Get On The Horn To Typhoid Nancy


Verified User
before she latches onto another vaccination scam.


Illustration from 1909 shows Mary Mallon cooking skulls. (Fotosearch/Getty Images)

Mary Mallon, forever known as Typhoid Mary, carried the deadly disease and spread it to others
BY Mara Bovsun
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Saturday, July 13, 2013, 10:29 PM

There is no evidence that Typhoid Mary deliberately infected anyone. There is ample proof that Typhoid Nancy did it deliberately with open-borders. Carry Typhoid Nancy’s politics to their logical conclusion and you will see that the more sick people she can infect with open-borders the more she can justify the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death with more killing disguised as curing the infected.

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

Typhoid Nancy and the rest of the Democrat Party’s sisterhood represent the worst of womankind. Importing diseases so the government can force everybody to be vaccinated is only slightly worse than Margaret Sanger’s slaughterhouses.

Voluntary vaccination participation is fine, but I always smell forced vaccinations in the wind blowing from politicians and doctors. Whatever the truth is about any vaccine, the sharpshooters are always behind the curtain manipulating the public for tax dollars. Forced vaccinations amounts to big tax dollars ad infinitum.

NOTE: Never forget the evil made possible by forced vaccinations:

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM

Forced vaccinations is also forced Socialism:

When Hillary Clinton proclaimed that it takes a village to raise a child, many people didn't realize that she was enunciating liberal dogma that the government should raise and control children. This concept fell on fertile soil when it reached activist judges eager to be anointed as elders of the child-raising village.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled on November 2, 2005 that parents' fundamental right to control the upbringing of their children "does not extend beyond the threshold of the school door," and that a public school has the right to provide its students with "whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise."

Instead of using the "village" metaphor, the judges substituted a Latin phrase that has the same effect. Parens patriae (the country as parent) was a legal concept used long ago by the English monarchy, but it never caught on in the United States and the few mentions of it in U.S. cases are not relevant to this decision.

Judicial Supremacists Lash Out at Parents
Phillis Schlafly

My personal belief is that individuals should decide vaccinations for themselves and their children.

There are many reasonable arm-twisting measures that could be taken to encourage vaccination, such as categorically excluding unvaccinated children from public schools, denying unvaccinated persons entry or reentry into the United States, and the like.

The fight over vaccinations is not a new one. Since the invention of vaccines, their use and their mandatory use have been a hotly contested issues. In the early days of the Progressive movement, when panels of experts in thrall to a vision of their managerial expertise rolled over the literally and metaphorically untidy cities and rural communities in which social dysfunction flourished, resistance to mandatory vaccinations became a crusade, especially in New England. The Supreme Court decided in Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905) that the state could fine a Swedish immigrant who refused to undergo mandatory vaccination, protesting that he’d been made seriously ill by an earlier vaccination. Just a few years prior, the case of Wong Wai v. Williamson considered whether federal authorities could require that all of San Francisco’s Chinese residents undergo a fairly dangerous vaccination against the bubonic plague or be forcibly prevented from leaving the city.

In Jacobson, Justice John Marshall Harlan found that the vaccine resister in question could be fined, and punished for refusing to pay the fine, but that he could not be physically coerced into accepting the vaccination. But the precedent — that state interests trump individuals’ control of their own bodies — provided Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. with the ammunition he needed to find in Buck v. Bell that “the protection and health of the state” was sufficient to justify involuntary sterilizations of “the unfit” and “defectives” — principally meaning mentally disabled people — whose rights were, in his judgment, not protected by the 14th Amendment, at least not to such an extent that they could not be forcibly neutered like stray dogs. “Three generations of imbeciles are enough,” the justice infamously wrote.

February 3, 2015 6:01 PM
A Vaccine against Chaos
The idea that elites know best, versus individuals’ control of their own bodies.
By Kevin D. Williamson

As usual, television mouths are being paid big bucks to run with another vaccination scare tactic. Happily, the New York Post exposed the fraud:

A CNN reporter broadcasts from Wuhan, China, on the recent viral outbreak. There is nobody near who could possibly infect him -— unless the cameraman has Guinness Book of Records coughs and sneezes. So why does he insist on wearing a blue surgical mask while talking?

It’s called “drama,” which is badly needed, because there appears to be nothing very special about this outbreak of the 2019-nCoV or Wuhan -virus. It should actually be called the DvV, or Déjà vu Virus, because we have been through these hysterias before. Over and over. Heterosexual AIDS, Ebola repeatedly, the H1N1 swine flu that was actually vastly milder than the regular flu and, especially, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003.

