Ginsburg Voted For Cornholing


Verified User
A farmer taking a wagon load of corn to market came upon an Indian maiden who asked for a ride. He said he would give her a ride for sex. After a bit of collective bargaining they decided a bushel of corn was a fair price. When the the farmer climbed down from his wagon and dropped his britches the Indian maiden laid down on her stomach. Before the farmer could object, the maiden said: “Front hole money hole. Back hole cornhole.”

In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized sodomy. Ginsburg voted with the majority:

Majority Kennedy, joined by Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer
Concurrence O'Connor
Dissent Scalia, joined by Rehnquist, Thomas
Dissent Thomas

Now, the court will address whether or not the term “sex” in the 1964 Title VII discrimination law includes the concept of “gender identity.”

Next major Supreme Court decision: The S-word
Posted By Bob Unruh On 08/25/2019 @ 2:37 pm

If Ginsburg is still on the Court when the votes are counted there is no doubt she will vote against the Constitution she despises.

In 2003 I posted several messages about the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Texas sodomy law.

The libs on the board I was posting on in 2003 were quite upset with my comments. No surprise there. Liberals always lack a sense of humor.

Among other things I said the U.S. Supreme Court’s sent a message to the Executive and Legislative Branches. The Cornhole Decision was clear evidence that the High Court was moving away from state laws prohibiting symptomatic acts while racing toward telling Americans what they must do. The message to state legislators was quite clear: “If you guys continue to prohibit behavior that corrodes society from within you leave this court no choice but to base our decisions on our morality rather than the Constitution. Whenever this court’s decisions legitimate the morality of 5 out of 9 lawyers you have no one to blame but yourselves.”

Incidentally, do not be too hard on the Infallible Nine. The power to impose one’s morality on strangers is intoxicating stuff —— lesser mortals avoid the hard stuff. That is why it is usually reserved for priests.

The Cornhole Decision abandoned prohibition while opening the door for government-mandated conduct in the bedroom somewhere down the road. If you doubt my contention just look at how far environmental wackoism and multicultural garbage has come.

The Cornhole Decision handed down by the High Court also set me to thinking about the Victorian Age. My first thought was that a tenacious holdover from the Victorian Age had been abolished. That did not sit well in my mind; so I decided to focus on the Socialist Religion in relation to the two lady justices, Ginsburg and O'Connor, who spoke up in favor of buggery. One can only speculate that there was a whole lot of girlish giggling taking place when they were discussing the case with each other. I mention this because I have noticed in my life that most ladies find more humor in men who get poked than they find in men who go around doing the poking.

The first step to understanding reminded me that women lacking royal blood had been denied the Right to impose their morality on others long before the Victorians put a damper on pleasures of the flesh. (Our British cousins will be happy to learn that I completely exonerated Queen Victoria from any culpability in America’s judicial problems.)

Then the dawn broke. Women always wore the collar in the Socialist Religion beholden to no man. Now they not only use their religious collars as a license to get even for centuries of being shutout, they signed up the government’s muscle as an accomplice.

Thankfully, I am not called upon to make weighty decisions for everybody. The best I can do is let Professor Harold Hill demonstrate how judicial incrementalism works:

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A farmer taking a wagon load of corn to market came upon an Indian maiden who asked for a ride. He said he would give her a ride for sex. After a bit of collective bargaining they decided a bushel of corn was a fair price. When the the farmer climbed down from his wagon and dropped his britches the Indian maiden laid down on her stomach. Before the farmer could object, the maiden said: “Front hole money hole. Back hole cornhole.”

In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized sodomy. Ginsburg voted with the majority:

Majority Kennedy, joined by Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer
Concurrence O'Connor
Dissent Scalia, joined by Rehnquist, Thomas
Dissent Thomas

Now, the court will address whether or not the term “sex” in the 1964 Title VII discrimination law includes the concept of “gender identity.”

Next major Supreme Court decision: The S-word
Posted By Bob Unruh On 08/25/2019 @ 2:37 pm

If Ginsburg is still on the Court when the votes are counted there is no doubt she will vote against the Constitution she despises.

In 2003 I posted several messages about the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Texas sodomy law.

The libs on the board I was posting on in 2003 were quite upset with my comments. No surprise there. Liberals always lack a sense of humor.

