Gonna be a dead coon here very soon!


Villified User
Sucker got in my car and raided my groceries.
He will die tomorrow night.
I am not even going to use the Sheridan 5mm on him. .410 with #4 shot.
I think a guy down the road wants the hide. I willl take it down there and throw it on his porch.

The danged groundhogs are next. Little fuzzballs are digging holes under my buildings.. I did hear one squeal the other morning when it got into my garden electric fence though. :D

darned islamofaastist pests.
I thought this was going to be about Obama and that you were trying to outdo Raw.

They make some small traps to catch raccoons. Pretty cheap too. You still have to shoot the little bastards but they are easier to hit.
Sucker got in my car and raided my groceries.
He will die tomorrow night.
I am not even going to use the Sheridan 5mm on him. .410 with #4 shot.
I think a guy down the road wants the hide. I willl take it down there and throw it on his porch.

The danged groundhogs are next. Little fuzzballs are digging holes under my buildings.. I did hear one squeal the other morning when it got into my garden electric fence though. :D

darned islamofaastist pests.

They truly are little bandits! We use to trap them and take them out into the "country" when they came around my aunt's place.
They truly are little bandits! We use to trap them and take them out into the "country" when they came around my aunt's place.

Traps would not work too well, I have a couple of cats outside. I would just have pissed off cats in the traps.
Did you feed it to your dogs?

don't have any dogs now.

I mailed it to Africa to feed starving children. :)

Actually I buried it, nice Christian funeral and all that.
One scoop with the loader, throw it in the hole and dump the dirt back. run over it a few times to pack the dirt down.
Oh, geez!

Furs, nah, it would make a very small coat! I would prefer those cute little chinchilas!