God Isn't Fixing This?!!


New member
Well my racist Princess, decerebrate is a medical term. As a transitive verb it describes the act of removing or detaching a cerebellum from the rest of a brain. The same word can be used as an adjective to describe either a brain without a cerebellum or a being without a cerebellum . You incorrectly use the word as an adjective to describe inanimate things like posts or sentences that never had a cerebellum to be removed. You incorrectly use the word as a substitute for stupid or vapid, thinking that such use will somehow make you seem smarter than you are.
Guess what Princess? You fail.
As Rana pointed out it is the only big word in your otherwise childlike and stunted vocabulary bringing attention to your limited intellect. Same as the childish profanity you use with the sophomoric abandon of an adolescent just learning he can use such coarse language and get away without punishment.
But don't go and change because of something I say. In fact, I insist that you continue the misapplication of your only big word and continue your gratuitous use of immature personal profanity and silly racial slurs.
They reveal your arrested intellectual development and serve as a constant reminder, to all members, just how ineffectual to non existent your debating skills and wit really are.
Carry on, my racist friend.
Oh yes, and don't forget to groan this post. I have almost a perfect record. Lol

You see, you racist gay negro, there must be something you like about others who rip on your lack of intelligence. That's very easy to do.

As I have shown you before, the word decerebrate is also an adjective. And you actually used it in a post yourself as an adjective to describe something soon thereafter.

Unfortunately for you, you are too much of a decerebrate fool to understand that words change over time and are used to name or describe other things and such. It just doesn't set in well to your decerebrate (lack of) mentality. It did for one short post you made and then it was gone.

And I have used the word decerebrate since about 2002 when I first saw someone use it to describe another ignorant and stupid libtard very much like yourself.

I have continued to use the word simply because just about every. single. time. I do use the word, there is some obsessed and decerebrate (also ...brit instead of ..brate) libtard out there who gets in such a twist about it that they have to spend well over an hour of their time making a post about it.

So, once again for the idiot impaired like you, boy...


transitive verb
de·cer·e·brat·ed, de·cer·e·brat·ing, de·cer·e·brates
To eliminate cerebral brain function in (an animal) by removing the cerebrum, cutting across the brain stem, or severing certain arteries in the brain stem, as for purposes of experimentation.


1. Deprived of cerebral function, as by having the cerebrum removed.
2. Resulting from or as if from decerebration: decerebrate rigidity; decerebrate movements.
3. Lacking intelligence or reason.


A decerebrate animal or person.

Related Forms:

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition Copyright © 2013 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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