God Save Us! She Wants To Serve Again.


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The entire Plame Affair was a combination of office politics and an attempt to embarrass Bush the Younger because he invaded Iraq unilaterally. God help this country if Valery Plame Wilson serves this country as a U.S. Senator the same way she served ‘my’ country in the CIA:

Plame told the Washington Examiner she would "like another opportunity to serve my country."

Omar and Friends: Democratic Activist Who Said Jews Are Driving Wars Plans Senate Run
BY: Jeffrey Cimmino
March 29, 2019 3:20 pm


Beginning with the Nigerian Yellow Cake story, media coverage from start to Scooter Libby’s conviction was so slanted against the Bush White House, especially Dick Chaney, it can only be called media muck. Media coverage of the Plame fiasco was muck as filthy and disgusting as anything the Left ever got up to. Remember that it was Valery Plame Wilson who used her position in the CIA to get her husband the yellow cake gig in Niger:

January 11, 2014
Proof that the Plame case was a hoax
Clarice Feldman


Here is a very brief summary of events for anyone not familiar with the travesty. Notice whose name pops up:

U.S. Attorney James B. Comey was appointed Deputy Attorney General for the purpose of appointing U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as "Special Counsel" to lead the investigation into who "leaked" Valerie Plame's identity as a C.I.A. employee to the press. It was all choreographed.

The Valerie Plame case: The man who was appointed to appoint Patrick Fitzgerald “Special Counsel”
Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter


Now go to Richard Armitage:

When Richard Armitage finally acknowledged last week that he was my source three years ago in revealing Valerie Plame Wilson as a CIA employee, the former deputy secretary of state's interviews obscured what he really did. I want to set the record straight based on firsthand knowledge.

Armitage told the CBS Evening News that he did so inadvertently.

"I feel terrible," Armitage said. "Every day, I think, I let down the president. I let down the secretary of state. I let down my department, my family, and I also let down Mr. and Mrs. Wilson."

In a column published on July 14, 2003, Novak, citing two senior administration officials, noted that Plame was a CIA operative. The column was primarily about Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, a former career diplomat and critic of the intelligence underlying the invasion of Iraq.

Novak has never revealed the original source of the information about Plame. However, he has confirmed that President Bush's chief political strategist, Karl Rove, confirmed the information and was the second source cited in the column.

Novak has said he would not reveal the identity of the original source unless the source came forward. However, he said Fitzgerald learned who the source was independently.

Last month, sources told CNN that Armitage had revealed Plame's role at the CIA in a casual conversation with Novak.

Armitage was not indicted by the federal grand jury that investigated the disclosure of Plame's name to Novak and other journalists. He told CBS that the special counsel investigating the leak, Patrick Fitzgerald, "asked me not to discuss this, and I honored his request."

After Novak's column ran, Wilson accused Bush administration officials of leaking his wife's name in retaliation for his criticisms about intelligence used to buttress the case for invading Iraq. (Full story)

Because deliberately revealing the identity of a CIA operative can be a crime, Fitzgerald, the U.S. attorney in Chicago, was appointed in September 2003 as a special counsel to investigate whether any laws were broken.

While no one has been indicted for actually leaking Plame's identity, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, has been charged with perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to investigators for allegedly giving false information about his discussions with journalists about Plame.

Libby has denied any wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty.

Armitage, 65, was No. 2 at the State Department under former Secretary of State Colin Powell from 2001 to 2005. He left his post after Powell resigned at the beginning of Bush's second term.

Armitage’s Leak
By Robert D. Novak
Thursday, September 14, 2006


I believe that Powell gave his boy, Richard Armitage, instructions to out Valerie Plame in order to punish Bush & Chaney because he, Powell, looked like a liar in the United Nations. The Plame Affair gave the Bush Administration a severe case of the trots. Colin Powell thoroughly enjoyed the Bush White House’s discomfort —— kind of like watching a political Montezuma’s Revenge. The injustice in the whole thing ended with Scooter Libby ultimately taking the rap for Armitage’s leak:

Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury on five felony counts of making false statements to federal investigators, perjury for lying to a federal grand jury, and obstruction of justice for impeding the course of a federal grand jury investigation concerned with the possibly illegal leaking by government officials of the classified identity of a covert agent of the CIA, Valerie Plame Wilson, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. Pursuant to the grand jury leak investigation, Libby was convicted on March 6, 2007, on four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements. He was acquitted of one count of making false statements.


