Glenn Beck.....Coming-In, For A.......



October 6, 2016 - "The site, which Beck launched in 2010 to serve as the conservative counterpart to The Huffington Post, has dropped from 25 employees on its editorial side to just six. A source inside The Blaze, who requested anonymity for fear of retribution, told HuffPost that the mood among the rapidly diminishing news team is somber."

Hopefully the Bagger frenzy is eroding, and the Baggers are no longer a viable political party.

They're definitely facing a hard-landing.....seeing-as-how.....only WEEKS after getting their collective-asses handed to themselves, in November.....the NASCAR SEASON WILL BE ENDING!!!!

Due to the availability of alcohol....and, Teabaggers' sophomoric-obsession with Open Carry....

assault-weapons-gun-ban-senate-penis-encouragement-ecards-someecards.png'd probably be best to avoid any interaction with those Teabaggers (you see, running-loose)....until NASCAR's traditional-resurrection....'round, about February.
They're definitely facing a hard landing.....seeing-as-how.....only weeks after getting their collective asses handed to themselves, in November.the NASCAR SEASON WILL BE ENDING!

Due to the availability of alcohol and, Teabaggers sophomoric obsession with Open'd probably be best to avoid any interaction with those Teabaggers (you see, running-loose)....until NASCAR's traditional-resurrection....'round, about February.
Now I can somewhat make seance of your post. If you want replies may I suggest making your post's easier to read? This is not art class.
its merely how human minds are wired dude

you rock

make it so more people read what you post
And, you're not an art instructor or English.seance?

No - I just want to be able to read what you are writing. The way you put the post together makes it difficult. The fact that you could see a misspelled word in my post shows my post is easier to read. You can keep writing posts that can not be read. A spelling error is just that, an error. No one deliberately makes spelling error's. Your posts (whether you realize it or not) are deliberately difficult to read.
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don't be a trump

billy is being honest with you

its how human brains are wired

some of your tactics make human eyes not want to finish reading your stuff

your stuff rocks though
No - I just want to be able to read what you are writing. The way you put the post together makes it difficult. The fact that you could see a misspelled word in my post shows my post is easier to read. You can keep writing posts that can not be read. A spelling error is just that, an error. No one deliberately makes spelling error's. Your posts (whether you realize it or not) are deliberately difficult to read.


too much size and color variation