Giuliani Touts ID Card Plan For Foreigners


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Giuliani Touts ID Card Plan For Foreigners
GOP Presidential Hopeful Vows To Stop Flow Of Illegal Immigrants


"If you want to work — pay your fair share — we'll sign you up. People who don't come forward, I would fine and throw out of the country."
Rudy Giuliani

(AP) Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani vowed Tuesday to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States by closely tracking visitors to the country and beefing up border security.

"We can end illegal immigration. I promise you, we can end illegal immigration," the former New York mayor said at a community center — the first of the day's two stops in this early voting state.

Giuliani said he would require a uniform identification card for foreign workers and students and create a central database to track the legal status of visitors to the country. He told the crowd of more than 300 that 12 million immigrants have entered the country illegally.
Umm how would this help control or catch theo ones that get legit looking US ID's SS cards, DL's etc...
I guess Ghoulaini is expecting those wanting to be illegals being honest ?
Umm how would this help control or catch theo ones that get legit looking US ID's SS cards, DL's etc...
I guess Ghoulaini is expecting those wanting to be illegals being honest ?
In May 2008 the Real ID program will be implemented that will make it far more difficult to get such fake identification. It is actually quite uncomfortable to think of how much the government can already track you, giving them a tool such as that seems unfathomable.
In May 2008 the Real ID program will be implemented that will make it far more difficult to get such fake identification. It is actually quite uncomfortable to think of how much the government can already track you, giving them a tool such as that seems unfathomable.

I have no problem with a good ID system.
even to the point of having you prints digitally stored on the card.

We have had drivers liscences and SS cards for years.