Germany. America is still in Germany.

Nietzsche ended up talking to his horse!:palm:

Well, I agree with Nietzsche on Polish mixture making Germany a better nation & Germans having bad blood.

Most of the greatest German philosophers were Slavic mixed or from Slavic mixed territories.

Including not just Nietzsche, but Leibniz, Kant, Wolff, Schopenhauer.

I'm a firm believer that R1a haplogroup is the genetic marker of Aryans.
It's common from India to Norway.
R1a peaks in Slavic Sorbs, Tajiks, Brahmin Hindus & Poles.All Indo European speakers.

R1b haplogroups sometimes is considered Aryan.

But, peaks in Basque a non Indo European speaking peoples along with Ouldeme peoples of Africa also not Indo European.Although Welsh have a lot of R1b too.

As does most of Western Europe.

So, it is unclear if R1b is Celtic or Basque.
American soldiers spend money in Germany.

It may be mostly on pot, beer, and hookers, but money is money.

They don't want us to leave.
I don't think they need America to 'protect' them.

Germany has a stable government, our troops are not fighting to keep that government in existence. Germany is a strategic spot for our troops to be, it is not incredibly expensive to keep them there. It’s a good spot for us to have a military presence. It’s very different than what we were doing in Afghanistan you fucking idiot.
Germany has a stable government, our troops are not fighting to keep that government in existence. Germany is a strategic spot for our troops to be, it is not incredibly expensive to keep them there. It’s a good spot for us to have a military presence. It’s very different than what we were doing in Afghanistan you fucking idiot.

:) Yeah. Maybe we should have a base inside Canada.
Germany has a stable government, our troops are not fighting to keep that government in existence. Germany is a strategic spot for our troops to be, it is not incredibly expensive to keep them there. It’s a good spot for us to have a military presence. It’s very different than what we were doing in Afghanistan you fucking idiot.

There's not much military in Germany any more. But you're right. It's just convenient to have a hospital , an air base and some presence in central europe.
There's not much military in Germany any more. But you're right. It's just convenient to have a hospital , an air base and some presence in central europe.

I can see the 7th Fleet having a semi permanent presence in Da Nang, as China is going to become more belligerent over Taiwan and the South China Sea.
I can see the 7th Fleet having a semi permanent presence in Da Nang, as China is going to become more belligerent over Taiwan and the South China Sea.

Preposterous. The Vietnamese have too much pride for that. They are fiercely independent. Like the French of Asia.
Preposterous. The Vietnamese have too much pride for that. They are fiercely independent. Like the French of Asia.

Well for your information I've been to Da Nang a couple of times and seen the 7th Fleet there. They are far more angered by the Chinese taking over the Spratly Islands than the US. Indeed when I was first in Saigon in 2011, there was a huge demonstration on Lê Lai Boulevard. I'd never heard about them previous to that.