Powell’s love for the United Nations is on par with every Democrat traitor’s devotion to global government. Bush the Younger committed the ultimate sin when he invaded Iraq unilaterally without the U.N.’s final approval. In addition, Powell was bitter because he did not return to the U.N. coalition glory days of Desert Storm —— only in Iraq when then-Secretary of State Powell failed to broker another U.N. coalition to deal with Iraq.

The flaw in Powell’s thinking was that U.S. won the first Gulf War militarily, but lost the peace before the first shot was fired when Powell and Bush the Elder gave the U.N. veto power over total victory. Had Bush the Elder gone on to Baghdad in Desert Storm there would have been no Iraq War 12 years later.

If justice delayed is justice denied President Trump at least corrected the record after so much time passed:

“I don’t know Mr. Libby, but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly,” Trump said in a statement from the White House. “Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life.”

Trump pardons Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney's former chief of staff
Willa Frej
Apr 13th 2018 1:29PM


Finally, a few special words about Karl Rove.

Everybody in the Bush White House knew that Scooter Libby DID NOT out Valerie Plame. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald knew that Libby DID NOT out Plame, but he prosecuted Libby as though as though he was guilty.

Everybody on the planet knows that no Democrat president would ever let his Justice Department prosecute a guilty Democrat let alone prosecute one who was being framed the way Libby got railroaded.

Bush and Karl Rove stood by and did nothing even though it was clearly a witch hunt looking to burn Dick Cheney.

The New York Sun reported this in January of 2007:

WASHINGTON — The long-awaited obstruction-of-justice trial of I. Lewis Libby Jr., who served as Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, opened with the defense suggesting that the prosecution is an outgrowth of an effort in the White House to protect President Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove.

"Karl Rove was the president's right-hand man. … He had to be protected," Mr. Libby's lead defense counsel, Theodore Wells Jr., told the jurors.”

Wells added that Libby was being sacrificed to save Rove.

Libby Defense Points Finger At Karl Rove
By JOSH GERSTEIN, Staff Reporter of the Sun | January 24, 2007


Bottom line: Rove deliberately let Libby take a fall for a bum rap. Then Rove watched Libby drown rather than throw him a life jacket.

No liberal could damage conservatism from the outside more than Rove did from the inside. If Rove hated liberals as much as he hates Tea Party conservatives he might not be missed. Sad to say FOX will keep Rove on the air forever, but I doubt if there is a rank & file conservative in this country who will be sorry to see him gone from the airwaves.

Here is a thought. FOX will never tune out Rove, but conservatives can tune out FOX.

The entire Plame Affair was a combination of office politics and an attempt to embarrass Bush the Younger because he invaded Iraq unilaterally. God help this country if Valery Plame Wilson serves this country as a U.S. Senator the same way she served ‘my’ country in the CIA:

Plame told the Washington Examiner she would "like another opportunity to serve my country."

Omar and Friends: Democratic Activist Who Said Jews Are Driving Wars Plans Senate Run
BY: Jeffrey Cimmino
March 29, 2019 3:20 pm


Beginning with the Nigerian Yellow Cake story, media coverage from start to Scooter Libby’s conviction was so slanted against the Bush White House, especially Dick Chaney, it can only be called media muck. Media coverage of the Plame fiasco was muck as filthy and disgusting as anything the Left ever got up to. Remember that it was Valery Plame Wilson who used her position in the CIA to get her husband the yellow cake gig in Niger:

January 11, 2014
Proof that the Plame case was a hoax
Clarice Feldman


Here is a very brief summary of events for anyone not familiar with the travesty. Notice whose name pops up:

U.S. Attorney James B. Comey was appointed Deputy Attorney General for the purpose of appointing U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as "Special Counsel" to lead the investigation into who "leaked" Valerie Plame's identity as a C.I.A. employee to the press. It was all choreographed.

The Valerie Plame case: The man who was appointed to appoint Patrick Fitzgerald “Special Counsel”
Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter


Now go to Richard Armitage:

When Richard Armitage finally acknowledged last week that he was my source three years ago in revealing Valerie Plame Wilson as a CIA employee, the former deputy secretary of state's interviews obscured what he really did. I want to set the record straight based on firsthand knowledge.

Armitage told the CBS Evening News that he did so inadvertently.

