Get rid of the electoral college? What happens to the Senate?


Let's go Brandon!
Did a little math for discussion purposes. The states are ranked by population. The third column is percentage of the total.

The fourth column is an allocation of senators. For those states with less that 0.5% population they get one, just like the House of Representatives. Note that this increases the number of senators from 100 to 110.

The fifth column is a sum of the senators for that state and the states above it. What this tells us is that the ten most populous states would control the entire country. The reality is that the largest cities in those states would control the country.

Union of fifty states? Hardly.

the states would lose what little representation they have would be like the constitution didn't limit federal power and the 10th Amendment never existed
The electoral college is the same thing as a Parliament selecting a Prime Minister. The only difference is the founders did not want the Executive Branch to be selected and therefore beholden to the legislature, so this representative (The President) has electors that we vote for instead of having the legislations of each state select the President. Instead of having the legislature for each state they have electors that number the same as the legislature elected by each state... hence the electoral college. 435 Congressfolks and 100 Sentators with 3 more for DC per the Amendment 23 gives us our 438 electors...

That's about it folks. The electoral college is useful, it should be maintained. It certainly shouldn't be circumvented by some stupid agreement that literally makes it so that somebody that isn't on the ballot on a smaller state could be the one that gets the electoral college vote for that state like the "National Popular Vote Agreement" does. That's just disgusting.