If Mueller would just stick to the collusion thing, he could wrap it up.
Nothing defines stupid more than believing that the Russians are why Trump got elected. Giggle Snort.
Fucking "giggle snort!"
I goddam near pissed my pants laughing at this.
And my guess is it is a LOT closer to the truth than any Trump supporter wants to hear.
("Trump supporter." Is that anything like a athletic supporter? Both support dicks!)
January ... Coming ... be ready
Ready for what? Congressional obstructionism? We're ready. Good luck with that.
Luck has nothing to do with it ...
The Democratic Party of the Jackass will be lucky if it holds the House next time around. Nancy's last effort lasted four years.
Apparently that was all she need to get the ReTurds to Vote 80 times on one Bill that never passed.
You mean the bill they had to pass so you can find out what's in it? You lack the IQ to comprehend how stupid that sounds.
I never needed to use Obamacare ... how about you?
I never needed to use Obamacare ... how about you?
Fucking "giggle snort!"
I goddam near pissed my pants laughing at this.
And my guess is it is a LOT closer to the truth than any Trump supporter wants to hear.
("Trump supporter." Is that anything like a athletic supporter? Both support dicks!)
Pssst: You're not in charged and no one is asking your permission ...
Lol, how would you know what it takes for this type of investigation? There are a lot of people involved and a lot of data to comb through. Trump supposedly supplied a million items.Mueller is supposedly in place to see if Trump colluded with the Russians. It would not take long to wrap things up if collusion was all he was looking for.
Mueller is supposedly in place to see if Trump colluded with the Russians. It would not take long to wrap things up if collusion was all he was looking for.