Germs in cubeville !


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Study: Office Desks Havens for Bacteria

Feb 15, 7:52 AM (ET)

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Your office desk harbors far more bacteria than your workplace restroom, and if you're a woman, chances are your workspace has more germs than your male co-workers', a new research report shows.

Women have three to four times the number of bacteria in, on and around their desks, phones, computers, keyboards, drawers and personal items as men do, the study by University of Arizona professor Charles Gerba showed. Gerba, a professor of soil, water and environmental sciences, tested more than 100 offices on the UA campus and in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oregon and Washington, D.C. The $40,000 study was commissioned by the Clorox Co. (CLX)

"I thought for sure men would be germier," Gerba said. "But women have more interactions with small children and keep food in their desks. The other problem is makeup."

Don't get Gerba wrong: Women's desks typically looked cleaner. But the knickknacks are more abundant, and cosmetics and hand lotions make prime germ-transfer agents, Gerba said. Makeup cases also make for fine germ homes, along with phones, purses and desk drawers.

Food in desk drawers also harbors lots of microorganisms, and it is more abundant among female office workers. Gerba found 75 percent of women had munchies in their desks.

"I was really surprised how much food there was in a woman's desk," he said. "If there's ever a famine, that's the first place I'll look for food."
Bacteria are everywhere, and most are either benign or beneficial. There aren't any reports in this study of anyone becoming ill from the bacteria they found; if we try to live entirely germ-free, we'll have no immunity to anything!

The other side of it is that attempts to wipe out those benign bacteria would result in leaving only those strains, and/or the bacterial mutations, that were resistant to the antiseptic used.
do any germs/bacteria survive bleach ?

I don't think so. I'd be pretty afraid of any that are! But would you use bleach at a desk in an office?

I had to use bleach recently after my little Border Collie developed Giardia (a protozoan infection) from trying to drink out of the birdbath. He's at the age where everything even remotely potentially consumable has to be tested, he seems to think. He's fine and the Aussie didn't get it, thankfully. I think we're now protozoa-free. :)
I don't think so. I'd be pretty afraid of any that are! But would you use bleach at a desk in an office?

I had to use bleach recently after my little Border Collie developed Giardia (a protozoan infection) from trying to drink out of the birdbath. He's at the age where everything even remotely potentially consumable has to be tested, he seems to think. He's fine and the Aussie didn't get it, thankfully. I think we're now protozoa-free. :)
Clorox makes anti-bacterial wipes that many people use on their desks.

The modern concern for bacterial infection has reached almost hysterical proportions. I should know since my wife is bound and determined to do everything she can to breed the super-bacterium: she buys every anti-bacterial product on the market. In Costco sized lots.

She almost forgives my making fun of her for it. Almost.

Any else watch Mythbusters? Ever seen the fecal coliform bacteria episode? The little buggers are everywhere, almost literally.

Relax, people.
Clorox makes anti-bacterial wipes that many people use on their desks.

The modern concern for bacterial infection has reached almost hysterical proportions. I should know since my wife is bound and determined to do everything she can to breed the super-bacterium: she buys every anti-bacterial product on the market. In Costco sized lots.

She almost forgives my making fun of her for it. Almost.

Any else watch Mythbusters? Ever seen the fecal coliform bacteria episode? The little buggers are everywhere, almost literally.

Relax, people.
I remember that episode (from when I still had cable). Fecal coliform was everywhere. Being that I work with a lot of people who are using indoor plumbing for the first time (literally), the facilities are sometimes a horrific 'adventure.' We have one guy we call "Pee Pee Headman" (instead of Pee Wee Herman) - he pees, then instead of a good wash, he just runs a little water over his hands (no soap), uses this to wash his face, and then runs his wet hands over his hair. Sometimes he rinses his mouth with the pee pee water, too.
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Face it... women are simply filthy little creatures.... must be punished....totally kidding.

What was truly funny was showing the study to the women in my office and listening to them go off on it. All good natured, it was hillarious as they ripped on each of the men in the office, explaining how there was no way in hell they were "dirtier" than any one of us.
Anyone catch that Market in Southern California getting exposed for filth? No soap in the lavatories, rats running rampant over the fruits and veggies, workers urinating near veggie boxes... and to top it off...this market is a major produce supplier to some of Southern California's most well known.."high end" Restaurants.
I don't think so. I'd be pretty afraid of any that are! But would you use bleach at a desk in an office?

I had to use bleach recently after my little Border Collie developed Giardia (a protozoan infection) from trying to drink out of the birdbath. He's at the age where everything even remotely potentially consumable has to be tested, he seems to think. He's fine and the Aussie didn't get it, thankfully. I think we're now protozoa-free. :)

But would you use bleach at a desk in an office?

Yes, stay a bit late and bleach wash it, it will be aired out by in the AM.