"I feel terrible," Armitage said. "Every day, I think, I let down the president. I let down the secretary of state. I let down my department, my family, and I also let down Mr. and Mrs. Wilson."

In a column published on July 14, 2003, Novak, citing two senior administration officials, noted that Plame was a CIA operative. The column was primarily about Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, a former career diplomat and critic of the intelligence underlying the invasion of Iraq.

Novak has never revealed the original source of the information about Plame. However, he has confirmed that President Bush's chief political strategist, Karl Rove, confirmed the information and was the second source cited in the column.

Novak has said he would not reveal the identity of the original source unless the source came forward. However, he said Fitzgerald learned who the source was independently.

Last month, sources told CNN that Armitage had revealed Plame's role at the CIA in a casual conversation with Novak.

Armitage was not indicted by the federal grand jury that investigated the disclosure of Plame's name to Novak and other journalists. He told CBS that the special counsel investigating the leak, Patrick Fitzgerald, "asked me not to discuss this, and I honored his request."

After Novak's column ran, Wilson accused Bush administration officials of leaking his wife's name in retaliation for his criticisms about intelligence used to buttress the case for invading Iraq. (Full story)

Because deliberately revealing the identity of a CIA operative can be a crime, Fitzgerald, the U.S. attorney in Chicago, was appointed in September 2003 as a special counsel to investigate whether any laws were broken.

While no one has been indicted for actually leaking Plame's identity, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, has been charged with perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to investigators for allegedly giving false information about his discussions with journalists about Plame.

Libby has denied any wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty.

Armitage, 65, was No. 2 at the State Department under former Secretary of State Colin Powell from 2001 to 2005. He left his post after Powell resigned at the beginning of Bush's second term.

Armitage’s Leak
By Robert D. Novak
Thursday, September 14, 2006


I believe that Powell gave his boy, Richard Armitage, instructions to out Valerie Plame in order to punish Bush & Chaney because he, Powell, looked like a liar in the United Nations. The Plame Affair gave the Bush Administration a severe case of the trots. Colin Powell thoroughly enjoyed the Bush White House’s discomfort —— kind of like watching a political Montezuma’s Revenge. The injustice in the whole thing ended with Scooter Libby ultimately taking the rap for Armitage’s leak:

Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury on five felony counts of making false statements to federal investigators, perjury for lying to a federal grand jury, and obstruction of justice for impeding the course of a federal grand jury investigation concerned with the possibly illegal leaking by government officials of the classified identity of a covert agent of the CIA, Valerie Plame Wilson, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. Pursuant to the grand jury leak investigation, Libby was convicted on March 6, 2007, on four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements. He was acquitted of one count of making false statements.


Powell’s love for the United Nations is on par with every Democrat traitor’s devotion to global government. Bush the Younger committed the ultimate sin when he invaded Iraq unilaterally without the U.N.’s final approval. In addition, Powell was bitter because he did not return to the U.N. coalition glory days of Desert Storm —— only in Iraq when then-Secretary of State Powell failed to broker another U.N. coalition to deal with Iraq.

The flaw in Powell’s thinking was that U.S. won the first Gulf War militarily, but lost the peace before the first shot was fired when Powell and Bush the Elder gave the U.N. veto power over total victory. Had Bush the Elder gone on to Baghdad in Desert Storm there would have been no Iraq War 12 years later.

If justice delayed is justice denied President Trump at least corrected the record after so much time passed:

“I don’t know Mr. Libby, but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly,” Trump said in a statement from the White House. “Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life.”

Trump pardons Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney's former chief of staff
Willa Frej
Apr 13th 2018 1:29PM


Finally, a few special words about Karl Rove.

Everybody in the Bush White House knew that Scooter Libby DID NOT out Valerie Plame. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald knew that Libby DID NOT out Plame, but he prosecuted Libby as though as though he was guilty.

Everybody on the planet knows that no Democrat president would ever let his Justice Department prosecute a guilty Democrat let alone prosecute one who was being framed the way Libby got railroaded.

Bush and Karl Rove stood by and did nothing even though it was clearly a witch hunt looking to burn Dick Cheney.

The New York Sun reported this in January of 2007:

WASHINGTON — The long-awaited obstruction-of-justice trial of I. Lewis Libby Jr., who served as Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, opened with the defense suggesting that the prosecution is an outgrowth of an effort in the White House to protect President Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove.

