Girl 7 shot protecting her mother...


Staff member

Girl, 7, shot 6 times saving mom

Norman Sinclair, Santiago Esparza and Jennifer Mrozowski / The Detroit News

A 7-year-old-girl is being hailed as an "angel from heaven" and a hero for jumping in front of an enraged gunman, who pumped six bullets into the child as she used her body as a shield to save her mother's life.

Alexis Goggins, a first-grader at Campbell Elementary School, is in stable condition at Children's Hospital in Detroit recovering from gunshot wounds to the eye, left temple, chin, cheek, chest and right arm.

"She is an angel from heaven," said Aisha Ford, a family friend for 15 years who also was caught up in the evening of terror.

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If there are angels why in the hell was she shot at all?

This little girl is an amazing person and this guy is as evil as a human being comes.

He should get life and have to live in prison forever with everyone in the prison knowing what he did.
If there are angels why in the hell was she shot at all?This little girl is an amazing person and this guy is as evil as a human being comes.

He should get life and have to live in prison forever with everyone in the prison knowing what he did.

Ask will issues...maybe she has become the light for all of you non-believers to see...she that not enough?