Gomert: Goofball publicity hound and non mask wearing tRump suckass tests POSITIVE.


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Gomert, who refused to wear a mask, has now tested positive for Covid-19.

What is the saying? "Stupid is as stupid does" or something to that effect.
Is this guy Gomert whining about it? If so, you may have a point. If not, he 'paid his money and took his chance.' The later doesn't make him an idiot or a hypocrite but someone who made a conscious decision and has to live with the results. If he's whining about it now then yes, he is a hypocrite.
Is this guy Gomert whining about it? If so, you may have a point. If not, he 'paid his money and took his chance.' The later doesn't make him an idiot or a hypocrite but someone who made a conscious decision and has to live with the results. If he's whining about it now then yes, he is a hypocrite.

What has made Gomert and idiot and dangerous fool was once he learned of the diagnosis, he proceeded to his office to tell his staff in person. Not for one moment understanding that he was going to infect all of them. Hw also went to the congressional gym for a workout.

The man should be kicked out of Congress as quickly as possible.
What has made Gomert and idiot and dangerous fool was once he learned of the diagnosis, he proceeded to his office to tell his staff in person. Not for one moment understanding that he was going to infect all of them. Hw also went to the congressional gym for a workout.

The man should be kicked out of Congress as quickly as possible.

He may be an idiot, but he's hardly the biggest idiot in Congress. I say we give every congressman a sledgehammer and let them fight it out for that distinction...
He may be an idiot, but he's hardly the biggest idiot in Congress. I say we give every congressman a sledgehammer and let them fight it out for that distinction...

Nope, he is the winner. Every quote of his that gets out is in WTF territory. Since you do not know about him, look him up before you lump him with the others. He is special stupid and weird.
Nope, he is the winner. Every quote of his that gets out is in WTF territory. Since you do not know about him, look him up before you lump him with the others. He is special stupid and weird.

His stupid is funny but mostly harmless. Stupidity like AOC spews is insane and dangerous. Then there's the old school morons like Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, or Nadler. And, of course there are enough liars... err, lawyers in Congress to form a black hole of stupidity from which nothing can escape on their own.
Is this guy Gomert whining about it? If so, you may have a point. If not, he 'paid his money and took his chance.' The later doesn't make him an idiot or a hypocrite but someone who made a conscious decision and has to live with the results. If he's whining about it now then yes, he is a hypocrite.

This guy has a history of being a "nutjob". This is just one more example.
His stupid is funny but mostly harmless. Stupidity like AOC spews is insane and dangerous. Then there's the old school morons like Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, or Nadler. And, of course there are enough liars... err, lawyers in Congress to form a black hole of stupidity from which nothing can escape on their own.

Odd how your "old school" moron list didn't have any Republicans in it..........lol
Gomert, who refused to wear a mask, has now tested positive for Covid-19.

What is the saying? "Stupid is as stupid does" or something to that effect.

Masks? If masks work.........why the rise in cases? Of course the documented fact that C19 is just 56 million behind Obama's pandemic of swine flu in 2009. I suppose 4 million sounds like a great deal out of 300 million (but with 60 million cases of the NOVEL swine flu in the US during 2009...and over 500K dead globally is a far greater DEMPANIC) and....IF YOU SAY IT FAST and OFTEN ENOUGH 4 million might spread panic if you demand everyone wear a fear mongering costume such as a useless face mask, but........ The evidence suggests that C19 is a nothing burger.......when someone tests positive and exhibits no symptoms. There is a documented recovery rate of up to 99.75% While front line physicians tell us that there is no need for 8 out of 10 people testing positive to go to the hospital......the only ones that require urgent care are those at high risk......the average age of death by C19 is comparable to the average age of death from the 2009 swine flu outbreak....above 70 years of age.

THE BIG LIE........we are in the middle of a deadly pandemic. Yet with far greater rates of infected in 2009.....BIG BROTHER did not see fit to shut down the economy, schools, churches, EVERYTHING except protests......Obama did not see fit to demand everyone wear a mask for protection from his 60 million rate of infected.....things that make you go.........HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Is this about the people and protecting them or is about ORANGE MAN BAD, we must destroy him? The facts are there.....you decide. :readit:

:bigthink: Any takers..........the first thing Gohmert will do is begin a regiment of HCQ and will make a complete recovery within 10 days? Any leftists willing to give odds on Gohmert's death? If not....why not? :dunno: You leftists were making a big deal from the fact that Great Britain's lead politician was infected with C19.....but crickets when he began taking HCQ and completely recovered in days. I wonder why you hear nothing but crickets from the left today?
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Why is it that the White House has instant testing but the rest of the nation has to wait up to two weeks for results?

Lives could be saved if this was available to everyone.
Why is it that the White House has instant testing but the rest of the nation has to wait up to two weeks for results?

Lives could be saved if this was available to everyone.