Among other things I said the U.S. Supreme Court’s sent a message to the Executive and Legislative Branches. The Cornhole Decision was clear evidence that the High Court was moving away from state laws prohibiting symptomatic acts while racing toward telling Americans what they must do. The message to state legislators was quite clear: “If you guys continue to prohibit behavior that corrodes society from within you leave this court no choice but to base our decisions on our morality rather than the Constitution. Whenever this court’s decisions legitimate the morality of 5 out of 9 lawyers you have no one to blame but yourselves.”

Incidentally, do not be too hard on the Infallible Nine. The power to impose one’s morality on strangers is intoxicating stuff —— lesser mortals avoid the hard stuff. That is why it is usually reserved for priests.

The Cornhole Decision abandoned prohibition while opening the door for government-mandated conduct in the bedroom somewhere down the road. If you doubt my contention just look at how far environmental wackoism and multicultural garbage has come.

The Cornhole Decision handed down by the High Court also set me to thinking about the Victorian Age. My first thought was that a tenacious holdover from the Victorian Age had been abolished. That did not sit well in my mind; so I decided to focus on the Socialist Religion in relation to the two lady justices, Ginsburg and O'Connor, who spoke up in favor of buggery. One can only speculate that there was a whole lot of girlish giggling taking place when they were discussing the case with each other. I mention this because I have noticed in my life that most ladies find more humor in men who get poked than they find in men who go around doing the poking.

The first step to understanding reminded me that women lacking royal blood had been denied the Right to impose their morality on others long before the Victorians put a damper on pleasures of the flesh. (Our British cousins will be happy to learn that I completely exonerated Queen Victoria from any culpability in America’s judicial problems.)

Then the dawn broke. Women always wore the collar in the Socialist Religion beholden to no man. Now they not only use their religious collars as a license to get even for centuries of being shutout, they signed up the government’s muscle as an accomplice.

Thankfully, I am not called upon to make weighty decisions for everybody. The best I can do is let Professor Harold Hill demonstrate how judicial incrementalism works:

Cornholing, I'm not surprised Ruthie voted FOR this!
Majority Kennedy, joined by Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer
Concurrence O'Connor
Dissent Scalia, joined by Rehnquist, Thomas
Dissent Thomas

Cornholing, I'm not surprised Ruthie voted FOR this!

To Steven VanderMolen: Baby Ruth might get another shot at Texas if the Drag Queens get to the High Court in time:

The Leander, Texas City Council voted 5-2 on August 15 to end library room rentals to the public in the wake of outcry over a controversial Drag Queen Story Hour presentation.

The Council also voted 6-1 to require background checks for presenters to children aged 17 and younger, reported Community Impact Newspaper.

The votes came after several months of review of library policies and procedures when it was discovered a Drag Queen Story Hour event had been scheduled on June 15 at the library in Leander, a suburb of Austin.

Local pro-family organization Houston MassResistance released an exposé of Valeri Jinxy Abrego, the drag queen reportedly scheduled to be reading to the children at the event. The exposé includes many pornographic photos. Subsequently, protests flared and the City Council weighed its options.

The council decided the library could not sponsor the drag queen event, but ultimately allowed a private group, the LGBT activist Church of the Open Cathedral, to rent space at the library to host the drag queen presentation. The library then closed to the public on the day of the event, except for the story hour that was then termed a “pride” presentation.

The demonstrations during the story hour far surpassed any Leander had ever seen.

The city’s Mayor Troy Hill said the protests around the drag queen event ended up costing the city $20,000 in security – when the rental fee for the presentation was only $1,800.

“That’s not good math to me,” Hill said, reported NBC affiliate KXAN.

According to the Drag Queen Story Hour website, the aim of the event is to present gender fluidity as a positive quality children should accept and even emulate:

Drag Queen Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity in childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, and where dress-up is real.

Concerns about safety at the Drag Queen Story Hour events made headlines recently when Houston MassResistance discovered drag queen Alberto Garza, who uses the name Tatiana Mala-Nina when reading to young children, had been convicted in 2008 of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy. The Houston library system had failed to perform a background check on Garza or any of the other drag queens appearing in its programs.

Multnomah County Library in Portland, Oregon, also faced backlash when it was found the library system had quietly removed from social media photos of the Drag Queen Story Hour that took place at one of its libraries during which young children were lying on top of the drag queens and fondling their false breasts.

Hill Country News
August 16 at 2:17 PM ·

Leander City Council voted to end public rental of rooms at the Leander Public Library and require background checks for outsider presenters.

