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Golly Gee! American intel says Russia meddled in our election. Like they've only been doing that for a few decades now. Obama knew they were meddling in the 2016 election and shrugged off any idea that they, (the Russians), could actually influence our elections to change a result thereof.
All of the political world democrats and republicans alike are all up in arms over Trump not necessarily accepting our intel's grand pronouncement of Russia's meddling indicating he doesn't necessarily trust our intel. I say kudos to him for that. Our CIA deposed an elected leader in Iran and replaced him with a Shah, (look it up.) Our CIA played a major roll of support in Saddam Husain and the Baath party coming to power in Iraq. (look it up) Our intel told us Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, how'd that work out? John Brennan Obama's CIA Director lied to Congress and claimed America's intel didn't spy on Americans. Edward Snowden America's patriot whistle blower produced the documents that proved the dirty cop Brennan lied. Snowden was exiled to Russia to avoid prosecution and prison. Then we have Jim Comey, Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok, all dirty intel cops. All trying to frame Trump. And he should trust them because?
I remember the FBI's and ATF's Waco slaughter and their killings at Ruby Ridge. (Look em up.)
Just how much trust should we have in our federal intelligence agencies?
Oh Yeah! Our intel also brags that when it comes to international hacking, they're the best in the world. We know they hacked into Israel's last election attempting to keep Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu from being reelected. We also know they hacked Germany's Prime Minister Angela Merkel's email both during the Obama administration.
All of the political world democrats and republicans alike are all up in arms over Trump not necessarily accepting our intel's grand pronouncement of Russia's meddling indicating he doesn't necessarily trust our intel. I say kudos to him for that. Our CIA deposed an elected leader in Iran and replaced him with a Shah, (look it up.) Our CIA played a major roll of support in Saddam Husain and the Baath party coming to power in Iraq. (look it up) Our intel told us Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, how'd that work out? John Brennan Obama's CIA Director lied to Congress and claimed America's intel didn't spy on Americans. Edward Snowden America's patriot whistle blower produced the documents that proved the dirty cop Brennan lied. Snowden was exiled to Russia to avoid prosecution and prison. Then we have Jim Comey, Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok, all dirty intel cops. All trying to frame Trump. And he should trust them because?
I remember the FBI's and ATF's Waco slaughter and their killings at Ruby Ridge. (Look em up.)
Just how much trust should we have in our federal intelligence agencies?
Oh Yeah! Our intel also brags that when it comes to international hacking, they're the best in the world. We know they hacked into Israel's last election attempting to keep Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu from being reelected. We also know they hacked Germany's Prime Minister Angela Merkel's email both during the Obama administration.