God, it is good to be Jewish

So I go down to my mom's house to watch her dog while she undergoes a medical thing.

I'm like, sweet, it's a Friday, three day weekend! Not her procedure.... Anyway I get the pool,80 degrees, outside 85 degrees where she lives and the dog is a cutie.

Best homeaday!

And then she comes home....

With food from the best Jewish Deli in this area and she bought me all my favorites.

And my mom isn't even Jewish, but she knows I love Jewish delis. And so does she.

Bless her and bless all good moms. I knew it was a simple procedure, but I still worried a bit and if you haven't told your mom you love her, do so now.

I'm serious, you might regret not doing so. Each moment you have with your mother (assuming she is a good mother) is a moment you will always miss.

It cracks me up that I was the one worried about her and she brings me back bagels and lox from the local Jewish deli.

Oh, and the dog is fine, could not stop wagging her rail when mom came home, lol...