Gina Haspel Deserves A Spot on The List Of Infamy


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As near as I figure it out, the dirty old douche bag is the only one on the list of infamy that might do hard time:


Hillary Clinton on Nov. 2, 2016 (Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons)

She’s old, obsolete, and irrelevant but when you search for who’s at the bottom of almost any political corruption, Hillary Clinton always manages to slither back into the spotlight. The September 29 letter from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is only the latest example.

The letter makes three points.

●That in July 2016, U.S. intelligence, deriving its facts from Russian intelligence we obtained, had reason to believe that Hillary Clinton had personally approved a campaign plan to tie her opponent, Donald Trump, to Russian President Putin and Russian interception of Democratic National Committee emails. (The letter says that the intelligence community didn’t know the accuracy of the allegation.)
●That Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan briefed Obama and other national security officials on the Clinton plan. That Brennan did so was contained in handwritten notes written by Brennan, saying that the briefing to Obama was on “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”
● Because it believed the allegation against Clinton was both credible and serious, on September 7, 2019, U.S. intelligence officials asked the FBI to investigate Clinton’s plan to vilify Trump. That request went to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok.

Gina Haspel is a recent addition on the list of traitors. I say traitors because everybody on the list has always been more loyal to the U.N.’s New World Order crowd than they ever were to their own country.

Frankly, I distrusted Haspel before Trump made her CIA Director. If any more dirt sticks to John Brennan’s protégé she will leave the dirty old douche bag in the rearview mirror:

Instead of investigating Clinton’s scheme, Comey and FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabe — probably at Obama’s direction — buried it under the infamous “Crossfire. Hurricane” investigation into Trump and his 2016 campaign that was already under way.

Let’s set this in context. The Hillary Clinton campaign, through the Perkins, Coie law firm, hired a company called Fusion GPS to gather information about Trump’s supposed connections to the Russian government. Fusion hired former British spy Christopher Steele to gather the information, which became the “Steele dossier,” some three dozen memos that alleged all sorts of connections between Trump, his campaign, and Moscow.

Steele’s primary “sub-source” for the information in the dossier was Igor Danchenko, who the FBI had been investigating because it believed Danchenko was a Russian spy.

The Crossfire Hurricane investigation, during which the FBI falsified surveillance warrant applications against Trump campaign officials and pursued people such as one-time Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and innocents such as Carter Page and Gen. Michael Flynn, lasted until then deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to continue the investigation. Mueller’s two-year investigation found no evidence of conspiracy or collusion by Trump or his campaign with the Russian government.

Shocked and despondent at Mueller’s failure to find such evidence, the Democrats’ (and the media’s) irrational hatred of Trump led congressional Dems to their ridiculous impeachment of him in January.

Thus, for more than three years, these charades consumed the attention of Trump, much of his administration and essentially all of the U.S. media. In short, with little effort on his part, Putin’s disinformation campaign — which it undoubtedly was — with the help of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the FBI — tied up an American president and our government for three years.

Few — if any — disinformation campaigns in history were as successful. In a perverse way, Putin’s campaign is almost admirable because of the way it played into the anxieties and frustrations of the Democrats and the media.

Its effluvia continue to plague us and the president and — most of all — Gen. Mike Flynn.

Let’s not forget that the wrongful prosecution of Flynn continues despite the Justice Department’s effort to dismiss the charges against him. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan is apparently waiting for the election to decide whether he will dismiss the charges against Flynn, hoping for a Biden administration that would withdraw the Justice Department’s motion and continue the persecution of Flynn.

Now comes Gina Haspel’s qualifications for a spot on the list:

According to Sean Davis, co-founder of the Federalist, Trump’s CIA Director Gina Haspel is personally blocking the declassification of documents that would detail the corrupt actions of some of the most senior members of the intelligence community during the 2016 election.

This should be no surprise to anyone because, as I detailed in July of last year, Haspel is John Brennan’s acolyte and protégé. Her allegiance is to Brennan and the intelligence community, not to the truth. In “Worse Than Watergate,” parts 1 and 2, I demonstrated how “Crossfire Hurricane” (and its offshoots such as “Crossfire Razor,” the Flynn investigation) were the worst examples of abuses of power by federal officials in the history of our nation.

As a couple of those articles point out, Brennan gave Haspel one of the choicest jobs in the CIA by making her London station chief, a job in which she served from 2016-2017. That was the period in which the overseas parts of the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation were run out of the CIA station in London. That could not have happened without Haspel’s knowledge. Far more likely is that she personally directed “Crossfire Hurricane” from London for Brennan.

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Davis’s report is correct and that Haspel is blocking the declassification of a pile of documents that would prove the corrupt involvement of herself and others up to and including Obama. Last year, Trump signed an executive order enabling Attorney General Barr to declassify anything he wanted to in pursuit of his investigation into the misconduct of the FBI and the intelligence agencies in 2016-2017.

If Davis is correct, the easy answer to the problem is for Barr to intervene immediately, obtain whatever Haspel is holding back and — if he determines the information contained in them is relevant or is likely to produce relevant evidence — give them to his investigator, U.S. Attorney John Durham.

Giving the documents to Durham would not require them to be declassified and published, but they should be. We are long past the time when the public should have found out just who were the knowing co-conspirators with Putin’s government who enabled Putin’s intelligence operation against the U.S. election and our government to succeed.

Durham’s investigation, still proceeding at a snail’s pace, would be another casualty of a Biden election. If Biden is elected, a new attorney general will cancel the Durham investigation immediately. Whatever crimes Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, Gina Haspel, Peter Strzok, and others committed will go unpublished and unpunished. You can take that to the bank.

