Gone baby gone: dont enter if you havent seen it


I watched this last night and was very impressed.

I just loved the moral issues and how they played out in the film.

Anyone wnat to discuss them?
Not really......!

I watched this last night and was very impressed.

I just loved the moral issues and how they played out in the film.

Anyone wnat to discuss them?

I have not a clue what your talking about!... like you always say...'Linky'
Gone-Baby-Gone is an interesting movie and within its plot, it ended the morally right way. None of us are right by breaking the law even when our intentions are good. In this case, a group conspired to remove a little girl from her unfit mother. How many unfit single mothers (or couples) are there in America? Whom from us is worthy to cast the first stone? In our Society, legal processes already exists to determine if a child is in danger in a disfunctional home. It is imperfect, but it is a system. In reality, America has many grandparents raising grandchildren because the parent lacks either the capacity or will to take care of a child. Illegal Adoption agencies routinely make the same claims that they are saving children from a life of misery and abuse. In some cases they may be correct, but in the end they are corrupt, cashing-in and making judgements that they are not entitled to make. Note, my own Spouse disagrees with my moral assumptions and with the moral conclusion of the movie.
I agree with you more than your spouse it seems.

The cops also desided to remove her AND take the money. None of the Main Characters were all bad. They all were flawed and reacted in an immoral way at least to some extent. That is real life. The Ed Harris's charactor started off by making a immoral decision to plant the evidence on a suspect years ago to send someone to prison in hopes of freeing the mans son from a life of evil. There were other ways for him to achieve this. It set his life into a moral haze which ended with him attempting to kill his cohort in an attempt to protect himself from being found out.

Our young hero made a similar slip in offing the pedophile. I ascttually said when he saw the boy in the tub " man you would be tempted to just shoot him" Shooting him was completely wrong. The young man desided to jump off the train of compounding his mistake with another. He suffered the repercussions of his actions and the ending scene shows that he had even decided to step up to the plate an take responsibility for his impact on the entire flawed world he was involved in. He could not walk away from the girl. He was know a part of her life.

I really loved it and would love to see a poll of people walking out of the theater and how they felt about many things in the film.

Good damn movie.