Gonzales attacks ruling against domestic spying


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This is a prime example of the liberal media. They call it domestic spying, not what it is: which is intercepting INTERNATIONAL CALLS.

No warrant needed to open international mail, international packages. search international travelers, open freight containers from international ports. Well, not yet anyway.
This is a prime example of the liberal media. They call it domestic spying, not what it is: which is intercepting INTERNATIONAL CALLS.

No warrant needed to open international mail, international packages. search international travelers, open freight containers from international ports. Well, not yet anyway.
they are spying on us....with ATT and Verizon and Charter communications time warner, sprint, mci..... they are listening to our conversations, not just the ones made by overseas terrorists to Americans....granted, it is done through a computer program to analyze what is being said...picking out key words...which is still an invaision of privacy as far as I am concerned!

Do you think MILLIONS of Americans are speaking to terrorists?


They need to have oversight of this program and FISA does just that....HOPEFULLY these suckers will START FOLLOWING the gosh darn law of the land instead of being an administration of LAWLESSNESS.... imo.
It is silly to think a warrant is needed for interception of International calls. What next, warrants to inspect container ships?