APP - Get ready for the next media blue pill


It started a bit this weened, but soon this week we will hear the chorus for President Trump to just concede the election for the good of the country. They will be aided of course by a never ending list of RINO NeverTrumpers like Romney, Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, Charlie Dent, Bush 43, Jeb, Kasich and the other assorted list of NeverTrumpers they trot out that we are supposed to bow to.

The Lincoln Project was an abject failure and is about to realize like other NeverTrumpers they will be left without a home because the left doesn't want anything to do with them

Trump as always has a plan. Trust the process that he lays out. He may or may not win this, but he will expose it.

Get ready for some more rallies. This is going to be EPIC