Geriatriac McCain: Is he delusional? Or just lying?


Will work for Scooby snacks
-John McCain, Last Week:

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told CNN that that President Bush’s escalation in Iraq is going so well, “General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed humvee.”

On Monday, he told radio host Bill Bennett that there “are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods, today.”


-John McCain, Today in Iraq:

McCain Strolls Through Baghdad Market, Accompanied By 100 Soldiers, 3 Blackhawks, 2 Apache Gunships.....wearing a flak jacket.

Newsweek’s Babak Dehghanpisheh writes:

“In any case, it didn’t take the insurgents long to send their reply. Less then 30 minutes after McCain wrapped up, a barrage of half a dozen mortars peppered the boundaries of the Green Zone, where the senators held their press conference.”
He's delusional.

Obviously he had some embarrasingly wrong information about Petraeus and he drew to many conclusions from it. Then, whenever he had to go to Iraq, he told the military about it. They laughed at him and put a few hundred troops around him. I guess he's a bit wiser now.
McCain is old hat. He will not get the nomination. And even if by some miracle he did, he would lose to any democrat, even Kucinich.

As I've said before, the only issue in '08 that will really swing the election will be the war. The most anti-war candidate wins, and that sure as shit ain't going to be a Republican, unless its Ron Paul, and I don't see that happening.

This is why fundraising right now is so important. I'm praying that Hillary is not the nominee, because if she is, I think she wins, because as pro war as she is, she's not a McCain or Guliani, or most other republicans. If she wins, we lose, and in a big fucking way.
I am saying this completely sincerely, and not to slam a republican. I mean this. McCain scares the shit out of me.

I do not believe he is all there. You know, only years later did we find out about Reagan's alzheimers. Now, I don't know if McCain has alzheimers and I'm not saying that he does, but something is wrong. Just watch him when he talks. Something is really wrong. Early stages of dementia, I don't know, but it's something, and the idea that we might elect him, shit.

But I don't think he gets the nomination.
McCain is old hat. He will not get the nomination. And even if by some miracle he did, he would lose to any democrat, even Kucinich.

As I've said before, the only issue in '08 that will really swing the election will be the war. The most anti-war candidate wins, and that sure as shit ain't going to be a Republican, unless its Ron Paul, and I don't see that happening.

This is why fundraising right now is so important. I'm praying that Hillary is not the nominee, because if she is, I think she wins, because as pro war as she is, she's not a McCain or Guliani, or most other republicans. If she wins, we lose, and in a big fucking way.

I agree, except that I am not as certain as you are that Hillary can win the general. But either way, if she is the nominee, we lose. Oh, and she will not end this war, you are absolutely right.
In fact, if it were Hillary vs Hagel, I would be in quite a pickle, because Hagel would end this war. But, on domestic policy, which is so important to me, he would be everything that I am so against. So what do you do then?

Because it would mean lives, and even though I believe that domestic policy means lives eventually, I would probably vote for Hagel, a Republican for national office for the first time in my life, just to end the war. With the idea that he might be out in four years, and also, if we have a dem congress, then maybe he can't do that much harm domestically.

And if I have to vote for a Republican for President then hell really might freeze over, but you know, if it ends this war, I'd do it. But Hagel is the only one. Anyone other than him becomes the Republican nominee (the rest are pro-war mongers), and I'd have to vote for Hillary. Which won't end the war either. Jesus.
Where is all the Hillary support coming from? This is whats getting me scratching my head! Its almost as if its media made up. Most people you talk to dont really like her.., prefer Obama.., want Gore to jump in or are undecided.

On the Pub side... most people are in total disgust, have left politics forevever or are forever chained to Bushism.

As far as McCain... Ive said it from the beginning...his time has passed.
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Where is all the Hillary support coming from? This is whats getting me scratching my head! Its almost as if its media made up. Most people you talk to dont really like her.., prefer Obama.., want Gore to jump in or are undecided.

On the Pub side... most people are in total disgust, have left politics forevever or are forever chained to Bushism.

As far as McCain... Ive said it from the beginning...his time has passed.

Well, I don't think she has as much support as the media plays up. They would love a Hillary nomination because they feed off of the salacious, and they are already nearly peeing themselves with glee over the idea of Bill as first husband. They really are. I don't know if you watch Chris Matthews, but you have to see him when he starts on that. It's almost pornographic, and it's like, Chris, get a room man.

