Globalist / leftist sickos making these calls complaining about Amber alerts?!!

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
What are these sickos saying when they call 911? ...

How dare you remove attention from sicko leftists and globalist scum forcing hateful lies onto the public over main stream to divert attention to raising awareness to merely children of Canadian citizens being abducted?!

I suspect they would call with such rubbish because such appears to be right up their alley of their gutter mentality wanting to try and drag everyone else down to their sick level while defecating on Canadians safety and well being at every turn that their pea little brains can possibly fathom. It wouldn't surprise me if they are doing such to inspire the rise of filthy grooming gangs etc. as is what has been escalating in several other countries in modern day afflicted by globalist and leftist scum. Kill our laws and protections so leftist and globalist criminal sock puppet sickos can more freely run amok physically abusing Canadian citizens.

So many negative calls at once over an Amber alert looks like an organized assault to me whether it be coming from one neighborhood or from coast to coast no matter.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada