Global Warming/Climate Change


Junior Member
It was all fun and games when we had a nice warm winter in the Northeast. But now its cutting into my springtime. Its freezing! And what the hell? Flurries? Its almost mid April.

Okay, Okay, I know.......I was pro-climate change earlier this year, but now I've seen the light, something must be done.
Everyplace will not get warmer. Overall it will get warmer, but some will get colder, some dryer, some wetter. And one entire nation in the south pacific will be gone within 50 yrs.
Bet all the snowed out fans of baseball won't agree that a catastrophe is around the corner.
GW is real just not the immenant danger it's being portraid as. Obviously
Bet all the snowed out fans of baseball won't agree that a catastrophe is around the corner.
GW is real just not the immenant danger it's being portraid as. Obviously

Them and all of us who were hoping to get some good use out of our spring wardrobe. This is a catastrophe.

I'm nominating Gore.
Bet all the snowed out fans of baseball won't agree that a catastrophe is around the corner.
GW is real just not the immenant danger it's being portraid as. Obviously

A limited view as per usual.

I took advantage of the cool weather to cut a few more trees for firewood for next winter.
25 deg and still sweatin....