Gilbert Gottfreid (((warning))) Stay of SF bridge 8/11

I hope that's just a bad joke on your part. At least 300 of the WTC victims were Jewish. See here for a partial list (names, biographical info):

I hope I'm wrong. I didn't create the video. I know you have been programmed to avoid being labeled or feel like you're being antisemetic. I have too, but let yourself objectively view the world and let go of the fear of being a "wrong thinker" and if you are not convinced, then follow your convictions. If you are afraid to question your own beliefs, you are a modern slave. Your mind has been enslaved
I hope I'm wrong. I didn't create the video. I know you have been programmed to avoid being labeled or feel like you're being antisemetic. I have too, but let yourself objectively view the world and let go of the fear of being a "wrong thinker" and if you are not convinced, then follow your convictions. If you are afraid to question your own beliefs, you are a modern slave. Your mind has been enslaved

OTOH, is hating Jews a noble achievement for the purpose-driven life?
OTOH, is hating Jews a noble achievement for the purpose-driven life?

I don't hate them. They're kicking our ass. They have our entire system under their control. They are right. We are fucking cattle. Just look at your response. People like you are why this country is so fucked up.
You're afraid to be called names for speaking up about what you see. Or you're blind as fuck and never even had a chance to understand that you are cattle.
I don't hate them. They're kicking our ass. They have our entire system under their control. They are right. We are fucking cattle. Just look at your response. People like you are why this country is so fucked up.
You're afraid to be called names for speaking up about what you see. Or you're blind as fuck and never even had a chance to understand that you are cattle.

If they are right, then why the fuck do you disagree with them? Spite?

Look, Stirfry, I have always taken you for an intelligent person. However, an intelligent anti-Semite hasn't existed in some time. It is not the word that I fear, it is the shame of being perceived as a fucking idiot. A fucking idiot, I should add, who has


I need documents and shit that clearly outline the leadership hierarchy of the Jews who control our entire system. I need documents which show who appointed or elected them to their positions. I need meeting notes/vision statements/etc which prove they are engaged in actions to control us.

What I don't want is mindless rhetoric from a guy who should have been permabanned recently in an exchange about how unfair the mods are for enforcing the rules and hurting the feels of snowflakes.
Like none of the jewish merchants showed up on 9/11 at the WTC.

I know you have been programmed to think the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11, but let yourself objectively view the world and examine the evidence. The whole thing was a hoax by the International Romanies!

10 reasons why the Twin Towers could not have collapsed

1. They were designed to withstand jetliners, explosives, implosives, mamathermite, nukes, big ray guns, and the End Times. Underwriters Laboratories certified this.

2. If they had collapsed at free fall they would have fallen through to China in 45 minutes. Instead it took several months for the steel to get there.

3. The Empire State Building didn't collapse when an airplane hit it, and that was built when New York was still in the Empire.

4. If two buildings that size had collapsed, the shockwaves would have started a tsunami that would have wiped out New Jersey. Somebody would have noticed.

5. Richard Gage's cardboard boxes didn't collapse when he dropped them, so why would towers made of steel and concrete collapse?

6. No other 110 story skyscraper hit by a jetliner at 500 mph and set on fire has ever collapsed.

7. Each story was 12 ft high, and it takes 0.87 secs for an object to fall 12 ft. Do the math: 110 x 0.87 = 95.7. It would have taken over a minute and a half for those towers to collapse!

8. The pyroclastic clouds would have suffocated everybody in Manhattan. See #4.

9. The New World Order loves tall buildings, that's why they hang out at the UN. They would never have allowed it.

10. How could two 1300 ft buildings collapse without damaging the surroundings? At least one other building would have collapsed later, say around 5 pm.
If they are right, then why the fuck do you disagree with them? Spite?

Look, Stirfry, I have always taken you for an intelligent person. However, an intelligent anti-Semite hasn't existed in some time. It is not the word that I fear, it is the shame of being perceived as a fucking idiot. A fucking idiot, I should add, who has


I need documents and shit that clearly outline the leadership hierarchy of the Jews who control our entire system. I need documents which show who appointed or elected them to their positions. I need meeting notes/vision statements/etc which prove they are engaged in actions to control us.

What I don't want is mindless rhetoric from a guy who should have been permabanned recently in an exchange about how unfair the mods are for enforcing the rules and hurting the feels of snowflakes.

I posted a video already. Not my fault you didn't watch it.
Jewish leaders describing how they will diversify white cultures and bring the end of the white race by miscegenation. You wanna ignore shit and call me anti-semetic, well, your choice.
I posted a video already. Not my fault you didn't watch it.
Jewish leaders describing how they will diversify white cultures and bring the end of the white race by miscegenation. You wanna ignore shit and call me anti-semetic, well, your choice.

Yeah, I ignore shit. Did you know that demographers predict that white people will continue to intermarry with African, Asian, and especially with Latin people, as well? Also, your Jewish "leaders," are as credible as Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson speaking for the black community.

