Gerald R. Ford: The U.S. Navy’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Ever Is Ready for Action

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
After Years of Delays, Aircraft Carrier USS Gerald R. Ford Is Ready For Action - After years of setbacks, multiple delays, and most notably cost overruns, the United States Navy's newest and largest aircraft carrier proved that good things come to those who wait. The $13 billion USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), lead vessel in a new class of ten planned flattops, finally embarked upon her first – albeit abridged – inaugural deployment.

The first-in-class aircraft carrier, also the flagship of the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group (GRFCSG), returned to Naval Station Norfolk on November 26, 2022, after conducting exercises and port visits with Allies and partners.

CVN-78 set sail from Norfolk, Virginia on October 4, 2022, and during her maiden deployment traveled more than 9,275 nautical miles with GRFCSG. USS Gerald R. Ford operated with eight Allies and partners, including Canada, Denmark, Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden, to strengthen interoperability, while conducting a range of maritime operations and exercises.
After Years of Delays, Aircraft Carrier USS Gerald R. Ford Is Ready For Action - After years of setbacks, multiple delays, and most notably cost overruns, the United States Navy's newest and largest aircraft carrier proved that good things come to those who wait. The $13 billion USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), lead vessel in a new class of ten planned flattops, finally embarked upon her first – albeit abridged – inaugural deployment.

The first-in-class aircraft carrier, also the flagship of the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group (GRFCSG), returned to Naval Station Norfolk on November 26, 2022, after conducting exercises and port visits with Allies and partners.

CVN-78 set sail from Norfolk, Virginia on October 4, 2022, and during her maiden deployment traveled more than 9,275 nautical miles with GRFCSG. USS Gerald R. Ford operated with eight Allies and partners, including Canada, Denmark, Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden, to strengthen interoperability, while conducting a range of maritime operations and exercises.

Nice "boat". :flagsal:
Deployments generally last at least 6 months, less than two months demonstrates either a lack of confidence or that the Pentagon is lying yet again claiming that it is finally fully operational.
Enough fire power to annihilate Putin's army in Ukraine if Vlad even dares to use tactical nukes.

Agreed, although I doubt it will come to that point. Putin's own people would probably take him out first.

In 1976, Lt. Viktor Belenko defected to Japan in his Mig-25. The Japanese turned over Belenko and his aircraft to the US. The USSR demanded their aircraft back, which the US three crates after it had been dissected. The US wined and dined Belenko for information and took him around the country showing him America; bedroom neighborhoods and shopping malls. Belenko thought it was all a set-up, American Potemkin villages....until they took him aboard a US aircraft carrier. Watching flight operations convinced Belenko since the dedication and professionalism he observed couldn't be faked. There's a reason why the Soviets didn't have aircraft carriers and it's not because they couldn't build them.
Then too there is the matter that the F-35's it carries is a failed plane that we have already spent two decades on and cant get out of.