However, at least one business said they will not build in Leander over the vote and questions remain over whether the changes will prevent future protests and controversies.
Leander Council ends public library room rentals after protest against LGBTQA festival

Christine Sederquist and Kathryn Pantalion-Parker were the two Leander City Council members who opposed ending library rentals to the public.

“We already have things in place to protect our citizens and ensure costs,” Sederquist said regarding the security issue. “There’s no reason to take away something from them.”

“We have one issue that occurred in a magnificent city, our little city of Leander, one issue happened, and now it’s punishing everyone who does play nice in the sandbox, follows the rules and behaves themselves,” Pantalion-Parker said.

Council member Jason Shaw said while the decision to end library rentals was difficult, he believed it was the right thing to do.

“I hate that we’re having to do this, to take it away,” he explained, adding:

But people are going to attack. If we don’t just make it even across the board, people are going to attack and they’re going to probe. It’s going to cost the city and eventually somebody’s going to get hurt. Things are going to escalate and somebody’s going to get hurt.

Use of the library will now be limited to those events sponsored by the library, city government, or the parks and recreation department.

Regarding background checks for presenters of children’s programs, Leander City Council member Michelle Stephenson said she undergoes them when she volunteers at her child’s school.

“I think having policies set down in writing is a good thing,” she said, reported Community Impact. “It gives you something concrete.”

Texas Values

Mary Elizabeth Castle, Policy Advisor for Texas Values, stated, “The City of Leander made the right decision to protect the children of Leander from these dangerous Drag Queen shows at the public library.”

VICTORY: Children Protected From Drag Queen Shows in Leander


Austin, Texas – Late Thursday night, the Leander City Council voted 6-1 to require background checks for all presenters at library events. They also voted to ensure no other outside groups are able to sponsor events at the library- including Drag Queen shows.

7:07 AM - 17 Aug 2019

Mary Elizabeth Castle, a policy advisor for the pro-family advocacy group Texas Values, said the city made the right decision.

“Texas Values appreciates that there will be thorough background checks in the new policies for outside presenters,” she said. “I reiterate you’re doing the right thing in setting these policies and stopping these events.”

Firestorm over Drag Queen Event Pushes City to Change Library Policies
by Dr. Susan Berry
26 Aug 2019
A farmer taking a wagon load of corn to market came upon an Indian maiden who asked for a ride. He said he would give her a ride for sex. After a bit of collective bargaining they decided a bushel of corn was a fair price. When the the farmer climbed down from his wagon and dropped his britches the Indian maiden laid down on her stomach. Before the farmer could object, the maiden said: “Front hole money hole. Back hole cornhole.”

In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized sodomy. Ginsburg voted with the majority:

Majority Kennedy, joined by Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer
Concurrence O'Connor
Dissent Scalia, joined by Rehnquist, Thomas
Dissent Thomas

Now, the court will address whether or not the term “sex” in the 1964 Title VII discrimination law includes the concept of “gender identity.”

Next major Supreme Court decision: The S-word
Posted By Bob Unruh On 08/25/2019 @ 2:37 pm

If Ginsburg is still on the Court when the votes are counted there is no doubt she will vote against the Constitution she despises.

In 2003 I posted several messages about the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Texas sodomy law.

The libs on the board I was posting on in 2003 were quite upset with my comments. No surprise there. Liberals always lack a sense of humor.

Among other things I said the U.S. Supreme Court’s sent a message to the Executive and Legislative Branches. The Cornhole Decision was clear evidence that the High Court was moving away from state laws prohibiting symptomatic acts while racing toward telling Americans what they must do. The message to state legislators was quite clear: “If you guys continue to prohibit behavior that corrodes society from within you leave this court no choice but to base our decisions on our morality rather than the Constitution. Whenever this court’s decisions legitimate the morality of 5 out of 9 lawyers you have no one to blame but yourselves.”

Incidentally, do not be too hard on the Infallible Nine. The power to impose one’s morality on strangers is intoxicating stuff —— lesser mortals avoid the hard stuff. That is why it is usually reserved for priests.

The Cornhole Decision abandoned prohibition while opening the door for government-mandated conduct in the bedroom somewhere down the road. If you doubt my contention just look at how far environmental wackoism and multicultural garbage has come.

