APP - Global Warming From A San Francisco Perspective

Outstanding! Totally LOL-worthy

Thank God Global Warming is a Liberal Hoax

“I am delighted to remember that hardcore science has lied, misguided, misnomered and whatever else weird science does to confuse the world about the real impact humanity has had on global ecosystems.

All those thousands of highly trained scientists educated at the finest universities, learning the most difficult and fraught information of our age, all in universal agreement that humankind's actions directly affect climate change, and they are all totally full of it because they are clearly in cahoots with Nazi Liberal Jesus, the solar panel manufacturers and the hippies who want me to compost my KFC Double Down wrapper. “

I for one, am totally bummed to learn that global warming was nothing more a nefarious global conspiracy of lying, liberal scientists who faked data and misled the world.

I could have used a little freaking warming; I still have to wear a sweater in the middle of August here, the mother effing climate here is hella cool-ish and foggy. I wanna be able to wear my wife-beater shirt!
is it too late to do something about global climate change

- so even if we could get nations to agree to do something about it, it would take too long

- in other words we are screwed so go on out and buy that gas guzzler
is it too late to do something about global climate change

- so even if we could get nations to agree to do something about it, it would take too long

- in other words we are screwed so go on out and buy that gas guzzler

LOL A true believer.

Learn some stats and stop worrying about the concentration of CO2.

Save your breath for things that really matter.
Outstanding! Totally LOL-worthy

I for one, am totally bummed to learn that global warming was nothing more a nefarious global conspiracy of lying, liberal scientists who faked data and misled the world.

I could have used a little freaking warming; I still have to wear a sweater in the middle of August here, the mother effing climate here is hella cool-ish and foggy. I wanna be able to wear my wife-beater shirt!

The writer ought to get his facts straight for a start, the 2004 tsunami killed in excess of 250,000 people. I believe that the Pakistani floods have killed around 1000 so far. So to claim, in his histrionic way, that it is more devastating than the tsunami is just arrant nonsense. It is also funny that when extreme cold weather events occur it is said that this is just noise and may be disregarded whilst when the opposite occurs it is proof incarnate that the world is about to end.
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The writer ought to get his facts straight for a start, the 2004 tsunami killed in excess of 250,000 people. I believe that the Pakistani floods have killed around 1000 so far. So to claim, in his histrionic way, that it is more devastating than the tsunami is just arrant nonsense. It is also funny that when extreme cold weather events occur it is said that this is just noise and may be disregarded whilst when the opposite occurs it is proof incarnate that the world is about to end.

The writer ought to get his facts straight for a start, the 2004 tsunami killed in excess of 250,000 people. I believe that the Pakistani floods have killed around 1000 so far. So to claim, in his histrionic way, that it is more devastating than the tsunami is just arrant nonsense.

I don't know why you're getting mad at me professor. I didn't post this article.

The Aceh tsunami was a once a once-in-a-century event, based on geologic events beyond our control. The human-caused climate change you have spent a message board career denying is known with a high degree of scientific certainty to likely result in systematic and routine ecological, agricultural, and economic disruptions at best; catastrophic consequences at worst in some cases. Especially without mitigating measures. This isn't a well guarded secret. All of the world's top science organizations have reported this; although presumably the right wing blogs haven't.

"It is certain that increased greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and from land use change lead to a warming of climate, and it is very likely that these green house gases are the dominant cause of the global warming” that has been taking place over the last 50 years.”

-Royal Society, UK, 2010 (The UK’s National Science Academy)

“Some scientific conclusions or theories have been so thoroughly examined and tested, and supported by so many independent observations and results, that their likelihood of subsequently being found to be wrong is vanishingly small. Such conclusions and theories are then regarded as settled facts. This is the case for the conclusions that the Earth system is warming and that much of this warming is very likely due to human activities.”

-US National Academy of Sciences

"As of in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing on the planet is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change"

-(Wikipedia, 2010)

TOMPRENDERGAST: It is also funny that when extreme cold weather events occur it is said that this is just noise and may be disregarded whilst when the opposite occurs it is proof incarnate that the world is about to end.

The number of record hot days is increasingly and routinely outnumbering the number of record cold days, as a result of human-caused climate change. Are you aware of this?

.... according, to the prestigious National Center for Atmospheric Research at NOAA....


Summer Heat Wave, Floods, and Droughts, Summer 2010:

“We’re getting a dramatic taste of the kind of weather we are on course to bequeath to our grandchildren,” says Tom Peterson, Chief Scientist for NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center.
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I don't know why you're getting mad at me professor. I didn't post this article.

The Aceh tsunami was a once a once-in-a-century event, based on geologic events beyond our control. The human-caused climate change you have spent a message board career denying is known with a high degree of scientific certainty to likely result in systematic and routine ecological, agricultural, and economic disruptions at best; catastrophic consequences at worst in some cases. Especially without mitigating measures. This isn't a well guarded secret. All of the world's top science organizations have reported this; although presumably the right wing blogs haven't.

The number of record hot days is increasingly and routinely outnumbering the number of record cold days, as a result of human-caused climate change. Are you aware of this?

.... according, to the prestigious National Center for Atmospheric Research at NOAA....


I think there's some holes in your logic.
I don't know why you're getting mad at me professor. I didn't post this article.

The Aceh tsunami was a once a once-in-a-century event, based on geologic events beyond our control. The human-caused climate change you have spent a message board career denying is known with a high degree of scientific certainty to likely result in systematic and routine ecological, agricultural, and economic disruptions at best; catastrophic consequences at worst in some cases. Especially without mitigating measures. This isn't a well guarded secret. All of the world's top science organizations have reported this; although presumably the right wing blogs haven't.

The number of record hot days is increasingly and routinely outnumbering the number of record cold days, as a result of human-caused climate change. Are you aware of this?

.... according, to the prestigious National Center for Atmospheric Research at NOAA....


You would be doing yourself a favour by reading this cogent and highly literate article on man made global warming in the Times Higher Education supplement written by Martin Cohen, who is an environmental campaigner. You might also want to ask yourself why so many so called "investment banks" such as Goldman Sachs are so anxious to get carbon trading up and running, simply because it is the next sub prime mortgage scam with potential rewards in the trillions for Wall Street brokers.
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And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

ad nauseam

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

And if you don't believe The UK’s National Science Academy
just ask The US National Academy of Sciences

and if you don't believe the US National Academy of Sciences,
just ask The UK’s National Science Academy

ad nauseam

Click on these if you want to make your eyes bleed, and get a migraine from reading the massive scope, breadth, and ginormous quantity of reputable scientific organizations and climate scientists who concur that the scientific evidence overwhelmingly points to human caused climate change.
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You would be doing yourself a favour by reading this cogent and highly literate article on man made global warming in the Times Higher Education supplement written by Martin Cohen, who is an environmental campaigner. You might also want to ask yourself why many so called "investment banks" such as Goldman Sachs are anxious to get carbon trading up and running, is it simply because it is the next sub prime mortgage scam with potential rewards in the trillions for Wall Street brokers?

Even Friends of the Earth say that carbon trading is a scam.
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