But, she does lead in Democratic polls for the nomination. But by a plurality, far from a majority. The rest are split between several other candidates. So what happens when the Democratic field narrows down the road, as it will? Also, the myth that "women hate Hillary", I do think it's a myth. And I've known women who do hate her. They exist. But are they the majority of women? I don't think so. The election of a female president or a black president would be a seminal moment in our history. It's exciting. Easy to get swept up in that, I think. You know, I'm really left. My heart races when I imagine a black president or a woman president. It hurts that I'm probably going to have to end up supporting yet another white male. Not because I hate white men, Superfreak! But because, gee, another White Christan male as President, how exciting.

But if electing a woman president doesn't end this war, then what have you done? Betrayed your core values just because you get excited about what it means historically? You can't do that. It sucks, but that's how it is. Obama still has a chance for my vote. He's got a lot to show me first, but it could happen. Hillary...she'd betray every moment I spent getting insults hurled at me on the streets while agitating against this war from the very beginning.

Gosh, I am a total blabber mouth today! I sound like Dixie, going on and on. I must have bottled a lot of stuff up over the weekend.
I am saying this completely sincerely, and not to slam a republican. I mean this. McCain scares the shit out of me.

I do not believe he is all there. You know, only years later did we find out about Reagan's alzheimers. Now, I don't know if McCain has alzheimers and I'm not saying that he does, but something is wrong. Just watch him when he talks. Something is really wrong. Early stages of dementia, I don't know, but it's something, and the idea that we might elect him, shit.

But I don't think he gets the nomination.

Maybe you're right. McCain seems like a totally different man, from the one he was in 2000.

However, I think there's a much more pedestrian reason for his delusions: He's lying through his teeth, in order to secure the wingnut base for the nomination. Making wild claims that the surge "is working', and that there are neighborhoods in iraq were an american could walk around unmolested, is exactly the kind of thing Neocons liked Dixie and toby want to hear. Doesn't matter if it's true - they NEED to hear that stuff.
Maybe you're right. McCain seems like a totally different man, from the one he was in 2000.

However, I think there's a much more pedestrian reason for his delusions: He's lying through his teeth, in order to secure the wingnut base for the nomination. Making wild claims that the surge "is working', and that there are neighborhoods in iraq were an american could walk around unmolested, is exactly the kind of thing Neocons liked Dixie and toby want to hear. Doesn't matter if it's true - they NEED to hear that stuff.

Maybe. But he has a damned weird look in his eyes these days. Could be for the reasons you state.
NBC Reporter: ‘Paris Hilton Could Ride A Bicycle In A Bikini Through Anbar’ With McCain’s Protection

This morning on The Imus Show, NBC Iraq correspondent Tom Aspell followed-up on his report from last night that Sen. John McCain was accompanied by 100 American soldiers, 3 Blackhawk helicopters, and 2 Apache gunships on his stroll through a Baghdad market.

Aspell said that, with a similar level of protection, “even Paris Hilton could ride a bicycle in a bikini through Anbar province.”
Maybe you're right. McCain seems like a totally different man, from the one he was in 2000.

However, I think there's a much more pedestrian reason for his delusions: He's lying through his teeth, in order to secure the wingnut base for the nomination. Making wild claims that the surge "is working', and that there are neighborhoods in iraq were an american could walk around unmolested, is exactly the kind of thing Neocons liked Dixie and toby want to hear. Doesn't matter if it's true - they NEED to hear that stuff.
Correct Darla, those neo holdouts NEED to be reassured thay are correct. After they cannot accept the possibility that they are wrong. It is just unthinkable to them. Why do you think Dixie bailed, he was up against the possibliity he was wrong....And NO ONE would support him on here.
Darla, maybe you're right after all. Maybe McCain is losing it.

One thing I used to like about him, was that he didn't seem like he was full of bullshit.

It seems like this "stroll" through a badhdad market, surrounded by a company of american soldiers, was a total PR move, related to his foolish statements last week.
I hope Mitch Maconnel goes out the door with Bush for his support of the war.
I will do my part with my vote.
Personally I think all who are still supporting Bush in his war are delusional.

I wouldn't say that. I would say that I think they're incredibly off the mark, but none of us can really understand a viewpoint that is diametrically opposed to our own.

My problem with war supporters lies in the body count.