The Cornhole Decision handed down by the High Court also set me to thinking about the Victorian Age. My first thought was that a tenacious holdover from the Victorian Age had been abolished. That did not sit well in my mind; so I decided to focus on the Socialist Religion in relation to the two lady justices, Ginsburg and O'Connor, who spoke up in favor of buggery. One can only speculate that there was a whole lot of girlish giggling taking place when they were discussing the case with each other. I mention this because I have noticed in my life that most ladies find more humor in men who get poked than they find in men who go around doing the poking.

The first step to understanding reminded me that women lacking royal blood had been denied the Right to impose their morality on others long before the Victorians put a damper on pleasures of the flesh. (Our British cousins will be happy to learn that I completely exonerated Queen Victoria from any culpability in America’s judicial problems.)

Then the dawn broke. Women always wore the collar in the Socialist Religion beholden to no man. Now they not only use their religious collars as a license to get even for centuries of being shutout, they signed up the government’s muscle as an accomplice.

Thankfully, I am not called upon to make weighty decisions for everybody. The best I can do is let Professor Harold Hill demonstrate how judicial incrementalism works:

The Talmud must have be talking about Flanders and his kind

Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says:

"Animals must not be allowed to go near the Goyim, because they are suspected of having intercourse with them.
A farmer taking a wagon load of corn to market came upon an Indian maiden who asked for a ride. He said he would give her a ride for sex. After a bit of collective bargaining they decided a bushel of corn was a fair price. When the the farmer climbed down from his wagon and dropped his britches the Indian maiden laid down on her stomach. Before the farmer could object, the maiden said: “Front hole money hole. Back hole cornhole.”

In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized sodomy. Ginsburg voted with the majority:

Majority Kennedy, joined by Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer
Concurrence O'Connor
Dissent Scalia, joined by Rehnquist, Thomas
Dissent Thomas

Now, the court will address whether or not the term “sex” in the 1964 Title VII discrimination law includes the concept of “gender identity.”

Next major Supreme Court decision: The S-word
Posted By Bob Unruh On 08/25/2019 @ 2:37 pm

If Ginsburg is still on the Court when the votes are counted there is no doubt she will vote against the Constitution she despises.

In 2003 I posted several messages about the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Texas sodomy law.

The libs on the board I was posting on in 2003 were quite upset with my comments. No surprise there. Liberals always lack a sense of humor.

Among other things I said the U.S. Supreme Court’s sent a message to the Executive and Legislative Branches. The Cornhole Decision was clear evidence that the High Court was moving away from state laws prohibiting symptomatic acts while racing toward telling Americans what they must do. The message to state legislators was quite clear: “If you guys continue to prohibit behavior that corrodes society from within you leave this court no choice but to base our decisions on our morality rather than the Constitution. Whenever this court’s decisions legitimate the morality of 5 out of 9 lawyers you have no one to blame but yourselves.”

Incidentally, do not be too hard on the Infallible Nine. The power to impose one’s morality on strangers is intoxicating stuff —— lesser mortals avoid the hard stuff. That is why it is usually reserved for priests.

The Cornhole Decision abandoned prohibition while opening the door for government-mandated conduct in the bedroom somewhere down the road. If you doubt my contention just look at how far environmental wackoism and multicultural garbage has come.

The Cornhole Decision handed down by the High Court also set me to thinking about the Victorian Age. My first thought was that a tenacious holdover from the Victorian Age had been abolished. That did not sit well in my mind; so I decided to focus on the Socialist Religion in relation to the two lady justices, Ginsburg and O'Connor, who spoke up in favor of buggery. One can only speculate that there was a whole lot of girlish giggling taking place when they were discussing the case with each other. I mention this because I have noticed in my life that most ladies find more humor in men who get poked than they find in men who go around doing the poking.

The first step to understanding reminded me that women lacking royal blood had been denied the Right to impose their morality on others long before the Victorians put a damper on pleasures of the flesh. (Our British cousins will be happy to learn that I completely exonerated Queen Victoria from any culpability in America’s judicial problems.)

Then the dawn broke. Women always wore the collar in the Socialist Religion beholden to no man. Now they not only use their religious collars as a license to get even for centuries of being shutout, they signed up the government’s muscle as an accomplice.

Thankfully, I am not called upon to make weighty decisions for everybody. The best I can do is let Professor Harold Hill demonstrate how judicial incrementalism works:

The idea of fudgepacking just makes you cum in your shorts, doesn’t it cocksucker?