APP - Gobal economy's near miss

cancel2 2022

I wonder how many of the right wing laissez faire advocates on here are truly aware of how close the world came to complete meltdown, which would have resulted in ATM's and banks closing along with savings being worth nothing overnight?

Economic adviser dubs Lehman crash a 'near miss' for Global economy

By Simon Duke

The US government's top economic adviser has admitted that the global economy came perilously close to meltdown following the collapse of Lehman Brothers a year ago today.
The demise of the Wall Street giant triggered the first worldwide recession since the Second World War, costing tens of millions of people their jobs and devastating the wealth of many more.
But President Barack Obama's chief economic aide yesterday revealed that the financial system only narrowly avoided outright annihilation last Autumn.


Close shave: Lehman collapse could have caused full blown economic meltdown

'With a few missed steps we really would have been into a collapse situation,' Austan Goolsbee told Sky News in an interview to be aired tonight.
His revelation came as other policymakers laid bare the panic unleashed by Lehman, which went bust over the weekend of 13-14 September last year.
Sir John Gieve, then head of financial stability at the Bank of England, spoke of the widespread disbelief in the Square Mile that the Wall Street institution had been allowed to fall.
'Letting Lehmans go really raised the question, did the US have a grip on this thing?,' said Gieve.
Despite the hundreds of billions of dollars of fiscal stimulus implemented around the world following last September's seismic events, financial markets remain deeply troubled.
According to the Bank of International Settlements' latest quarterly report - released this morning - banks remain wary of lending money to one another.

Government to make profit on recession

City Minister Lord Myners yesterday argued that the government rescue of Lloyds Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland was a 'nice little nest-egg' for the nation.
Myners, who nodded through Sir Fred Goodwin's infamous pension package, said he was 'very confident' that taxpayers would end up making a profit on the deal in 'much less' than a decade.
keep drinking the kool-aid,
I wonder how your kids are going to like paying off those trillions so some bankers could sail with the Kennedy KLAN
keep drinking the kool-aid,
I wonder how your kids are going to like paying off those trillions so some bankers could sail with the Kennedy KLAN

I know that trying to get some of you to answer a question is like trying to nail jelly (jello) to a wall but what do you think would have happened without the financial intervention?
some banks would have failed, we would not have had the great depression that is total horseshit.
I'm a freaking turbo-lib and think all the proposed regulations still fall short.
Everybody outside of the corp board class is being raped. If you have any financial sophistication you also would know this.
some banks would have failed, we would not have had the great depression that is total horseshit.
I'm a freaking turbo-lib and think all the proposed regulations still fall short.
Everybody outside of the corp board class is being raped. If you have any financial sophistication you also would know this.

There is no way that you could know that apart from some feeling in your water. You might be right but if you were wrong then the effects would have been incalculable, fortunately it was never put to the test.
There is no way that you could know that apart from some feeling in your water. You might be right but if you were wrong then the effects would have been incalculable, fortunately it was never put to the test.

Yes, thank goodness the fascists seized control, to save us from the ravages of freedom.
The bailouts have only made the system more dependant on bailouts and corruption, and made the problem of "too big to fail" ism even worse.
I wonder how many of the right wing laissez faire advocates on here are truly aware of how close the world came to complete meltdown, which would have resulted in ATM's and banks closing along with savings being worth nothing overnight?

Probably very few of us, Tom. I am one of those who wasn't aware. But I am now.

Thing is, we were powerless to do anything about it.
Probably very few of us, Tom. I am one of those who wasn't aware. But I am now.

Thing is, we were powerless to do anything about it.

Once again a question that might well have been answered previously.
One year on are things better or worse with the demise of Lehman Bros. Or has it made no difference at all? If the latter then prudence would suggest that the whole bank bailout policy was misconceived.

It hasn't affected me one jot. My bank was one of the few that kept away from the sub-prime fiasco. The only thing that happened for us was that the market was awash with bargains and for those, like us, with no mortgage and no personal debt, it presented a wonderful opportunity to increase an otherwise fixed income. This example is, for me, still better than sex (OK that,s possibly an exaggeration.). Bought HSBC at $37.00 - yesterday's price $84.65. Forecast to go over $120 in the medium term.

In a way I would love a second dip!

BTW how are things?
The bailouts have only made the system more dependant on bailouts and corruption, and made the problem of "too big to fail" ism even worse.

Well luckily for you, the catastrophic meltdown of the world's economy did not occur so you can pontificate away regardless.
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