Global Warming Leads to Job Creation


Junior Member
Global warming has helped America gain 8 million jobs, according to Friday's jobs report. Last Friday, we saw that 8 million jobs were created.

At the same time, the climate is warming.

So you see, clearly warmer climates mean more jobs for all.

The reason for the correlation? If governments started to enforce restrictions on business that curbed climate warming, it would mean corporations would have slimmer profit margins and they'd have to fire people - that means less jobs. That's what "fire" means. Less jobs.

And it also means more whales since there's less ice for them to get trapped in.

Prove me wrong!
Global warming has helped America gain 8 million jobs, according to Friday's jobs report. Last Friday, we saw that 8 million jobs were created.

At the same time, the climate is warming.

So you see, clearly warmer climates mean more jobs for all.

The reason for the correlation? If governments started to enforce restrictions on business that curbed climate warming, it would mean corporations would have slimmer profit margins and they'd have to fire people - that means less jobs. That's what "fire" means. Less jobs.

And it also means more whales since there's less ice for them to get trapped in.

Prove me wrong!
More whales means more jobs! Wow, this Global Warming thing rocks!
Global warming has helped America gain 8 million jobs, according to Friday's jobs report. Last Friday, we saw that 8 million jobs were created.

At the same time, the climate is warming.

So you see, clearly warmer climates mean more jobs for all.

The reason for the correlation? If governments started to enforce restrictions on business that curbed climate warming, it would mean corporations would have slimmer profit margins and they'd have to fire people - that means less jobs. That's what "fire" means. Less jobs.

And it also means more whales since there's less ice for them to get trapped in.

Prove me wrong!


Fabulous! I wonder if there is anyway we can speed this global warming thing up? I mean, if we do that, we might create 16 millions jobs.
But if we let the whale population rise unchecked then it is only a matter of time before they strip the oceans and seas of plankton and are forced out of the water and into our job market.

Do you want to be replaced by a whale offering to do your job for half the salary?

More whales = more unemployment.
Is the increased whale population due solely to global warming, or does Geenpeace deserve some credit ?

Well since Greenpeace uses so many of those oil consuming tugs and tankers running around polluting the ocean and the air so that they may bitch about others polluting the ocean and air, they obviously are contributing heavily to global warming and pollution, which have obviously led to the higher whale population.
Well since Greenpeace uses so many of those oil consuming tugs and tankers running around polluting the ocean and the air so that they may bitch about others polluting the ocean and air, they obviously are contributing heavily to global warming and pollution, which have obviously led to the higher whale population.

Yeah, why can't greenpeace just get in the ocean and swim around trying to interdict those whaling boats? Haven't those morons heard of scuba gear?
Yeah, why can't greenpeace just get in the ocean and swim around trying to interdict those whaling boats? Haven't those morons heard of scuba gear?
Or they could invent something that ran on their own sense of self-importance. It would probably be the first device ever to pass the speed of light. They'd be able to save the whales before they even got started...
Or they could invent something that ran on their own sense of self-importance. It would probably be the first device ever to pass the speed of light. They'd be able to save the whales before they even got started...

Ed begley jr., simpsons, ed begley jr. had a car that ran on his own sense of self satisfaction.
Yeah, why can't greenpeace just get in the ocean and swim around trying to interdict those whaling boats? Haven't those morons heard of scuba gear?

Umm wetsuits are made from petro chemicals. and how much energy does it take to compress that oxygen.

Great comeback SF.
How can we prove you wrong, Plus I like the very intelligent humerous slam of all those who do not believe that man is contributing to global warming.