Giuliani Promises a ‘Mountain’ of Evidence, Only a ‘Small Amount’ Revealed So Far


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Giuliani Promises a ‘Mountain’ of Evidence, Only a ‘Small Amount’ Revealed So Far

By Jack Phillips
November 26, 2020 Updated: November 26, 2020

President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani claimed on Wednesday night that the team has a significant amount of evidence that could overturn the overall result of the election.

Giuliani told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs that the Republican state senators in Pennsylvania “seemed to be very impressed with the evidence” that was presented at a hearing in Gettysburg earlier in the day. In that hearing, Giuliani called on the state senators to try and halt the certification of the election or send up their own electors to the Electoral College due to voter fraud.

“They don’t want the American people to hear the evidence of fraud,” Giuliani said of how the media has reported on their allegations, along with Big Tech censorship, and claims to the contrary made by mostly Democratic election officials in various states.

“We have a mountain of evidence. We only put out a small amount of it as representative of what we have,” Giuliani said on Fox.

During the hearing, Trump’s legal team brought up several witnesses who told the GOP lawmakers about alleged irregularities and unusual incidents that should call the results of the election in Pennsylvania into question.

In the event, the former mayor of New York City noted that his team filed lawsuits to overturn 672,000 votes—which would easily flip the state from Democrat Joe Biden to Trump. Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough on Wednesday ordered the state not to take any further steps to complete the certification of the election results, including all other election results in Pennsylvania.

It also came as the U.S. Third Court of Appeals granted its team a “motion for emergency expedited review … at the direction of the court.”

“I know crooks really well. You give them an inch, they take a mile. You give them a mile, they take the whole country,” Giuliani said during the hearing, claiming that election officials engaged in a scheme to fix the election.

The office of Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat, responded to Giuliani’s and the witnesses’ claims by calling them “tired conspiracy theories” that have been “debunked” by courts, although she didn’t respond to the team’s recent legal successes.

“Continuing to repeat these falsehoods in front of the cameras only harms the democracy that so many Americans have died to protect,” a spokeswoman for Boockvar told ABC News.

Other than Boockvar, several other secretaries of state in Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona have said they’ve seen no evidence of voter fraud or irregularities that would overturn the election.

Gov. Tom Wolf, also a Democrat, announced that he signed off on certifying the election in the state for Biden.

But in the Fox interview, Giuliani said the Keystone State would be “committing perjury” by certifying the election results, adding that the state’s legislature could instead certify Trump as the winner.