GOD, Why does your churches accept credit cards ?


Villified User
HMM, with the personal savings rates at near Great Depression levels, should Churches / Televangelists still accept credit cards for donations ?

whadda ya say GOD?
I listen.... I just don't always ANSWER the dumbass questions... but ur a funny kid, so I'll humor you....

I let them take credit cards, cause I need to renovate Heaven. Been a few millenium since I upgraded. Heard those TIVO things are pretty cool.
I listen.... I just don't always ANSWER the dumbass questions... but ur a funny kid, so I'll humor you....

I let them take credit cards, cause I need to renovate Heaven. Been a few millenium since I upgraded. Heard those TIVO things are pretty cool.

Don't forget out reparations agreement also there buddy. 2 G a week for 4600 years.
"GOD wants to watch Rush ?
Or Bay watch ? I wonder....."

Ummm... duh....

reruns of Touched by an ANGEL, Dark Angel
lil playboy after dark.... I mean see what Pat R is up to....
"Don't forget out reparations agreement also there buddy. 2 G a week for 4600 years."

Job/Rob... get over the whole crybaby "God picked on me" crap. I mean seriously how long are you going to whine about that?
By the way... your spot is reserved down there...

GOD, You are a bit premature there, we can still repent while on our deathdead....Well those who believe can anyway. and who knows I might even get scared when I am dying and "get religion".
"GOD, You are a bit premature there, we can still repent while on our deathdead....Well those who believe can anyway. and who knows I might even get scared when I am dying and "get religion"."

True... but because I am all knowing... I already know who will and who won't
"who knows I might even get scared when I am dying and "get religion"."

and no... you won't... yours is a quick death and you don't even see it coming.... no time for you to "get religion" at the end.
"GOD, You are a bit premature there, we can still repent while on our deathdead....Well those who believe can anyway. and who knows I might even get scared when I am dying and "get religion"."

True... but because I am all knowing... I already know who will and who won't

So it IS all predestined and it matters not what I do ?
"who knows I might even get scared when I am dying and "get religion"."

and no... you won't... yours is a quick death and you don't even see it coming.... no time for you to "get religion" at the end.

Thanks for the tip :D

sounds good to me.
"So it IS all predestined and it matters not what I do ?"

You still have free will. You make the choices. I just know what they will be.... YOU don't. So predestined is a matter of perspective.