God I love pizza rolls

pizza rolls fucking rule.

Mac and cheese used to be a good staple drunk food, especially with a lot of people over, people would eat that shit up.

I'm also big on redbull and taco bell
When I eat out at bars, I like to order the French Dip. Once I'm drunk and need some appetizers, its mozzerella sticks all the way!!
Damn, pizza rolls do not love my colon apparently.

And Taco Bell is the best drunk food in the world. But I was waaaay to hammered to get to my car, let alone drive it.
Damn, pizza rolls do not love my colon apparently.

And Taco Bell is the best drunk food in the world. But I was waaaay to hammered to get to my car, let alone drive it.

Oh no, they love your colon alright. It's just that your colon doesn't love them!

Also, I gotta agree that Taco Bell is the best drunk food. They must put something in the tacos that triggers and makes you crave them when you're blood alchohol hits a certain point.