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To hell with the Democrat’s phony debates. I wouldn’t watch that crap if it were the only thing on TV.
But, WHOOPIE!!! I can’t wait for Bobby Mueller’s testimony before the Congress. I’m gettin my popcorn ready for Jim Jordan’s & the other Republican’s cross examination of Bobby the swamp rat.
Why didn’t you investigate Hillary Clinton, the Steel dossier, the illegal FISA warrants, the unmasking of hundreds of Americans Bobby? When did you first know that there was NO COLLUSION between Trump & Russians? Did you look at our own FBI, DOJ & Intel agencies for collusion with Russians and a qoup-de-qua to put an illegal thumb on the scales of the 2016 election & unseat a duly elected President after he was elected Bobby? Why did you say the Russians you indicted & will never prosecute had the assumptions of innocents until proven guilty, but you couldn’t determine Trump hadn’t committed a crime Bobby? Why the double standard Bobby? Why did you hire only a gang of rabid mad junkyard dog Democrat Trump haters to investigate Trump? Why didn’t you indict Jimmy Comey your best buddy for leaking classified information to the media? Why didn’t you indict Rod Rosenstein for overseeing your investigation while he was a witness himself in your investigation? If you truly believed Trump committed obstruction Bobby, why didn’t you challenge the DOJ’s principle of not indicting a sitting President in the court because it has NO constitutional authority as you well know.
The Congress needs to question Mueller the swamp rat for at least a week and give every member a half our to question his swamp skunk ass.
But, WHOOPIE!!! I can’t wait for Bobby Mueller’s testimony before the Congress. I’m gettin my popcorn ready for Jim Jordan’s & the other Republican’s cross examination of Bobby the swamp rat.
Why didn’t you investigate Hillary Clinton, the Steel dossier, the illegal FISA warrants, the unmasking of hundreds of Americans Bobby? When did you first know that there was NO COLLUSION between Trump & Russians? Did you look at our own FBI, DOJ & Intel agencies for collusion with Russians and a qoup-de-qua to put an illegal thumb on the scales of the 2016 election & unseat a duly elected President after he was elected Bobby? Why did you say the Russians you indicted & will never prosecute had the assumptions of innocents until proven guilty, but you couldn’t determine Trump hadn’t committed a crime Bobby? Why the double standard Bobby? Why did you hire only a gang of rabid mad junkyard dog Democrat Trump haters to investigate Trump? Why didn’t you indict Jimmy Comey your best buddy for leaking classified information to the media? Why didn’t you indict Rod Rosenstein for overseeing your investigation while he was a witness himself in your investigation? If you truly believed Trump committed obstruction Bobby, why didn’t you challenge the DOJ’s principle of not indicting a sitting President in the court because it has NO constitutional authority as you well know.
The Congress needs to question Mueller the swamp rat for at least a week and give every member a half our to question his swamp skunk ass.