Diversity......lowers the bar....when you mix the workers with those who refuse to work, when you mix the geniuses with the morons, when you mix the mentally impaired with mentally stable....you have to grade on a curve. That's why liberals claim to be superior and elite.......they grade on a curve......over 90% of liberals are morons living off the sweat of the collective.

Lives could be saved with up to a 99.75% recovery rate? Idiots. Lives could be saved if the left respected our senior citizens enough to manage C19 correctly the way Fla. has managed this snowpuff virus. Fla. immediately established the correct protocol to protect those most at risk......Seniors over the age of 70. Look at the results between NY and Fla, one managed by a government that wanted high death counts (NY) and sacrificed enough seniors to make up almost 50% of all deaths from C19 in those states run by liberals. New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Minn. etc.,


Facts are facts. NY helped kill over 30,000 US citizens with its dubious mandates concerning C19 (the most egregious mismanagement was the unused sequestered beds in the Emergency Hospital built in the JAVIS CENTER and the unused beds on the floating hospital ships, instead Der Fuhrer Cuomo introduced a death sentence to the senior citizens of NY......meanwhile......Fla., has a death count 1/5 that of NY while the left touts the state of Fla, as the epi-center of dempanic 2 the reboot. Fla., has almost 10x the number of seniors as does NY........yet, the democrats managed to kill over 30K. individuals, the vast majority of witch were seniors made to infect other healthy seniors in nursing homes.
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His stupid is funny but mostly harmless. Stupidity like AOC spews is insane and dangerous. Then there's the old school morons like Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, or Nadler. And, of course there are enough liars... err, lawyers in Congress to form a black hole of stupidity from which nothing can escape on their own.

Start a thread about your blind hate of AOC. This is about Gohmie. None of the people you mentioned are morons. You just disagree with their politics. However, the people who left the Trump admin claim he is a moron.
You are mixing your die hard right-wing hate with the truth. They are discordant.
Start a thread about your blind hate of AOC. This is about Gohmie. None of the people you mentioned are morons. You just disagree with their politics. However, the people who left the Trump admin claim he is a moron.
You are mixing your die hard right-wing hate with the truth. They are discordant.

I don't hate AOC. I hate her ideas. I think she's an idiot. I can disagree vehemently with someone and not hate them personally. All of the people I mentioned are morons, and not just because of their politics. Pelosi for example told us "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it..." That is incredibly stupid. Or, she believes that putting more people on unemployment and welfare will grow the economy. Let's carry that to an extreme and put everyone on unemployment and welfare? Will the economy grow if no one is working and everyone is still getting a pile of paper money?

AOC wants the New Green Deal. Show me how that whole concept isn't complete idiocy.

I'm neither "hard right-wing" or hateful about any of that. I'm quite rational and don't make, or take, it personal(ly).

So, if you have more than ad hominem--which is what your response amounts to--we can have a discussion about it. New Green Deal: Show me how it isn't completely idiotic, for starters. If you can do that I'll definitely reconsider my view of AOC, but as of now she's an idiot.
Here is a simple litmus test for T.A. Gardner: You assume that AOC is an idiot for promoting some of her ideas. As such, can we assume that tRump is also an idiot for promoting some of his wacky ideas?
Here is a simple litmus test for T.A. Gardner: You assume that AOC is an idiot for promoting some of her ideas. As such, can we assume that tRump is also an idiot for promoting some of his wacky ideas?

Not at all. Your whole statement is false.

I don't "assume" AOC is an idiot, I state that she factually is. If one defines idiocy as doing something repeatedly that is known to be an expensive failure yet continuing to try it, AOC is an idiot.

Here are the five strategic goals of the NGD:

Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers

This is to be met by "100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.” AOC's office put out more details: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/5729035/Green-New-Deal-FAQ.pdf
Nuclear is off the table. All coal and oil / gas use for energy generation are to end. Solar and wind are the preferred methods. This can be shown and proven both mathematically and in practice to be a costly failure of an energy plan. It is idiocy to continue to push for what clearly will not work, yet AOC does.
The second part of the above statement is political nonsense. It is nothing but rhetoric. It means nothing in measurable terms.

Create millions of good, high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States
Invest in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century

More political rhetoric that is meaningless. AOC has no concrete plan on how this will be done, and if Obama's attempts to go green are any indication, it won't happen at all in an implementation of the NGD. Again, AOC ignores the history of failure in green businesses, even when heavily subsidized by government.

Secure for all people of the United States for generations to come: clean air and water; climate and community resiliency; healthy food; access to nature; and a sustainable environment

Another meaningless piece of rhetoric. Some of the ideas espoused by the NGD won't even begin to make any difference here and most of the proposals are grossly expensive.

Promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (“frontline and vulnerable communities”)

What does this have to do with going "Green?" More idiocy in that it links Leftist calls for Socialism and Social and Economic Justice unrelated to environmentalism to environmentalism. She's an idiot.

Now, as to Trump, what "whacky ideas" do you mean here?