Golden Hits From the Bong


Junior Member
So now that Michael Phelps has been revealed as a pot smoker, can we all relax and admit that, though Canabis might not be particularly good for you, its hardly the devil drug portrayed by various drug advisory channels and government/religion sponsored programs.

What amazes me is that he managed to indulge while being drug-tested every week. The US must have been making some serious bribes to the Olympics Committee to cover that one up.
You've got to admire how the News of the World just make up their quotes (allegedly)

I mean who would actually say - "He looked just as natural with a bong in his hands as he does swimming in the pool. He was the gold medal winner of bong hits."?

I'm only surprised they didn't include the story of a passing party of schoolchildren who, upon witnessing this traumatic sight, burst into tears and vowed never to visit a swimming pool ever again.
So now that Michael Phelps has been revealed as a pot smoker, can we all relax and admit that, though Canabis might not be particularly good for you, its hardly the devil drug portrayed by various drug advisory channels and government/religion sponsored programs.

What amazes me is that he managed to indulge while being drug-tested every week. The US must have been making some serious bribes to the Olympics Committee to cover that one up.

Unless they were testing for THC, his pot smoking wouldn't have been found out by the Olympic drug testing.

I don't know if smoking weeds violates Olympic rules. I doubt it. After all, they have various athletes from Jamaica competing.
Unless they were testing for THC, his pot smoking wouldn't have been found out by the Olympic drug testing.

I don't know if smoking weeds violates Olympic rules. I doubt it. After all, they have various athletes from Jamaica competing.

There are athletes who have been caught using marijuana through drug testing procedures and it is a banned substance according to the Olympic authorities although, as it's not seen as performance enhancing, the penalties are usually minimal.

A few of our athletes have got off by claiming "i was at a party and someone must have been smoking it but i had no idea because i've never been near the stuff and have no idea what it smells like or anything. Honest."
goes to show all those drug ads showing how you'll end up a complete bum if you smoke a bit of weed is a bunch of bullshit. Not that I didn't already know that.

D.A.R.E can suck on that. He smokes weed and has accomplished more than many fat idiot southern retards (I'm assuming they are the most against weed) will ever accomplish in their lives.
they do test for pot but only during competition time.
Can't the dude do a little stress relief.
You've got to admire how the News of the World just make up their quotes (allegedly)

I mean who would actually say - "He looked just as natural with a bong in his hands as he does swimming in the pool. He was the gold medal winner of bong hits."?

I'm only surprised they didn't include the story of a passing party of schoolchildren who, upon witnessing this traumatic sight, burst into tears and vowed never to visit a swimming pool ever again.
Well, according to Mr. Phelps, he is sorry about this and it won't happen again:

*whew* Dodged a bullet there!
He wont get caught in a picture smoking pot again is what he means.

All he had to do was refrain for a couple of months during the crucial times when they test.

I wish to hell we would just legalize.
Well, according to Mr. Phelps, he is sorry about this and it won't happen again:

*whew* Dodged a bullet there!

Well, according to the article, he admitted to using pot and issued an apology. Whether he did or not is not known for sure. Looking at the picture, I'm not sure I could say that was him or not. For now, I'll assume the article is genuine and not made up, but, I'd prefer hearing it from his own mouth rather than reading some "journalist" say he admitted it.

Oh, wait, actually, I don't really care one way or another. It doesn't diminish my respect for his accomplishments one way or another. However, I'm not going to go out and start smoking dope simply because Michael Phelps does it.