Once you start debunking mass hysteria over outbreaks, it gets easy, because the same patterns repeat themselves.

Don’t buy the media hype over the new China virus
By Michael Fumento
January 23, 2020 | 8:29pm
It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

Typhoid Nancy and the rest of the Democrat Party’s sisterhood represent the worst of womankind.

El Rushbo’s take nails it:

Conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh sounded the alarm on the origins of new diseases as well as older ones that were thought to be eradicated but are making a comeback.

All of these diseases are coming from leftist communities, both in the United States and abroad, Limbaugh noted.

Take the new coronavirus that has people in fear worldwide. The disease has been reported to be coming from one particular community in Wuhan, China.

The virus is believed to have originated from the sale of illegal wildlife at one seafood market in the city, the BBC reported.

“The respiratory infection, which is closely related to SARS and MERS, has been spreading across China, and cases have been diagnosed in several other countries, including the United States,” WebMD said of the disease.

The virus has now resulted in 132 deaths from the more than 6,000 cases that have been reported worldwide, with all of the deaths and the overwhelming majority of infections centered in China.

Of the handful of cases that have been reported in the United States, at least two of the patients traveled to Wuhan.

“Symptoms include a fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. They may appear 2 to 14 days after you’re exposed to the virus,” WebMD said.

On his program Friday, Limbaugh talked about the coronavirus outbreak as well as other diseases that have been hitting the state of California hard. Those include typhoid fever, typhus, hepatitis A, staph and tuberculosis.

“Where are all of these deadly viruses coming from?" the host asked, according to the transcript on his official website. "Communist countries. This latest virus that’s got everybody scared to death, where is it coming from? The ChiComs.

"What’s happening in all of these homeless tent cities in California? Medieval diseases that had been eradicated are starting to crop up."

Limbaugh continued, "Do not doubt me when I tell you that liberalism, left-wingism, socialism, communism, whatever, folks, it destroys.

“It is not compassion. It is not love. It is not wanting the best for everybody. It is not equality. It’s not sameness. It’s not fairness.

“It is the epitome of mean-spiritedness! Liberalism looks at people and sees failure, inability. Liberals look at people, average people in their eyes with contempt.

California cities such as Los Angeles and
San Francisco have been overwhelmed with legions of homeless Americans.

These people did not pick liberal cities at random. It is the policies of these progressive “Utopias” that drive the increase in homelessness, including those on drug abuse and alcoholism.

A street poll of the San Francisco homeless in 2019 found 42 percent of those who participated admitted to dependence on drugs and alcohol, City Journal reported.

So, what is the liberal city’s response to that? It hands out 4.5 million syringes yearly, accompanied by vitamin C, which helps to dissolve the crack and heroin, and instructions on how to best inject drugs, City Journal reported.

This is not compassion; it is lunacy. It welcomes throngs of homeless people who, as they have no place else to go, defecate in the streets and waterways, which directly leads to horrible diseases.

And those cities' welcoming policies toward illegal aliens are not helping matters, either.

“Drug sellers are as shameless as drug users," City Journal said. "Hondurans have dominated the drug trade in the Tenderloin and around Civic Center Plaza and Union Square since the 1990s. They congregate up to a dozen a corner, openly counting and recounting large wads of cash, completing transactions with no attempt at concealment.

“Most of the dealers are illegal aliens. One might think that city leaders would be only too happy to hand them off to federal immigration authorities, but the political imperative to safeguard illegal aliens against deportation takes precedence over public order. Local law enforcement greets any announced federal crackdown on criminal aliens with alarm."

It is mind-boggling that people who live in such cities and states continue to vote for the politicians who enact these policies.

If people want to get serious about fixing the homeless crisis and the diseases it brings, they have to get to the root of the issue.

Leftism has to go.

Limbaugh reveals REAL source of coronavirus and every American needs to take notice
By Carmine Sabia, The Western Journal
Published January 29, 2020 at 8:08pm

Voluntary vaccination participation is fine, but I always smell forced vaccinations in the wind blowing from politicians and doctors. Whatever the truth is about any vaccine, the sharpshooters are always behind the curtain manipulating the public for tax dollars. Forced vaccinations amounts to big tax dollars ad infinitum.