"Karl Rove was the president's right-hand man. … He had to be protected," Mr. Libby's lead defense counsel, Theodore Wells Jr., told the jurors.”

Wells added that Libby was being sacrificed to save Rove.

Libby Defense Points Finger At Karl Rove
By JOSH GERSTEIN, Staff Reporter of the Sun | January 24, 2007


Bottom line: Rove deliberately let Libby take a fall for a bum rap. Then Rove watched Libby drown rather than throw him a life jacket.

No liberal could damage conservatism from the outside more than Rove did from the inside. If Rove hated liberals as much as he hates Tea Party conservatives he might not be missed. Sad to say FOX will keep Rove on the air forever, but I doubt if there is a rank & file conservative in this country who will be sorry to see him gone from the airwaves.

Here is a thought. FOX will never tune out Rove, but conservatives can tune out FOX.

What a mess.. Nigeria was screaming to the rafters for 3 months that the yellow cake business was a lie..

Are you still talking about it?

To Controlled Opposition: Do you have a tapeworm?

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we." Mark Twain

already knew that neoconservatives outed Valerie Plame as revenge.

To Controlled Opposition: Non-conservative is more accurate:

Former top Bush administration official Richard Armitage will vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump

Feliks Garcia
New York @feliksjose
Thursday 16 June 2016 19:15


The above isn't an indictment of Plame. It is a confession.

To Controlled Opposition: It is neither an indictment nor a confession. It is a critique of her track record.

Incidentally, Plame and the man who actually outed her, Richard Armitage, voted for Hillary:

Plame has turned to activism since her time in the CIA. She launched a GoFundMe campaign to buy a stake in Twitter and ban President Donald Trump. Her campaign fell almost $1 billion short of its goal. Prior to the 2016 election, she hosted fundraisers for Hillary Clinton's super PAC and presidential campaign.

Note that Plame cites her former husband as though his analysis of the Iraq War made Sherlock Holmes look like an idiot:

Plame's identity was unveiled in a 2003 column, which she claims was "payback" from the Bush administration after her then-husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, criticized the intelligence used to justify the Iraq War.

Omar and Friends: Democratic Activist Who Said Jews Are Driving Wars Plans Senate Run
BY: Jeffrey Cimmino
March 29, 2019 3:20 pm


Of course, Plame never admits that she also opposed the Iraq War when she got him the job:

Remember that it was Valery Plame Wilson who used her position in the CIA to get her husband the yellow cake gig in Niger:

What a mess.. Nigeria was screaming to the rafters for 3 months that the yellow cake business was a lie..

To kudzu: Joseph Wilson was a diplomat sent to:


Country in West Africa

Are you still talking about it?

To kudzu: I am talking about Valery Plame. Yellow cake is an integral part of her story. So is Richard Armitage, yet you did not ask about him.

To Controlled Opposition: Do you have a tapeworm?

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we." Mark Twain

To Controlled Opposition: Non-conservative is more accurate:

Former top Bush administration official Richard Armitage will vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump

Feliks Garcia
New York @feliksjose
Thursday 16 June 2016 19:15


To Controlled Opposition: It is neither an indictment nor a confession. It is a critique of her track record.

Incidentally, Plame and the man who actually outed her, Richard Armitage, voted for Hillary:

Plame has turned to activism since her time in the CIA. She launched a GoFundMe campaign to buy a stake in Twitter and ban President Donald Trump. Her campaign fell almost $1 billion short of its goal. Prior to the 2016 election, she hosted fundraisers for Hillary Clinton's super PAC and presidential campaign.

Note that Plame cites her former husband as though his analysis of the Iraq War made Sherlock Holmes look like an idiot:

Plame's identity was unveiled in a 2003 column, which she claims was "payback" from the Bush administration after her then-husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, criticized the intelligence used to justify the Iraq War.

Omar and Friends: Democratic Activist Who Said Jews Are Driving Wars Plans Senate Run
BY: Jeffrey Cimmino
March 29, 2019 3:20 pm


Of course, Plame never admits that she also opposed the Iraq War when she got him the job:

To kudzu: Joseph Wilson was a diplomat sent to:


Country in West Africa

To kudzu: I am talking about Valery Plame. Yellow cake is an integral part of her story. So is Richard Armitage, yet you did not ask about him.