Worse Than Watergate, Part 3
by Jed Babbin
October 5, 2020, 12:02 AM

For more details about the real Gina Haspel see number 3 permalink in this thread:
As near as I figure it out, the dirty old douche bag is the only one on the list of infamy that might do hard time:

The devastating facts and events detailed in Charles Ortel’s article leaves me cautiously optimistic that Hillary Clinton will go to jail:

October 6, 2020
James Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems
By Charles Ortel

On the other side of the coin I am incautiously skeptical because reality tells me the dirty old douche bag will end up paying a small fine for jaywalking:

Hillary might pay for Clinton Foundation larceny. She might even pay for using a private e-mail server, but she is not going to pay for treason. Treason is the one crime she committed that is too big to punish, nor will any of her agents be charged. The federal government and the media will never besmirch one their own in a devastating trial. Make no mistake about it. In their eyes Hillary Clinton is a goddess of light and goodness on par with the Virgin Mary to Roman Catholics.
On the other side of the coin I am incautiously skeptical because reality tells me the dirty old douche bag will end up paying a small fine for jaywalking:

I am wrong about the jaywalking ticket. Hillary Clinton will get a medal:

When Republicans conceded that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, it gave the likes of former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former FBI Director James Comey an alibi for their otherwise unfounded investigation of the Trump campaign.

Thomas J. Farnan, an attorney in Pittsburgh, makes the case in an a piece published by the National Pulse that is excerpted from his short ebook, "The Russia Lie: How the Military Industrial Complex Targeted Trump".

He argues that the Obama administration officials interviewed in the criminal probe led by U.S Attorney John Durham could simply have argued that they were doing all they could do prevent Russia from interfering in our election.

Farnan noted that Brennan "recently shrugged off the smoking-gun disclosure that Hillary Clinton schemed to blame Trump and Russia for her embarrassing email problems because, he suggested, her campaign was entitled to highlight Russian interference."

Brennan probably told Durham, he said, that President Obama became concerned about Russian interference back in 2015 "and instructed the CIA to use all intelligence tools at its disposal to get to the bottom of it."

"Guaranteed, that made Durham tug at his beard and ask, 'How do you indict high ranking officials for protecting America?'"

ANSWER: You do not. You give them medals by calling treason patriotism.

Farnan argued that there is no solid evidence for the key claim that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee servers and gave damaging emails damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign to Wikileaks to publish.

Further, the only Russians special counsel Robert Mueller indicted were associated with an internet troll farm, the Internet Research Agency, that purchased $100,000 worth of Facebook ads. More than half were purchased after the election, and only a small percentage had anything to do with the candidates. And, significantly, the Mueller prosecutors were scolded by a judge because they couldn't prove their claim that the company had ties to the Kremlin.

"The stranger-than-fiction truth is that the DNC and the Clinton campaign joined with the CIA, the FBI, think tanks, private contractors, and foreign intelligence services, to raise a false Russian flag over the Trump campaign," Farnan wrote.

The Mueller Report, nevertheless, concluded that the Russian government "interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion" through "a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

In addition, Farnan pointed out, the "useless Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee commissioned two reports, from the University of Oxford's Computational Propaganda Research Project and the firm New Knowledge, that also concluded that the IRA had influenced the election by social media posts."

Farnan noted the actual social media posts uncovered by the Senate and the special counsel "were beyond strange."

"You've probably never seen these because the media does not want you to know how stupid the idea of Russian interference really is," he wrote.

The Justice Department "was forced to slink away in shame and dismiss the indictment" against the Russians associated with the troll farm.

"After tens of millions of dollars in investigations, and countless words spilled in the media alluding to a Russian conspiracy to steal the election, there was nothing there," Farnan wrote.

"Forget collusion, there is no real evidence of Russian interference, either."

He said the Republican establishment's "slavish acceptance of the blame-Russia mantra perfectly illustrates why it regularly loses political battles."

"This scandal is huge, much bigger than Watergate, and compromising in its resolution is destructive," he said.

Farnan poined out that at a press conference on April 18, 2019, releasing Mueller's report, Attorney General Bill Barr praised the special counsel for uncovering Russian interference, insisting that that part of the investigation was justified.

"Therein lies the basic design flaw of Durham's probe: Nobody has gone to jail because Republicans stupidly conceded phony Russian intrigue and the plotters have said they were justified to investigate it," Farnan wrote.

"This insidious false flag operation continues to do political damage to President Trump because those in power have been duped by The Russia Lie."

'Russia lie' doomed Durham investigation
Republican concession 'gave the bad guys an airtight alibi'
By WND Staff
Published October 16, 2020 at 6:53 pm

The only unanswered question is: Will Barr pin the medal on the dirty old douche bag?

William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.
Gina Haspel is a recent addition on the list of traitors. I say traitors because everybody on the list has always been more loyal to the U.N.’s New World Order crowd than they ever were to their own country.

Frankly, I distrusted Haspel before Trump made her CIA Director. If any more dirt sticks to John Brennan’s protégé she will leave the dirty old douche bag in the rearview mirror:

I am moving Haspel up to number one on my list:

Powell also said the CIA must have known about the problem with the voting machines, and she called for the immediate firing of CIA Director Gina Haspel.

"It's really an insidious, corrupt system and I can't tell you how livid I am with our government for not paying attention to complaints, even brought by Democrats," Powell said. "Nobody in our government has paid any attention to it which makes me wonder if the CIA has used it for its own benefit in different places. And why Gina Haspel is still there in the CIA is beyond my comprehension. She should be fired immediately."

Sidney Powell drops bomb: 'I've got lots of ways to prove massive election fraud'
By Joe Kovacs
Published November 15, 2020 at 5:59pm