G'night Cnn et al...


Don't forget to say good night to your booze.

the trap was set and the flies meet the swatter...did you really think I was gone? Never mind ya are a fool and would you like to say who you really are? Never mind ya are with the coward squad...go figure...or not...it is in your court..never mind ya are also a cnn fraud...have a great life..or not!

getting caught sucks...no?
the trap was set and the flies meet the swatter...did you really think I was gone? Never mind ya are a fool and would you like to say who you really are? Never mind ya are with the coward squad...go figure...or not...it is in your court..never mind ya are also a cnn fraud...have a great life..or not!

getting caught sucks...no?

No I would not like to reveal who I really am...on an internet website with whackos that wish and threaten death upon people....that wouldn't be smart retard.
This old fart is done for tonight...some of us were there and some are just plain movie crap...have a great night trying to convince middle America that ya control all that life has to offer...your professors in liberal colleges did you absolutely no service whatsoever...but ya did have a good run while it lasted..thank God some of us old timers are still around...we were there... done that sorta kinda way....you are safe for now..our kids will carry on the mission...unless they become tired of your BS..I did the best I could do...it is up to them to save your sorry asses...or not..sleeep tight Code Pink lovers!

What the fvk are you talking about?
This old fart is done for tonight...some of us were there and some are just plain movie crap...have a great night trying to convince middle America that ya control all that life has to offer...your professors in liberal colleges did you absolutely no service whatsoever...but ya did have a good run while it lasted..thank God some of us old timers are still around...we were there... done that sorta kinda way....you are safe for now..our kids will carry on the mission...unless they become tired of your BS..I did the best I could do...it is up to them to save your sorry asses...or not..sleeep tight Code Pink lovers!

Is this even English?
Sounds like Old English to me.

LOL!!! The drink of choice freshman year in college. Not sure what ever possessed some of us that it was good (other than watching Ice Cube drink it in Boyz N The Hood). My stomach is upset just at the thought!
To all concrned I have someting for all of you to think about because many of you are involved. It has to do with Battleborne.:

On another thread I suggested that purhaps a part of his story does ring true.--- He has said he was in NAM. Could it be that his erroticism is the result of exposure to agent orange? it seems that diorientation is one of the symptoms.

MY point is this.: If in deed it is true, then perhaps I and many others on this forum have been too hard on him, and that he can't help it. and that we should accept it

I don't know if it is in fact true, but I am willing to give him a bit more "benefit of the doubt" than I have up to now.
Not Funny!

Agent Orange made battleborn retarded?

I lost a good friend(Monwell) who passed away from the results of exposure to Agent Orange...We played football together at Valley..I lost contact with him for years...Then met up again while serving on the Mexican Border as a patrol officer...we both transferred to LAX...He passed away a few years after I took a early retirement option...He sufferred greatly puking blood etc....he was awarded his Special Agent promotion by the Regional Commissioner while in the hospital before he passed!
I lost a good friend(Monwell) who passed away from the results of exposure to Agent Orange...We played football together at Valley..I lost contact with him for years...Then met up again while serving on the Mexican Border as a patrol officer...we both transferred to LAX...He passed away a few years after I took a early retirement option...He sufferred greatly puking blood etc....he was awarded his Special Agent promotion by the Regional Commissioner while in the hospital before he passed!
