much smarter.

The only thing that saves you from the Google nonsense if you don't sign up with them. I use AOL, and have access to google, but in order to get certain functions made permanent, I have to sign up with Google.

But essentially, this is just moves to strip away the pretense and bureaucratic requirements to spy on you without going through law enforcement authorities. As Kevin McCarthy screamed in the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"....."Don't you understand? They're already here! You're next!"
and there's 5 more specific categories that DHS monitors social networking sites for.

Damo, you're welcome for all the hits this forum is now going to receive in the near future from homeland security.

Well, since you "oathers" and "threepers" are "everywhere", you should be able to politically organize to shut this crap down....oh wait, you had the chance and you SUPPORTED the very administration that wrought this upon us.

History is a bitch, ain't it?
still stuck on stupid, aren't ya? you'd sound so much more intelligent if you could get off the 'anything not left is right' schtick.

You're talking loud, yet saying nothing, STY.

Bottom line: YOU chose to make this a partisan schtick by pointing to Nepolitano but NOT pointing out the origin of the very policy she's running. I just called you on it, and you don't like it. TFB.

I don't cotton to ANY administration that pulls this crap...and I hold Obama accountable for continuing this guff, and blame the Shrub & company for creating and foistering this on the American public.

My issue here is that this "ruling class" attitude has taken such root that employers are now comfortable enough to turn thought into action.....and we the people better get off our butts, pay attention and vote out the clowns who won't address and correct this stuff. have good points. why put the blame solely on reagan though? control of the population is far bigger than any president.
Big Brother is not just the purview of corporations. Big Sister (Janet Napolitano) version is doing their part as well.

The Feds have been forced to release their social network monitoring manual, which contains the list of words the government watches on social media and news sites.

Earlier the Huffington Post reported on the Feds have been forced to give up their list of words they monitor on Facebook, Twitter, and comments being posted on news articles, so I compiled that list below.

The Official List – Using these words online will put you in the crosshairs Big Brother’s multi-billion dollar spy machine

Domestic Security
Domestic security
Law enforcement
Disaster assistance
Disaster management
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear
Detection Office)
National preparedness
Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management
Emergency response
First responder
Homeland security
Maritime domain awareness
National preparedness
Shots fired
Explosion (explosive)
Disaster medical assistance
team (DMAT)
Organized crime Gangs
National security
State of emergency
Bomb (squad or threat)
Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb

I'd love to see EVERYONE inserting these words into EVERY electronic communication. When these little men with their little dicks get a billion messages a day flagged for their attention maybe they will get the message.
We once had a marketing manager who requested that all communications be in writing. After a few weeks of receiving mail the envelopes of which had to be slit, the contents read and the resultant rubbish consigned to the bin he admitted his mistake. I cant remember his name but he got letters with circulation requirements stamped on them asking, How are you today? Is you little dog feeling any better? Can you please reply in green and not black?
and many more creative that those. have good points. why put the blame solely on reagan though? control of the population is far bigger than any president.

I place blame on the Administration whose leadership promotes and implements policies that are truly detrimental to the ideals of freedom and democracy that this country was created for. If one really wants to get into it, you can trace the beginnings of "Big Brother" way before Reagan....I just use him as the most immediate example of using faux populism to push an Orwellian nightmare down the unsuspecting throats of his supporters/followers.

You cannot vote for and support a "leader" and then turn around and disown/belittle him when facts cast a shadow on his popular legend....this goes for Nixon, Carter, Reagan, the Bush Crime Family, Clinton and Obama.
I agree. Glad I don't have a Facebook account anymore for reasons like this. People underestimate how much the stuff they put online can come back to haunt them. I know one place I worked for did a Facebook check for me and they didn't find shit. Pwned. No smoking weed, drinking, bar pictures of me, no irrate status updates. No stalking people i know. suck it information collectors.