While the west was playing gotcha politics the Nigerians were screaming to anyone who would listen that the Yellow Cake claim was a LIE.
She served honorably before, and greatly embarrassed the Bush administration as it well should have been outed.

If she wants to run, it is her right.
While the west was playing gotcha politics the Nigerians were screaming to anyone who would listen that the Yellow Cake claim was a LIE.

To kudzu: I would not brag about Nigeria backing up Joseph Wilson.

She served honorably before,

To jimmymccready: That depends on your definition of honorable.

and greatly embarrassed the Bush administration as it well should have been outed.

To jimmymccready: When all is said and done Bush the Younger had one saving grace. Whether or not Saddam Hussein had a secret nuclear weapons program Bush took the fight to Muslim territory in Iraq after 9-11-2001. Democrats have been wailing about it ever since —— the same way American Communists continue to call Vietnam an unjust war.

If she wants to run, it is her right.

To jimmymccready: So is it everyone’s Right to criticize her.
I've got to admit something here...

I am totally, 100%+ in utter awe, amazement and envy of the political right's ability to lie, spin and create self-serving propaganda, and do so constantly, non-stop and on every single solitary issue imaginable.

I'm sure it helps them quite a bit to know that they're playing to such a gullible, dull-witted audience and preaching to such a willing dupe choir, but still... their ability to just twist truth and reality so effortlessly is an ability that I wish the left shared on a level that's even close theirs.

Sleazy, disgusting and nauseating as they are, my hat is off
to the right and their lie machine.

Getting into Iraq was the stupidest, worst foreign policy move by America, followed by the Vietnam War.

Anyone who defends the Iraqi War just does not understand America's needs, imo.
Last edited:
Getting into Iraq was the stupidest, worst foreign policy move by America, followed by the Vietnam War.

Anyone who defends the Iraqi War just does not understand America's needs, imo.

Under The Shrub.

The liberation of Kuwait under daddy Bush was a standout moment in our history.
You heard it right from a spy’s mouth:

Former CIA operative and current congressional candidate Valerie Plame said Monday that FBI surveillance of President Trump's 2016 campaign was not spying.

"I absolutely do not [believe spying occurred]. These are professionals in our intelligence community, both in the Federal Bureau of Investigation and in the CIA. I have to believe that what happened was that there was real cause. And the bar is extremely high to collect information, particularly on a U.S. citizen," Plame, a Democrat running for a House seat in New Mexico, said on CNN's "New Day."

Valerie Plame: Surveillance on Trump campaign not 'spying'
By Chris Mills Rodrigo
05/13/19 11:00 AM EDT


You can bet that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi is dusting off the chairmanship on the House Intelligence Committee for Plame.

Beginning with the Nigerian Yellow Cake story, media coverage from start to Scooter Libby’s conviction was so slanted against the Bush White House, especially Dick Chaney, it can only be called media muck. Media coverage of the Plame fiasco was muck as filthy and disgusting as anything the Left ever got up to. Remember that it was Valery Plame Wilson who used her position in the CIA to get her husband the yellow cake gig in Niger:

January 11, 2014
Proof that the Plame case was a hoax
Clarice Feldman


Antisemitism is news of a sort if you take these wack jobs seriously:


Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“They’re as Different as People Come”: The Complex Truth About the “Squad,” Trump’s Favorite Foil
By Abigail Tracy
August 16, 2019


Outing Valerie Plame for antisemitism is akin to ticketing a serial killer for jaywalking. The only real news here is that Plame will line up with the SQUAD should she win the election:

Former CIA operative Valerie Plame is running for Congress in New Mexico. She became a household name when she was outed as a deep-cover agent in a column by the late Robert Novak. Vice President Dick Cheney’s office was engulfed in the inquiry. The aftermath saw Cheney’s chief of staff, Scooter Libby, for his role in the disclosure. Yet, in 2017, Plame shared multiple posts that spewed anti-Semitism. She apologized, said she was embarrassed, and no longer used Twitter. Her reasoning was simple: she didn’t read the post all the way through on a site that promotes Holocaust denialism. One could argue that’s a disqualifying factor.

CNN's Cuomo Grills Ex-CIA Agent Valerie Plame On Why She Spread Anti-Semitic Material
Matt Vespa
Posted: Sep 11, 2019 4:05 PM

They even made a fictionalized movie in 2010 about the Valery Plame Affair that is still making the rounds on Cable Tv. In order for Plame to watch a fictional character telling so many lies in a movie, one would think she had to know the truth about every detail in her 15 minutes of fame. It is hard to believe she made a mistake in her campaign video. Or maybe she simply came to believe the lies much like a real life Cinderella believes a Disney movie.

