Georgia Congressman Dies

Its a sad story. I do wonder who will replace him though. Is there another election that's going to be held?
It would depend on the State law. Here in CO the Party Central Committee would have ten days to appoint a successor, if they didn't get there then Gov. Bill Ritter would do it.
And your point?

Does that mean that every Republican is, or that you associate only with those who are? What are you getting at here?
I think he is about the 6th guy to claim to be the father of her child.
Oh, please. Like I need another kid by a no-talent blonde bimbo? W is such a pain in the ass as it stands I'm not likely to make that mistake again.

And believe me, Vicky Lynne is boring as hell, too. Nice upholstery, yeah, but that's nothing special down here. Believe me: I'm up to my tits in six foot wannabe wet nurses. Sounds like fun until you have to put up with the giggling and whining.