As usual, television mouths are being paid big bucks to run with another vaccination scare tactic. Happily, the New York Post exposed the fraud:

Rush’s analysis is spot on, but he does not include the billions of tax dollars for vaccinations. The public will be told that the vaccinations are free. The truth is that manufacturers will be paid billions of tax dollars to provide the vaccine year after year. In short: Nothing is free —— least of all everything the parasites in government give away.

And let’s not forget the billions of tax deductible advertising dollars television is raking in to fill up the airwaves talking about a common cold.

RUSH: Folks, this coronavirus thing, I want to try to put this in perspective for you. It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. (interruption) You think I’m wrong about this? You think I’m missing it by saying that’s… (interruption) Yeah, I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.

The Drive-By Media hype of this thing as a pandemic, as the Andromeda strain, as, “Oh, my God, if you get it, you’re dead.” Do you know what the — I think the survival rate is 98%. Ninety-eight percent of people get the coronavirus survive. It’s a respiratory system virus. It probably is a ChiCom laboratory experiment that is in the process of being weaponized. All superpower nations weaponize bioweapons. They experiment with them. The Russians, for example, have weaponized fentanyl. Now, fentanyl is also not what it is represented to be.

If you watch cop shows, then you probably… Stick with me on this. If you watch cop shows, you probably believe that just the dust from a package of fentanyl can kill you if you’re in the same room with it. Not true. Not true. Even the cheap kind of fentanyl coming from China that’s used to spike heroin… They use fentanyl ’cause it’s cheap. It gives a quick hit, doesn’t last very long, which is really cool if you’re trying to addict people.

But it doesn’t kill people the way it’s projected on TV. It can if you OD on it. But inhaling a little fentanyl dust is not going to cause you to lose consciousness and stop breathing as they depict on cop shows. It’s dangerous. Don’t misunderstand. But it isn’t the way it’s portrayed in popular criminal TV shows, cop shows, and so forth and so on. The coronavirus is the same. It’s really being hyped as a deadly Andromeda Strain or Ebola pandemic that, “Oh, my God, is going to wipe out the nation. It’s going to wipe out the population of the world.”

The stock market’s down like 900 points right now. The survival rate of this is 98%! You have to read very deeply to find that number, that 2% of the people get the coronavirus die. That’s less than the flu, folks. That is a far lower death statistic than any form of influenza, which is an annual thing that everybody gets shots for. There’s nothing unusual about the coronavirus. In fact, coronavirus is not something new. There are all kinds of viruses that have that name. Now, do not misunderstand. I’m not trying to get you to let your guard down.

Nobody wants to get any of this stuff. I mean, you never… I hate getting the common cold. You don’t want to get the flu. It’s miserable. But we’re not talking about something here that’s gonna wipe out your town or your city if it finds its way there. This is a classic illustration of how media coverage works. Even if this media coverage isn’t stacked, even if this is just the way media normally does things, this is a hyped, panic-filled version. It’s exactly how the media deals with these things to create audience, readership, interest, clicks, what have you.

It originated in China in a little — well, not a little town. It’s a town that is 11 million people, Wuhan, China. One of the reasons they’re able to hype this is that the doctor what warned everybody about it came down with it and died. So if a doctor got it, “Oh, my God, Rush! A doctor got it? You can’t possibly be right if a doctor can’t protect himself.” He didn’t know what he was dealing with. He discovered it back in December. I’m telling you, the ChiComs are trying to weaponize this thing. Here’s the story on Russians and fentanyl.

Fentanyl is a very, very powerful opiate — and for those of you that haven’t had any experience with opiates, the people that get addicted to ’em take them and they get very euphoric. They kill pain. They do wonderful things. But they make you very, very euphoric. They act like speed. Other people take ’em, and they hate ’em. It makes ’em vomit, throw up, feel nauseous. It doesn’t do anything for ’em. They’re never gonna get addicted.

So in Moscow the Chechens, way back… I’m gonna go back now — what is it — maybe 10 years or longer. A bunch of Chechen rebels took over an opera house and had a bunch of Russian hostages in there and made all kinds of threats — and Putin, unbeknownst to anybody, had weaponized fentanyl. He’d turned it into a gas, an invisible gas. He just put it in the ventilation system of this opera house or whatever it was (I’m giving you the sketchy, short version of this) and everybody in there fell asleep and died. You know, in a drug overdose, you stop breathing.

