

Worst gambler ever
Would you like to live in Huxley's "Brave New World"?

And why are you claiming his ideas as your own?
In a Brave New World the individual's day is planned for him, so no. I see no problem in having an authoritarian government that preserves civil liberties.
In a Brave New World the individual's day is planned for him, so no. I see no problem in having an authoritarian government that preserves civil liberties.

But your dopey plan is a pipe dream against human nature as much as communism. You would HAVE to program people like slaves in order for your dopey idea to work, which would mean pulling out your guns and putting it in people's faces.

Fascism is for guys like Watermark, circa 2003. Prepubescent pimplenecked idealists who have no concept of the real world.
But your dopey plan is a pipe dream against human nature as much as communism. You would HAVE to program people like slaves in order for your dopey idea to work, which would mean pulling out your guns and putting it in people's faces.

Fascism is for guys like Watermark, circa 2003. Prepubescent pimplenecked idealists who have no concept of the real world.

Ohh--I think they know much of the world more than their own soil. That is were they get their ideas. They surely did not get them here--unless it was a commie college.

Ya want one of my T-shirts Beefy? I am having one made that says

Liberial universities = commie college

pretty catchy huh?
But your dopey plan is a pipe dream against human nature as much as communism. You would HAVE to program people like slaves in order for your dopey idea to work, which would mean pulling out your guns and putting it in people's faces.

Fascism is for guys like Watermark, circa 2003. Prepubescent pimplenecked idealists who have no concept of the real world.

No, you don't. People managed to survive for thousands of years without democracy, and now with the reforms to society that democracy has brought they can return to a strong government.
It was the rejection of "strong government" that has given us our liberties. Outside of spreading that liberty equally, democracy has made few worthwhile reforms.
Unless you view, as I do, Democracy as a necessary tool in the evolution of humanity. However, as all tools do, it has served its purpose and it is now time to continue on to a new stage in Society.

Your views are outside of reality and you would return to the old stage of slave and master.
It was the rejection of "strong government" that has given us our liberties. Outside of spreading that liberty equally, democracy has made few worthwhile reforms.

It is through suffrage that liberty has been achieved, not necessarily through "weak government". Suffrage, however, has outlived its purpose. Besides, the populace isn't interested in voting. The voting turn-out year after year is pathetic. What people care about is being left alone, and the government can do whatever it wants as long as it doesn't infringe on their rights.
It is through suffrage that liberty has been achieved, not necessarily through "weak government".

Nope, it was the restraint of government that brought liberty and it is the breaking of those restraints that serve as liberty's greatest threat. Suffrage spread liberty to all.

Suffrage, however, has outlived its purpose. Besides, the populace isn't interested in voting. The voting turn-out year after year is pathetic. What people care about is being left alone, and the government can do whatever it wants as long as it doesn't infringe on their rights.

Fascist policies infringe on individual rights, retard. Somebody taking one's property for the glory of the nation is an infringment of rights.
Nope, it was the restraint of government that brought liberty and it is the breaking of those restraints that serve as liberty's greatest threat. Suffrage spread liberty to all.
The restraint of government was achieved through suffrage, and that is plain to see.

However, my vision assumes that there is a government so strong that your liberties are protected because the government doesn't feel threatened by you. Freedom of speech? No problem, the government isn't threatened by you.

Freedom of assembly? Same deal.

Gay marriage? Fine with them.

Legalisation of pot? Yup.

Etc. etc.

Fascist policies infringe on individual rights, retard. Somebody taking one's property for the glory of the nation is an infringment of rights.
No one is going to take anyone's property for the glory of the nation. Just offer incentives for the proper use of that property (tax cuts and the like).
Besides, I am a supporter of National Collaborativism, not pure Fascism. Hence Mussolini with the drawn-on smiley face.