Glorious Republican Spain will be forever victorious!


This is how Spain looks after I have defeated the Nationalist scum and liberated the people from the oppressive chains of capitalism:


It is just me and Uncle Joe now!


Also, the liberated people's of Greece and Bulgaria, gladly joining hands with their Spanish brothers, happy to have been given the ability to participate in the worker's revolution.


Incredibly, France has managed to hold out until November of 1941 in this world, where they had been conquered in a month (roughly by June) in real life. I imagine the French must be extremely frustrated at this point at Germany's inability to give them their desired surrender. However, if France should surrender, that would leave me in an uncomfortable position at my border, forever jeopardizing the people's revolution.


Uncle Joe has an unfortunate fixation on Finland at the present:


However, unfortunately for the French surrender monkeys, I have forced him into an early war with Germany, which opens up another front and hopefully allows the wretched bourgeois who are currently oppressing the French citizens to stay in power until myself and Uncle Joe find it convenient to liberate them and bring us one step closer to the glorious dream of world communism:


Viva el socialismo!

BTW - the letter you use as an "a" in Spain is a "d" in the Cyrillic alphabet. The letter that looks like a backwards capital "n" is pronounced "ee" like the Spanish "y". The letter "c" in Cyrillic is our "s"... I can go on, but man... That reads like a retard wrote it if you know the alphabet...

BTW - the letter you use as an "a" in Spain is a "d" in the Cyrillic alphabet. The letter that looks like a backwards capital "n" is pronounced "ee" like the Spanish "y". The letter "c" in Cyrillic is our "s"... I can go on, but man... That reads like a retard wrote it if you know the alphabet...


Blame the game designers.
Yeah, Germany got to the Romanian-Spanish border in like 10 days. They haven't made any serious advances into my territory, so I think they're primary purpose is simply to halt the Spanish advance into Romania rather than take the balkans from me (and wipe out around 70% of my army). And they got a military access agreement with Yugoslavia, so they could always take Greece from that direction. This doesn't leave much room for expansion by the Spanish army. We will forever play second fiddle to the Soviets. :(
BTW - the letter you use as an "a" in Spain is a "d" in the Cyrillic alphabet. The letter that looks like a backwards capital "n" is pronounced "ee" like the Spanish "y". The letter "c" in Cyrillic is our "s"... I can go on, but man... That reads like a retard wrote it if you know the alphabet...


I think the purpose was to have a legible latin font that simply looked stylistically Cyrillic. If they had just written everything in Cyrillic, it would be confusing to 99% of players.
Hearts of Iron 3.

Water, what spy missions do you have going on in france? They are politically divided enough where you may be able to bring them to socialism.

I don't have spies in France. I've been putting almost all of my leadership into research.

I wouldn't want to start a rebellion right now anyway, that would further weaken them. I'm hoping the second front I've opened up will take enough heat off of France so that they can, at the very least, stabilize their border. As it is, Germany is just one province away from Paris. I think the game designers probably scripted France to surrender as soon as Paris falls as well (which is not typical AI behavior). If that happens, Spain is basically going to have to resign itself to being Spain in exile for the rest of the game. I have no ability to resist a full blown German invasion - Germany's IC is literally 7 times Spain's, and they have 6 times as much leadership. I'm all the weaker from my decision to attempt to take the Balkans as well, since I had to send so much of my army over there.
Yeah, Germany got to the Romanian-Spanish border in like 10 days. They haven't made any serious advances into my territory, so I think they're primary purpose is simply to halt the Spanish advance into Romania rather than take the balkans from me (and wipe out around 70% of my army). And they got a military access agreement with Yugoslavia, so they could always take Greece from that direction. This doesn't leave much room for expansion by the Spanish army. We will forever play second fiddle to the Soviets. :(

Wait till Germany is weak and deep in soviet territory, then cut their supply lines. Start with small pockets at first, since you really can't go all the way to the baltic.
Wait till Germany is weak and deep in soviet territory, then cut their supply lines. Start with small pockets at first, since you really can't go all the way to the baltic.

Well, as it is, the Soviets are advancing on Germany.

This strategy could be a disaster, with the Germans taking France, the Balkans, and mainland Spain, then advancing into Soviet territory anyway. If that comes to be the case, my likely response is to load up an earlier game (likely before I got greedy and chose to take Greece) and start the second front earlier. If even that doesn't work, I suppose I could just bide my time, let the Germans take France, and wait until the Germans launch the invasion into the Soviet Union. But that doesn't seem to be a serious option for a Comintern allied Republican Spain, who desperately needs France as a buffer with Germany. It could've worked if I would've chosen to remain independent, then I could stay completely out of war with Germany. But that's no fun.
I don't have spies in France. I've been putting almost all of my leadership into research.

I wouldn't want to start a rebellion right now anyway, that would further weaken them. I'm hoping the second front I've opened up will take enough heat off of France so that they can, at the very least, stabilize their border. As it is, Germany is just one province away from Paris. I think the game designers probably scripted France to surrender as soon as Paris falls as well (which is not typical AI behavior). If that happens, Spain is basically going to have to resign itself to being Spain in exile for the rest of the game. I have no ability to resist a full blown German invasion - Germany's IC is literally 7 times Spain's, and they have 6 times as much leadership. I'm all the weaker from my decision to attempt to take the Balkans as well, since I had to send so much of my army over there.
You need to raise Frances NU. Its the only shot they have. Germany will be looking for a knock out blow on one of its three fronts, and it sure isn't gonna be uncle joe. That leaves you, likely better unified and geared for war, or France. There is good news however. At this point Germany is gonna be needing a fuck ton of supplies from other nations that aren't goin to get through since Britain controlls the waves. They may exhaust themselves soon enough.
Well, as it is, the Soviets are advancing on Germany.

This strategy could be a disaster, with the Germans taking France, the Balkans, and mainland Spain, then advancing into Soviet territory anyway. If that comes to be the case, my likely response is to load up an earlier game (likely before I got greedy and chose to take Greece) and start the second front earlier. If even that doesn't work, I suppose I could just bide my time, let the Germans take France, and wait until the Germans launch the invasion into the Soviet Union. But that doesn't seem to be a serious option for a Comintern allied Republican Spain, who desperately needs France as a buffer with Germany. It could've worked if I would've chosen to remain independent, then I could stay completely out of war with Germany. But that's no fun.
Keep the fronts open.
Well, I do have the Pyrenees mountains, which provide for a 40% defensive bonus at the border with France. Also, I built forts all along it, so it's more like 50%. So Germany would need to waste a lot of troops to cross it. Problem is, I think they can easily afford to do that.
Well, I do have the Pyrenees mountains, which provide for a 40% defensive bonus at the border with France. Also, I built forts all along it, so it's more like 50%. So Germany would need to waste a lot of troops to cross it. Problem is, I think they can easily afford to do that.

Not in terms of IC they can't. They are running on borrowed time as is.
Luckily, I've managed to horde up ridiculous reserves of supplies. I suppose it's from my conquests. 60k metal, 40k metal, 20k rare materials, 1.5k moneys. So I can keep the Soviet war machine running for a long time. As long as the Germans don't conquer Madrid and take it all.
Luckily, I've managed to horde up ridiculous reserves of supplies. I suppose it's from my conquests. 60k metal, 40k metal, 20k rare materials, 1.5k moneys. So I can keep the Soviet war machine running for a long time. As long as the Germans don't conquer Madrid and take it all.

Dude, the Soviets aren't gonna need it. Trust me.