That’s what… It slows down your respiratory system so much that you stop breathing. That’s what an OD is, and everybody in that place, including the Chechens — Pfft! — had no idea what happened to ’em. It’s not violent. You just fall asleep for unknown reasons at the amounts that Putin weaponized and put in there. If you take a normal dose of fentanyl that you get from a doctor in a hospital, it’s not gonna kill you, obviously. But the amount they weaponized — and up to this time, nobody had ever weaponized fentanyl.

Nobody had ever made it into an invisible, odorless, colorless gas, until it was discovered that the Russians had done it. Well, every nation is working on things like this, and the ChiComs obviously in their lab are doing something here with the coronavirus — and it got out. Some people believe it got out on purpose, that the ChiComs have a whole lot of problems based on an economy that cannot provide for the number of people they have. So losing a few people here or there is not so bad for the Chinese government.

There could be anything to explain this.

But the way it’s being used… I believe the way it’s being weaponized is by virtue of the media, and I think that it is an effort to bring down Trump, and one of the ways it’s being used to do this is to scare the investors, to scare people in business. It’s to scare people into not buying Treasury bills at auctions. It’s to scare people into leaving, cashing out of the stock market — and sure enough, as the show began today, the stock market — the Dow Jones Industrial Average — was down about 900 points, supposedly because of the latest news about the spread of the coronavirus.

And if you go deeper into China, you will see that all of the high-tech Silicon Valley firms are said to be terribly exposed. “They could be suffering a disastrous year. Why, you may not be able to buy a new iPhone of any model this whole year! Do you know that? Because the coronavirus is so bad that the factories may never open — and if they do, they may not be anywhere near full capacity.” So Apple may not be able to release any new product. You think that’s not gonna panic investors? It most certainly is.

So Apple is trying to do what they can to suggest that these rumors are not true. They got new products coming this year. But the tech media hates Apple. They love anti-Apple stories. They love anything that will let them report that Apple’s on its last legs. Of course, that’s not true. Warren Buffett came out today and said, “Apple is the best run company ever.” He’s a big stockholder. So people will say he’s biased about it. But the bias you have to pay attention to is how much money he invested. He got $36 billion in Apple stock that Berkshire Hathaway has.

They sold $800 million of Apple stock last week, and everybody said, “Oh, my God, he’s getting out!” No, he’s not. He’s got $36 billion. He sold $800 million. No big deal. He wanted to allocate it somewhere else. So this is… I think the coronavirus is an effort to get Trump. It’s not gonna work. It’s one of the latest in a long line of efforts that the Drive-By Media’s making to somehow say that Trump and capitalism are destroying America and destroying the world. Just keep in mind where the coronavirus came from.

How can anyone forget the Dirty Old Commie?

It came from a country that Bernie Sanders wants to turn the United States into a mirror image of: Communist China.
That’s where it came from. It didn’t come from an American lab. It didn’t escape from an American research lab. It hasn’t been spread by Americans. It starts out in a communist country. Its tentacles spread all across the world in numbers that are not big and not huge, but they’re being reported as just the opposite. Just trying to keep it all in perspective.

Overhyped Coronavirus Weaponized Against Trump
Feb 24, 2020

When there are no human deaths to report, television ghouls would spend weeks talking about a penguin pandemic because one penguin was found frozen stiff in Antarctica.
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Get On The Horn To Typhoid Nancy

before she latches onto another vaccination scam.

Too late. Nancy is all over coronavirus like a shit-scoffer on a pile of steaming horse manure.

The public will be told that the vaccinations are free. The truth is that manufacturers will be paid billions of tax dollars to provide the vaccine year after year. In short: Nothing is free —— least of all everything the parasites in government give away.

Trump allocating tax dollars for Pelosi’s vaccination scam makes him a fool:

The White House is asking Congress for $2.5 billion to respond to the coronavirus illness known as COVID-19 that has killed more than 2,600 people in mainland China, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the request inadequate.

The administration's supplemental funding plan was designed "to accelerate vaccine development, support preparedness and response activities and to procure much-needed equipment and supplies," said Office of Management and Budget spokeswoman Rachel Semmel.

White House seeks $2.5B for coronavirus, but Pelosi says that's not enough
Phil Helsel and The Associated Press
Feb 25th 2020 8:15AM

Trump and Pelosi spending tax dollars on vaccines tells me that forced vaccinations is in the pipeline.
This is the reason media supports the Democrat Party:

Schumer sent his request Wednesday to the Senate Appropriations Committee. The emergency funding includes $1.5 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $3 billion for the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund, $2 billion in reimbursements for coronavirus-related spending by states and local governments, $1 billion for the National Institutes of Health to develop a vaccine, and $1 billion for the U.S. Agency for International Development as an emergency reserve fund.

Schumer Requests $8.5 Billion in Coronavirus Funds, Accuses Trump Admin. of ‘Dangerous Incompetence’
By Mairead McArdle
February 26, 2020 12:03 PM

The more tax dollars Democrat scum can spread around among parasites the more support Democrats get from media —— electronic and print. At least three billion dollars out of Vomit's billions will find its way to television advertising one way or another. Vomit Schumer’s $8.5 Billion is only the beginning.

And let’s not forget the billions of tax deductible advertising dollars television is raking in to fill up the airwaves talking about a common cold.

Big names on FOX pocket the most tax deductible advertising dollars because FOX’s top-rated shows reach the largest TV audience. They are so beholden to the people behind the scare tactic they are stuck with the lie.

NOTE: There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.
NOTE: There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.

I often tape a few news shows so I can fast forward through the garbage. Yesterday evening I surfed into live Special Report a few minutes after the show started. The first segment was another ration of coronavirus bullshit. Before I could surf out of there I was fooled into thinking I was watching a scene from a cowboys and Indians movie with Indian Chief Bret Baier wearing war paint:

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Whatever the truth is about any vaccine, the sharpshooters are always behind the curtain manipulating the public for tax dollars. Forced vaccinations amounts to big tax dollars ad infinitum.

Gates is not after the money.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently called the United States government’s coronavirus testing data “bogus” because of testing inequality and slow turnaround, with three to four days to get results.

Earlier in the week, President Trump, during a news conference, came under fire from a reporter who claimed that South Korea had tested more people per capita than the U.S. The Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, who was present, defended the president, saying: “I just want to make it clear that South Korea’s testing was 11 per hundred thousand [residents], and we’re at 17 per hundred thousand.” This matches the latest statistics at Worldometers, which maintains a constantly-updated database of coronavirus statistics globally, by country, down to the state level.

Seems there's not enough bad to say about testing, and Gates was out front in that effort.

May 3, 2020
Bill Gates's treasonous defense of China - why?
By Mario Alexis Portella

Effective testing is a serious threat to Gates’ plans for vaccinations:

NOTE: Never forget the evil made possible by forced vaccinations:

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM
NOTE: Never forget the evil made possible by forced vaccinations:

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM

Bill doth protest too much, methinks:

LONDON (Reuters) - Microsoft co-founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates says he has been taken aback by the volume of "crazy" and "evil" conspiracy theories about him spreading on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic, but said on Wednesday he would like to explore what is behind them.

In an interview with Reuters, Gates said the millions of online posts and "crazy conspiracy theories" about him and about top U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci had likely taken hold in part because of the combination of a frightening viral pandemic and the rise of social media.

"Nobody would have predicted that I and Dr. Fauci would be so prominent in these really evil theories," Gates said.

"I'm very surprised by that. I hope it goes away."

Gates, a billionaire who stepped down as chairman of Microsoft Corp in 2014, has through his philanthropic Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation committed at least $1.75 billion to the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. That includes support for some makers of vaccines, diagnostics and potential treatments.

Since the pandemic began a year ago, millions of conspiracies have spread over the Internet, fuelling misinformation about the coronavirus, its origins and the motives of those working to fight it.

They include claims that Fauci and Gates created the pandemic to try and control people, that they want to profit from the virus' spread, and that they want to use vaccines to insert trackable microchips into people.

"But do people really believe that stuff?," Gates asked.

"We're really going to have to get educated about this over the next year and understand .. how does it change peoples' behaviour and how should we have minimized this?"

Gates praised Fauci and Francis Collins, head of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, as "smart" and "wonderful people", and said he looked forward to seeing them able to work effectively and speak the truth under the new administration of President Joe Biden.

During former President Donald Trump's handling of the pandemic, Gates said, it had "sometimes felt like they were the only sane people in the U.S. government."

"I'm excited about the team that Biden has picked" to tackle the health crisis, Gates said.

Gates said he was also pleased that under Biden, the United States has rejoined the World Health Organization, and "that he's appointed smart people, and the fact that Dr. Fauci won't be suppressed."

(Reporting by Kate Kelland; Editing by Bill Berkrot)

'Crazy and evil': Bill Gates surprised by pandemic conspiracies
Kate Kelland
January 27, 2021, 5:00 AM