APP - Goldman Sachs will cause the next recession

Collapsing the economy is something they do on purpose to inspire fear gain control, and ask for massive handouts to "save the economy" which they still won't actually do.

Are you learning?
Collapsing the economy is something they do on purpose to inspire fear gain control, and ask for massive handouts to "save the economy" which they still won't actually do.

Are you learning?

I don't subscribe to your conspiracy theories per se, but I will certainly agree that Goldman Sachs are a disgusting organisation which seemingly only exists to enrich themselves at the expense of the greater economy.
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I don't subscribe to your conspiracy theories per se, but I will certainly agree with that Goldman Sachs are a disgusting organisation which seemingly only exists to enrich themselves at the expense of the greater economy.

What is theoretical. Study the federal reserve act of 1913. Look at who jacob schiff and paul warburg, jp morgan worked for. Their relationship the rothschild family of europe, in bed all the royal families of europe, and their obvious intent to create plan to dominate america financially. Those royals came about from being the biggest assholes around. That's fucking medieval.

Check out prescott bush selling oil to nazis, IBM developing systems to count jews. Ig farben creating killing gas the theissens, rockefellers. It's all sordid and fucking ugly.

And its all real.
What is theoretical. Study the federal reserve act of 1913. Look at who jacob schiff and paul warburg, jp morgan worked for. Their relationship the rothschild family of europe, in bed all the royal families of europe, and their obvious intent to create plan to dominate america financially. Those royals came about from being the biggest assholes around. That's fucking medieval.

Check out prescott bush selling oil to nazis, IBM developing systems to count jews. Ig farben creating killing gas the theissens, rockefellers. It's all sordid and fucking ugly.

And its all real.

You forgot to mention Henry Ford and Joe Kennedy.
Read about Sabbateans. A secret kabalistic sect of messianic jews who wanted to destroy all religions including judaism in the process of realizing god through humanity, or some fucked up shit like that. And Sabati Zevi the movement's name sake patriarch who was both a secret jew and a public sufi islamist at the same time. It's really wild. Descendants of the islam variant of sabatianism founded the Donmeh regime of tukey.

Sabbateanism still exists and has a website.

"The other Jews call me a heretic. Well, I am. And worse, an iconoclast too: my goal is nothing less than the breaking of all religious containers (and not just Judaism) for the sake of liberating God. In the words of my 18th century namesake and predecessor, Yakov Leib Frank, 'All the faiths and conducts and the books that have been written till today -- everyone who reads in them is like someone who has turned his head backwards and is looking at things already dead. All of it comes from the Gate of Death. But the wise man's eyes are ever in his head so he must look towards He-Who-Walks-In-Front.' Like Frank and the other radical antinomian Kabbalists who came before him, I worship God and not religion; I seek for His salvation and not my own.....or, even less-so, yours."

-- Reb Yakov Leib HaKohain

The goal of participating in the Continuing Incarnation of God (as C. G. Jung described it in his magnum opus, Answer to Job, and we of Donmeh West teach and practice it in our "Yalhakian" Neo-Sabbatian Kabbalah) is not to become God, but to assist God in His struggle towards reunification with Himself by becoming, like the Biblical Job, an Eved HaShem, or 'Servant of the Lord.'

This means that I -- as a portal through which God returns to Himself -- am no more the God passing through me on His way to wholeness than the light bulb is the electricity passing through it on its way to the darkness.

Like the light bulb, however, we cannot help but be changed in some subtle way by that "electricity"; but in the final analysis when the switch is turned off, the energy stops and we remain no more than what we were at the start -- a light bulb -- modified at some level by the experience of having been illuminated for a time, but only a light bulb, nonetheless, to be discarded for the next one that will come to replace it.

This is as true of Sabbatai Zevi (the 17th century Jewish avatar on whom our Kabbalah of the Continuing Incarnation is based) as it was of Jesus, Buddha, Ramakrishna, Jacob Frank, Meher Baba, and all the other Avatars and near-Avatars of history -- past, present and future.

God never was, is not, and never will be a man; but man can, should and will become a vessel for the Liberation of God. However, even then, even having become such a vessel of holiness, "The enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompases him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky." (C. G. Jung, Answer to Job, par. 758)
What is theoretical. Study the federal reserve act of 1913. Look at who jacob schiff and paul warburg, jp morgan worked for. Their relationship the rothschild family of europe, in bed all the royal families of europe, and their obvious intent to create plan to dominate america financially. Those royals came about from being the biggest assholes around. That's fucking medieval.

Check out prescott bush selling oil to nazis, IBM developing systems to count jews. Ig farben creating killing gas the theissens, rockefellers. It's all sordid and fucking ugly.

And its all real.

I would have expected you'd give Prescott Bush a pass, on account of his selling oil to the people who massacred Jews.