Ghost Hunters...

They did a show on the West Virginia Penitentiary... Very fricking cool. I'd love to be able to spend time searching out things like this. Great idea that they had to make it a TV show. They have to be making BANK!
Just go kick a WV hiway trooper in the balls Damo, you too can spend time in the WV state Pen :)
the show is too hokey for me.
Just go kick a WV hiway trooper in the balls Damo, you too can spend time in the WV state Pen :)
the show is too hokey for me.
It's just fun. At least they don't go in there and "channel" ghosts. They are trying to prove that the place isn't haunted.

We spent our honeymoon on a Ghost tour of the UK. We stayed in "haunted" places. I got to go to as many pubs as I wanted as a "compromise"....

It was spectacular.
It is sort of funny when the "investigators" get spooked. but then I guess they believe in ghosts or they would not be doing what they are doing.
It is sort of funny when the "investigators" get spooked. but then I guess they believe in ghosts or they would not be doing what they are doing.
Yeah, I always laugh at that. The two top guys don't seem to get spooked though. Even that Brian kid seems to have gotten his act together...

I always dislike when they bring in some weirdo who spends all his time "feeling" ghosts.