Global Warming Deniers - Prison for you?


Well this is I guess the next step, if you decide to debate against the possibility of global warming, you should be given a Nuremberg style war crimes trial:
"Grist Magazine’s staff writer David Roberts called for the Nuremberg-style trials for the “bastards” who were members of what he termed the global warming “denial industry.” "

This echoes exactly what I have said before, with environmentalists becoming what religion was 500 years ago, going on witchhunt's for non-believers.
Scary and it will just keep ramping up - with guys like this any wonder scientists aren't that willing to come forward with their scepticisms?
How's this one:

If you elect republicans, you support pedoph elia.... and male prost itution.
This isn't the only instance, RStringfield posted instances of the BBC shutting down debate on global warming.
I posted I believe 2 months ago an article on how there was a pressure group formed to expel members of the government who did not believe in global warming.

New Liberal issues are not trends, they are ramps. I remember a few years ago saying how after the left was done beating the shit out of tobacco companies, they would need a new target and it was shaping up to be fast food. I had the same response here about fearmongering and "oh this is just some idiot who suggested taxing/going after fast food companies", today we now see legislation, lawsuits and so on against fast food and it is mainstream.

It's only going to be harder to fight against, as time goes on...
EXACTLY The enviroment lobby lives on fear mongering. They deny any facts that don't support the cause. YOU NEED TO HAVE FAITH! LOL
This isn't the only instance, RStringfield posted instances of the BBC shutting down debate on global warming.
I posted I believe 2 months ago an article on how there was a pressure group formed to expel members of the government who did not believe in global warming.

New Liberal issues are not trends, they are ramps. I remember a few years ago saying how after the left was done beating the shit out of tobacco companies, they would need a new target and it was shaping up to be fast food. I had the same response here about fearmongering and "oh this is just some idiot who suggested taxing/going after fast food companies", today we now see legislation, lawsuits and so on against fast food and it is mainstream.

It's only going to be harder to fight against, as time goes on...

Yep harder to fight against, like the religious right are or like the bushites were a few years ago. So whats new Dano ?
The global warming crowd are the same as the Ice age, Population Bomb crowd from a decade ago. And just as wrong!
Yep harder to fight against, like the religious right are or like the bushites were a few years ago. So whats new Dano ?
Religion is on the wane, number of atheists is growing.
Bushies were hard to go against a few years ago, you are correct, yet see the difference: "a few years ago". Bush is on the wane.

But leftist movements like the fight against global warming, have only been getting stronger and stronger.
LOOK at the last 100 years of government and you will see that government has grown in every conceivable area of interest to lefties, social programs, SS, education, healthcare, etc...
Yet that which people criticize Bush more for like the Iraq war will obviously someday come to an end, just as ALL wars have come to an end in American history.

You're seeing things as they are now, rather than over a longer period of time.
The lefties and eco greenie types have waned over recent years.
They are coming back a little bit now, but not much.
There is a cycle to everything. Don't be afraid Dano , It will all even out.
I'd be concerned if I lived in France. I'm not worried about that happening here. You can still deny the holocaust and engage in hate speech. Curbing things that everybody hates would be a necessary precursor to something like this.