Globalist Argument

Kamala Trump

Verified User
What's best for all people is if their governments abandon them and leave them at the mercy of corporations to treat them (the people) as resources as they (multinational corporations) see fit.
Yes, people want to be left alone. Its called liberty.

they also want a government that protects them from corporate abuses, and makes it possible to succeed in the nations in which they live. They do not want laws to be changed specifically so a new labor force can be imported to displace them. Only fascists think like you. That makes you a fascist.
Slavery gets things done!

see. That is so quickly being dealt with as a "race" issue so nobody discusses the actual ideology behind it. All races have been enslaved at one time or another.
You pretend that I ahve ever advocated that government step up to the plate for business. I have consistently opposed subsidies and corportate bailouts. Such things are a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money and unconstitutional.

But you never stop there, but instead spout off childish conspiracies and promote the hell out of unwarranted regulation. How's that NAU conspiracy working out for you? Especially now that we are required to have a passport to get into Canada now.
You pretend that I ahve ever advocated that government step up to the plate for business. I have consistently opposed subsidies and corportate bailouts. Such things are a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money and unconstitutional.

But you never stop there, but instead spout off childish conspiracies and promote the hell out of unwarranted regulation. How's that NAU conspiracy working out for you? Especially now that we are required to have a passport to get into Canada now.

How are subsidies unconstitutional?
Oh why do I even ask.

I support Hamiltons view of the General Welfare clause, not Madisons.
Technically, if we view the clause as only pertaining to the 25 items listed in section 8, then Madison was correct.

I however, do think the Report on Manufactures was a great necessity to the US, and it would have allocated subsidies to grow American industry. So I guess what I should say is that subsidies are generally inappropriate. Of course, a strict view could rule them out as unconstitutional altogether... Overall, I think Hamilton was a great founder. He kind of reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt, who did a lot of good and then ruined it all with his unsatiable ego with his stupid report attacking Adams, just as TR derailed Taft's re-election and we got stuck with Wilson as president.
You pretend that I ahve ever advocated that government step up to the plate for business. I have consistently opposed subsidies and corportate bailouts. Such things are a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money and unconstitutional.

But you never stop there, but instead spout off childish conspiracies and promote the hell out of unwarranted regulation. How's that NAU conspiracy working out for you? Especially now that we are required to have a passport to get into Canada now.

Are you saying that in the neocon worldview: "the unrestricted movement of people, goods and capital", mexico and the U.S. arent' included? You people are schizophrenic. You deny the North American Union, yet your every retarded concept supports it.

Regionalization is considered and interim step to full globalization according to CFR white papers and other sources.
Are you saying that in the neocon worldview: "the unrestricted movement of people, goods and capital", mexico and the U.S. arent' included? You people are schizophrenic. You deny the North American Union, yet your every retarded concept supports it.

Regionalization is considered and interim step to full globalization according to CFR white papers and other sources.
So why is it now harder instead of easier to transport people, goods, and capital?
It's funny, I originally dropped into this thread to critiscize asshat, and then Threedee came in and said something dumber.

Which was? As Asshate said, red is blue. Especially when you have nothing else to say, such as refute the fact that it is now harder to travel between the US and Canada.
Which was? As Asshate said, red is blue. Especially when you have nothing else to say, such as refute the fact that it is now harder to travel between the US and Canada.

That's from security. The free flow of goods, people and capital unimpeded by borders or government is still the globalist goal, so who wants the NAU? You and your ilk do.