God Damn Underwriter


JPP Modarater
We're trying to refinance and this fucker is trying to say he needs proof that my boyfriend and I are married. Since when do you have to married to buy a property with someone?
They don't want to take a chance on this being a temporary relationship.

It's understandable, but shitty.
How is that understandable? There are plenty of people that take go into real estate deals together that aren't married.
Umm in all 50 for the feds I think though.

as far as taxes go. We can't have people bypassing the marriage penalty.
We're trying to refinance and this fucker is trying to say he needs proof that my boyfriend and I are married. Since when do you have to married to buy a property with someone?

Welcome to the madness. Private lenders are now being much more carefull. All it takes is for you to find lipstick on his truck nuts, and then the lender has a problem.