APP - Germany is dying

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Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Germany has a big problem on their hands

They have an aging population, low birthrate and a bulging welfare state. These three things are incompatible with a prosperous society. This is why they HAVE to impose trade restrictions against the US because they have to rely on exports to the US in order to stay above water.

The mistake the elites are making is that they think allowing millions of migrants from the middle east to flood the country that they will solve their demographic decline. But, it won't work because they are operating under the flawed assumption that Ahmed will replace Hans on the assembly line. But Ahmed has no interest in assimilating into Germany.

Germany like many European countries will soon collapse under its own weight
Germany has a big problem on their hands

They have an aging population, low birthrate and a bulging welfare state. These three things are incompatible with a prosperous society. This is why they HAVE to impose trade restrictions against the US because they have to rely on exports to the US in order to stay above water.

The mistake the elites are making is that they think allowing millions of migrants from the middle east to flood the country that they will solve their demographic decline. But, it won't work because they are operating under the flawed assumption that Ahmed will replace Hans on the assembly line. But Ahmed has no interest in assimilating into Germany.

Germany like many European countries will soon collapse under its own weight

Thanks to German Hillary's "refugees welcome" policies, Germany is now a virtual caliphate.
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