Going to NYC Tomorrow


New member
We are having our annual user group's conference, at a nyc client's site, this year. Never been before so I am looking forward to it.

I got my wife to go too. She has an irrational fear of flying, but she grew up in Brooklyn, so it was not too hard to talk her into it.
We are having our annual user group's conference, at a nyc client's site, this year. Never been before so I am looking forward to it.

I got my wife to go too. She has an irrational fear of flying, but she grew up in Brooklyn, so it was not too hard to talk her into it.

I am not a huge fan of heights, but I have never understood the fear of flying. It is the safest form of transportation we have at this time.

Have fun in NYC.... a great place to visit... though I could never live there.
Having a great time. We did most of Manhattan yesterday. Did Times Square, the Empire State Building, Central Park, Chinatown and Little Italy. We saw Queen Latifah near Central Park. My wife got some pics.

Then we went with my wife's friends to Greenwich Village last night and got really trashed.

We were supposed to do Brooklyn today, but neither of us felt up to it. We ended just getting down to Battery Park for a view of the Statue of Liberty.

Work tomorrow and the next day. But I might take off a half day Tuesday, to get over to Brooklyn before my flight.
Good time. Just got in. What a beautiful city! I can't wait to go back. I did not get to Brooklyn, but my wife did on Monday.
Sounds like a great trip. What did you think of the accents and the New Yorker's "attitudes"?
Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention... We saw Woody Allen walking with his wife yesterday on the Upper East Side.