However, the man to whom she refers is former Dick Cheney chief of staff Scooter Libby, while the admitted leaker turned out to be State Department official Richard Armitage. Libby was charged not with leaking, but with lying to the FBI. Then-President George Bush commuted Libby's 30-month prison sentence but didn't pardon him. President Trump pardoned Libby in 2018.

In his "Fact Checker" column for the Washington Post on Tuesday, Glenn Kessler gave Plame three Pinocchios out of four for blaming Libby and for exaggerating her role in the CIA.

Valerie Plame blames Trump, gets clobbered with fact-check
By Art Moore
Published September 12, 2019 at 8:09pm


Lying is a prerequisite if Plame wants any help from the DNC.

Finally, another liar in the party of liars could win an election with a lot of help from television mouths. To paraphrase an old truism about war: Truth is the first casualty whenever a Democrat runs for office.
Lying is a prerequisite if Plame wants any help from the DNC.

I wonder why she told this lie?

A member of a Jewish temple in New Mexico says Valerie Plame, a former CIA officer and a Democratic candidate for a New Mexico congressional seat, lied about her membership.

Democrat and former spy Valerie Plame accused of lying about membership in Jewish temple
by Kerry Picket
January 09, 2020 06:33 PM


I wonder why she told this lie?

A member of a Jewish temple in New Mexico says Valerie Plame, a former CIA officer and a Democratic candidate for a New Mexico congressional seat, lied about her membership.

Silly question. Democrats lie about everything.

Whoever wins the Democrat primary on June 2 for New Mexico’s third congressional district will be an overwhelming favorite to win the general election in November. It is very unlikely that Valerie Plame will be that person. She probably will not even make the Democrat ballot.

Valerie Plame and her then husband, Joe Wilson, loudly decamped from Washington, D.C. and moved to New Mexico’s version of Marin County, California: Santa Fe in 2007. They remained there quietly until 2019 when Ms. Plame announced that she was running for Congress as a Democrat in northern New Mexico. In September her campaign produced a catchy video that received national attention. The WaPo was less enthusiastic giving the ad three Pinocchios.

The only major controversy of her campaign has involved a tweet that she made in 2017, long before she announced her run for Congress, linking to an article entitled America’s Jews are Driving America’s Wars. She apologized numerous times for the tweet and announced in January of this year that she was joining a temple in Santa Fe. Several days after the announcement a congregant of the temple said that Ms. Plame was not a member, as she had claimed.

Serious question. Did Bloomberg contribute to Plame’s campaign? Answer. If so his money put the hex on her.

The Plame campaign has been a champion fundraiser surpassing its nearest rival by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Over 87% of her contributors are from out of state. No other candidate comes close to such a disproportionate share of out of state financial support. Despite her campaign war chest, the Plame campaign has apparently not received a single group endorsement. By contrast, another candidate, Teresa Leger Fernandez, has received endorsements from at least four groups.

The day of reckoning came on March 7, the day of the pre-primary convention. The convention delegates determine who shall appear on the Democrat ballot in New Mexico. To qualify, a candidate must receive at least 20% of the vote. Sadly for Ms. Plame, she only received 5.18% of the vote. Despite her substantial fundraising, her campaign apparently never really excited party insiders in New Mexico.

Despite her poor showing in the pre-primary convention, Ms. Plame can still get on the June ballot, but she will have to jump through some difficult hoops.

“A candidate who seeks but fails to receive a pre-primary convention designation may collect additional signatures totaling at least 4 percent of the total vote of the candidate's party in the state or congressional district, whichever applies to the office the candidate seeks. The candidate is required to file a new declaration of candidacy and the additional nominating petition for the office for which the candidate failed to receive a pre-primary designation. The post-convention declaration of candidacy and nominating petition must be filed with the New Mexico Secretary of State either 10 days following the date of the pre-primary convention at which the candidate failed to receive the designation, or on the date all declarations of candidacy and additional nominating petitions are due, whichever is later.”

No word so far on how that's going to go.

March 9, 2020
Monday Schadenfreude: Plame flames
By Charles Sullivan