Anyway, how pissed are you that the wrong side won WWII?
I know you have been programmed to think the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11, but let yourself objectively view the world and examine the evidence. The whole thing was a hoax by the International Romanies!

10 reasons why the Twin Towers could not have collapsed

1. They were designed to withstand jetliners, explosives, implosives, mamathermite, nukes, big ray guns, and the End Times. Underwriters Laboratories certified this.

2. If they had collapsed at free fall they would have fallen through to China in 45 minutes. Instead it took several months for the steel to get there.

3. The Empire State Building didn't collapse when an airplane hit it, and that was built when New York was still in the Empire.

4. If two buildings that size had collapsed, the shockwaves would have started a tsunami that would have wiped out New Jersey. Somebody would have noticed.

5. Richard Gage's cardboard boxes didn't collapse when he dropped them, so why would towers made of steel and concrete collapse?

6. No other 110 story skyscraper hit by a jetliner at 500 mph and set on fire has ever collapsed.

7. Each story was 12 ft high, and it takes 0.87 secs for an object to fall 12 ft. Do the math: 110 x 0.87 = 95.7. It would have taken over a minute and a half for those towers to collapse!

8. The pyroclastic clouds would have suffocated everybody in Manhattan. See #4.

9. The New World Order loves tall buildings, that's why they hang out at the UN. They would never have allowed it.

10. How could two 1300 ft buildings collapse without damaging the surroundings? At least one other building would have collapsed later, say around 5 pm.

This is the most compelling argument for 9/11 Truth I have seen published to date. Are you reading this, Stirfry?
I know you have been programmed to think the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11, but let yourself objectively view the world and examine the evidence. The whole thing was a hoax by the International Romanies!

10 reasons why the Twin Towers could not have collapsed

1. They were designed to withstand jetliners, explosives, implosives, mamathermite, nukes, big ray guns, and the End Times. Underwriters Laboratories certified this.

2. If they had collapsed at free fall they would have fallen through to China in 45 minutes. Instead it took several months for the steel to get there.

3. The Empire State Building didn't collapse when an airplane hit it, and that was built when New York was still in the Empire.

4. If two buildings that size had collapsed, the shockwaves would have started a tsunami that would have wiped out New Jersey. Somebody would have noticed.

5. Richard Gage's cardboard boxes didn't collapse when he dropped them, so why would towers made of steel and concrete collapse?

6. No other 110 story skyscraper hit by a jetliner at 500 mph and set on fire has ever collapsed.

7. Each story was 12 ft high, and it takes 0.87 secs for an object to fall 12 ft. Do the math: 110 x 0.87 = 95.7. It would have taken over a minute and a half for those towers to collapse!

8. The pyroclastic clouds would have suffocated everybody in Manhattan. See #4.

9. The New World Order loves tall buildings, that's why they hang out at the UN. They would never have allowed it.

10. How could two 1300 ft buildings collapse without damaging the surroundings? At least one other building would have collapsed later, say around 5 pm.

I had likes/groans turned off. So let this be a like x100. Great post!
Tinfoil and Flanders have been triggered by some right-wing site to post crazy shit. Is this national conspiracy day? Why weren't we all notified?
I don't hate them. They're kicking our ass. They have our entire system under their control.

People who believe that Jews control everything have a hard time explaining the Holocaust. The main theory, of course, is that the Holocaust didn't happen, or not so much. Then there's the theory that there are two kinds of Jews: the Zionists, who are in on the Secret, and the rest. In this theory the Zionists did a deal with the Nazis so Himmler's boys could go after all the (ordinary) Jews in Europe, in return for the Zionists getting a slice of Palestine. It gets a bit vague at this point because Palestine was actually controlled by the British.

Anyway, what's your theory?
People who believe that Jews control everything have a hard time explaining the Holocaust. The main theory, of course, is that the Holocaust didn't happen, or not so much. Then there's the theory that there are two kinds of Jews: the Zionists, who are in on the Secret, and the rest. In this theory the Zionists did a deal with the Nazis so Himmler's boys could go after all the (ordinary) Jews in Europe, in return for the Zionists getting a slice of Palestine. It gets a bit vague at this point because Palestine was actually controlled by the British.

Anyway, what's your theory?

Seems more like Hilter was first elevated by the global media propagandists and when he defied them he was stomped out by the globalists. Much like Saddam and Muammar Gaddafi, two agents of the globalists that found a bitter ending. But there's so much propaganda out there it's hard to find the truth. There's tons of evidence that the holocaust figures are inflated and some evidence for the holocaust is easily debunked. Many people have been caught making up their family's story to sell a book and the globalists will push stuff like that. We know Hitler was man of the year at one point, so we know he was an agent of the globalists

The white genocide theorists believe the whole thing was designed to pit whites against whites and destroy the prime males from both white regions. It's very well detailed and sourced theory. Basically, jews think everyone else is cattle for them to use and abuse. Their religious laws only apply to themselves and the laws regarding goy and to be punished by god. That's why jews don't report child rape in their holy places.
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